Biophysical Newsletter - April 2014 - page 11

Kardon presented new work on triple-A unfoldas-
es from
Tania Baker’s
Ron Elber
developed a
model for coiled coil conformational transitions,
Steve Gross
showed how competing motors affect
cargo transport, and
Zan Schulten
talked about
her full cell microbial simulations. Postdoctoral
Sarah Rouse
Rudra Kafle
, and
, who each received a BIV travel award,
presented short talks. The session was closed by
Sunney Xie with his final keynote about supercoil-
ing’s effects on transcription.
We are very grateful to our sponsors for making
this wonderful symposium possible.
Officer elections were held and plans for the up-
coming year were discussed at the BIV business
meeting. The main topics were the subgroup’s
plan to enlist BIV student and postdoc representa-
tives to reach out to the younger scientists, and the
institution of a BIV junior faculty award. The BIV
subgroup is also excited about serving as a vec-
tor to widely advertise the impact of pioneering
ideas in the field,
in vivo
biophysicist’s research,
and upcoming worldwide conferences devoted to
the study of cellular processes. We will soon have a
prize for best BIV logo design by students or post-
docs: stay tuned for more information in an up-
coming newsletter. We are extremely excited about
the growing importance of
in vivo
biophysics, and
we hope that many of you will join the ranks of
the BIV subgroup!
Lila Gierasch
Silvia Cavagnero
, and
Former, current, and future BIV chairs
Good food and conversation were enjoyed by everyone at the BIV symposium din-
ner at Buca di Beppo’s.
Annual Meeting Survey Winners
Congratulations to
Huinan Li
, Texas A&M University, and
Irma Martisiene
, Lithuanian University of Health Sciences, for
winning complimentary registration to the Biophysical Soci-
ety's 59th Annual Meeting in Baltimore, Maryland, February
7-11, 2015.
Their names were selected from among all the meeting at-
tendees who submitted a complete 2014 Annual
Meeting survey. Feedback from the survey is used for the
planning of future meetings. Thanks to all attendees who
took the time to complete the questionnaire.
Huinan Li
Irma Martisiene
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