
speak out october 2014

National Office Level 2/11–19 Bank Place Melbourne VIC 3000 T 1300 368 835 F 03 9642 4922 E office@speechpathologyaustralia.org.au Chief Executive Officer Gail Mulcair T 03 9642 4899 E execassist@speechpathologyaustralia.org.au Speech Pathology Australia Board Deborah Theodoros – President

Highlights in this issue...

2014 B o o k o f t h e y e a r a w a r d s Best Books for Language and Literacy Development

Gaenor Dixon – Vice President Communications Robyn Stephen – Vice President Operations Tennille Burns – Director Belinda Hill – Director

B o o k o f t h e y e a r a w a r d s 2014 the winners

TheSpeechPathologyAustraliaBookof theYearAwards raiseawarenessof the role speechpathologists play inassistingpeopleofallages todevelop their languageand literacy skills.

the winners

Birth to 3 years I’m a Dirty Dinosaur

Brooke Sanderson – Director Asher Verheggen – Director

Birth to 3 years I’m aDirtyDinosaur offers such a funway to talk to little children aboutwhy they, aswell as littledinosaurs,mustwash.Thebook creates aperfect opportunity fordialoguebetweenparent and child. The text and illustrations oozewith fun anddemand tobe sharedwith a small child.A lovely repetitionofwords is enhancedby a choice ofdifferent sized and colouredprint. Thebook contains a tremendous use of repetition, rhyme and rhythm; and language thatmarrieswordswithmovement. The rhyming and rhythmof the language in thisbook encouragesphonological awareness.Repetition of the last verb in each verse, in colourful text, encourages children to ‘say it together’ and tobecome familiarwith the text. Thewords contain ‘difficult’blends such as ‘st’, ‘sn’, ‘sl’,whichprovidesgood oral and aural training. The text’s repetition encourages children to join in. With roundededges for younghandsandbeautiful illustrations thatbring thisbook to life, this isan ideal introduction to reading for ‘littlepeople’. I’m a Dirty Dinosaur Writtenby JaneenBrianandAnn James

By JaneenBrian andAnn James

3 to 5 years A Swim in the Sea BySueWhiting andMeredithThomas

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A Swim in the Sea WrittenbySueWhitingandMeredithThomas

5 to 8 years Silver Buttons Writtenand Illustrated byBobGraham

3 to 5 years

“Bruno has neverbeen to thebeachbefore.And he can’twait.He isgoing for a swim in the sea – thebigblue sea!”Bruno’s first trip to the sea is fullof adventure, excitement,misgivings and new experiences.The languageof ASwim in theSea isbeautifullydescriptive and thepictures draw the reader inbymatching the actionwith the story. The use of onomatopoeia adds a level of texture to the story and ensures thebook appeals toboth adults and children alike. Children readily identifywith the characters and relate to their experiences and emotions.The story has a strong narrative format and comes to life through imaginative ideas and strongdescriptive language. Thebook’swonderfulpictures connect the storywith the characters. Thisbook and its story are ideal for any child about to commence school.


8 to 10 years The Adventures of

Sir Roderick the Not-Very Brave By JamesO’Loghlin


Silver Buttons Writtenand illustratedbyBobGraham

5 to 8 years

SilverButtons is a gentle narrative that impacts on all readers. Thebook has a lovelyquiet steady rhythm throughout.The language on each page is simple,with the illustrations allowing furtherdiscussion about thepeople and community around the characters. SilverButtons has adefinitivebeginning,middle and end that encourages strongpredictive andproblem solving skills for its young readers. It has characters that children are able to identifywith, aswell asdiverse characters from thewider community.Thebook’s language is age appropriate anddescriptivewithoutbeing too complex. Pictures anddescriptive text illustrate all thatmight happen in amoment, encouraging readers to explorepossibilities. Thebook’swonderful illustrationsprovide awealthofopportunity for furtherdiscussion and oral languagedevelopment. SilverButtons is engagingbecause it has universal appeal forboth adults and children. 2014 Book of the year Your post r and bookmark included in the October mailout!

Deadly D & Justice Jones –Making the Team ByScottPrince andDaveHartley indigenous children


Copyright © 2014 The Speech Pathology Association of Australia Speak Out is the official bi-monthly magazine of The Speech Pathology Association of Australia Ltd. Speech Pathology Australia (SPA) owns the copyright to Speak Out and no part of this magazine may be reproduced without the explicit permission of SPA. Advertisements Please refer to the ‘Publications’ menu at www.speechpathology australia.org.au to view the 2014 Speak Out ad kit. Any queries may be directed to Lana Busby, Publications Officer T 1300 368 835 E pubs@speechpathologyaustralia.org.au Advertising Booking Dates for December 2014 Speak Out The official booking form must be received at National Office by COB Monday 3 November 2014 . Speak Out Branch Editors ACT – via pubs@speechpathologyaustralia.org.au New South Wales – Jesica Rennie and Eryka Arteaga Northern Territory – Erin Coonan Queensland – Simone Howells, Leanne Sorbello and Catherine Hicks South Australia – Emma Leeson and Josie Kemp Tasmania – Kate Day Victoria – Shane Erickson Western Australia – Johanna Eppler Please see the website for Branch Editor contact details. Disclaimer To the best of The Speech Pathology Association of Australia Limited’s (‘the Association’) knowledge, this information is valid at the time of publication. The Association makes no warranty or representation in relation to the content or accuracy of the material in this publication. The Association expressly disclaims any and all liability (including liability for negligence) in respect of use of the information provided. The Association recommends you seek independent professional advice prior to making any decision involving matters outlined in this publication. Print Post Approved PP349181/01711 ISSN 1446-053X


Thisbook has a highly engaging tone and a narrative thatmakes it hard toputdown. The characters arewelldeveloped and easy for children to identify with. TheAdventures ofSirRoderick theNot-VeryBrave is a fantasybook and long at378pages.But theplot’s twists and turns keep the reader enthralled throughout. The character of ‘SirRoderick’ is funny, age appropriate, and takes the readeron hispersonal journey.Boys andgirls alikewill relate to him andput themselves in his shoes,while enjoying the journey. Thebook conjures upwonderful imagery andprovides some challenging vocabulary to extend any young reader.The story allows the reader to explore the theme of family ties and secrets against a humorousbackdrop. 8 to 10 years The Adventures of Sir Roderick the Not-Very Brave Writtenby JamesO’Loghlin

Page 4: Senate inquiry The Senate Inquiry report was tabled in Parliament (Senator Claire Moore pictured) and this issue of Speak Out outlines the resulting recommendations.

Deadly D & Justice Jones – Making the Team WrittenbyScottPrinceandDaveHartley

indigenous children

DeadlyD& Justice Jones is abeautifullywrittenbookwith engaging illustrations.Thebook’s language isperfectly suited for its intended audience (teenage indigenousmales) and this is reflected in its use of age appropriate slang, indigenous specific vocabulary and lingo. The realistic language is both engaging and humorous. DeadlyD& Justice Jones stronglypromotes indigenous culture in a youth-friendly layout. Thebook addresses important issues for its intended audience, including identity and culturaldifferences,bullying, friendship,moving to a new school, and the importanceof teamwork. Family links and geographical references also feature strongly in the narrative. Thebook’s short chapters help to keep the storymoving at a goodpace.



contents 3 From the President 4 Association News • Senate Inquiry recommendations

10 Book of the Year Awards 2014 12 Speech Pathology Week 2014: Nation for Communication

13 2015 National Conference

• IJSLP Impact Factor rise • EOIs Literacy Clinical Guideline • SPA Board nominations • August Board meeting • Speech Pathology and Mental Health • 2015 Member Renewals • CPSP update • Change of JCPSLP Editorship

14 National CPD update 18 Professional Practice News Advertising & SPA’s Code of Ethics 20 Branch Pages:

• New South Wales • Northern Territory • Queensland • Tasmania • Victoria • Western Australia

9 Spotlight on

Professional Support

2 Speak Out October 2014

Speech Pathology Australia

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