
CONFIRMATION Sunday 30 November at 9.30am Bishop Geoff Smith, Diocesan General Manager, will preside at the confirmation at St Augustine’s. From the Notes following the order for Confirmation (APBA p94), we read “Christians should be willing to confess their faith publicly (Romans 10.9-13 “ – if you confess with your lips that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. For one believes with the heart and so is justified, and one confesses with the mouth and so is saved. The scripture says, “No one who believes in him will be put to shame.” For there is no distinction between Jew and Greek; the same Lord is Lord of all, and is generous to all who call on him. For, “Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved.”) Those baptised as infants need to profess for themselves the faith into which they have been baptised. The Anglican tradition provides for this in confirmation in which a person affirms and renews those promises and receives the strengthening of the Holy Spirit through prayer and the laying on of the bishop’s hand.” Please pray for Emily, Katie and Sue as they take this further step in their Christian journey. A number of people have been asking what is happening with the Women’s Hostel and how far the building of the new facility is going, so we thank Anglicare SQ for providing us with this update. UPDATE ON THE ANGLICARE SQ HOMELESSNESS SERVICES BUILDING PROJECT AT TOOWONG

Anglicare Southern Qld Homelessness Services Women, Children and Families will have a new premises to operate from by mid 2015. This will see the services of the Anglican Women’s Hostel, St Mary’s and Alina come together to be formally recognised as Homelessness Services, Women, Children and Families at Toowong. The former services will no longer work as siloed services, as they come together as an integrated service provider to meet the needs of the people we work with using a best practice model to achieve holistic outcomes. Our Vision Homelessness Services aspires to lead in innovative, contemporary practice; creating opportunities for women, children and families to build upon their resilience supporting their journey, inspiring hope and working towards sustainable change. We aim to improve the scope of the service, which will enhance pathways out of homelessness for women and children. The building project has been a work in progress since 2009, the journey long and at times arduous, however the learning of increased resilience is apt for sharing with the people we support.

Through the new premises Homelessness Services will provide accommodation for 24 adult women, and the existing premises at Toowong will continue to accommodate 8 young women and their children. The staff of the services will operate from the new premises, however will at times continue to undertake some support from the current building. The staff are incredibly enthusiastic about the project and are looking forward to working together to achieve better outcomes for women, children and families. We look forward to sharing partnerships with the community, parishes and schools into the future and we thankyou for your ongoing support. Carol Birrell Manager / Practice Lead Homelessness Services, Women and Children

Our thanks to the folks at Masthead Design & Creative and Fergies Print & Mail for helping produce this PP.


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