Alcalá View 1985 2.1
TWo retirement plans now available: TIAA-CREF and Scudder
New salary, classification plans
yo ur p la n account- a nd c han ges b et wee n funds m ay b e m a d e without cha rge. USD employees w ill re- ce ive informa tion s hortly on the funds direc tly from Scudde r, as well as s ig n-up forms. As a n a ddition a l service. qua rte rly activity re ports wi ll be provide d a long with n ews le tte r s which address a varie ty of inves tment a nd fin a n c ia l topics. The Unive rsity will not recommend one pla n ove r the othe r. The Huma n Re- sources office will be ha ppy to provide in formation on e it he r plan to a id you in your decision-making. Ca ll Lou Hassan, ex t. 4594, if you have questions. •
USO now offe rs two re- tirem ent pla ns: The TIAA- CREF' plan that has a lways been availa ble, a nd a new p lan that offers a group of nine no-load mutua l fund s. The mutua l fund pla n is offered by Scudde r, Stevens & Clark, a n inde pe nde nt inves tme nt couns e l firm which was founded in Bos- ton in 19 19. The plan offers investors a choice of money marke t , inc ome, growth a nd inte rnationa l invest- men ts. All Scudde r funds a re no- load (c ommission fr ee ). This m eans that 100 pe r- cent of your contribu tions a re invested in the fund or funds of your choice. You pay no charges for estab- 1 is hi n g or m a intain in g
By Jack Boyce B eg inning in S e p- tembe r we will im- plement an upgrad- ed staff salary struct ure a nd n ew c lassification pla n . A copy of the 1985- 86 staff salary structu re and classification pla n is included in this newsle tte r. To develop the classifica- tion plan the Human Re- sources office, with th e assistance of an advisory committee. rev iewed th e job descriptions of a ll staff employees. Positions we re revi ewe d on the basis of their fun c tions and respon- s ibilities a nd were accord- ing ly placed in an a ppro- priate pay grade. The dolla r ranges for the pay grades were th e n d ete rmin e d based upon compariso n s w ith local pay rates a nd Unive rsity budgeta ry re- stri c tions.
Effec tive S e ptembe r 1, those employees whos e c urre nt pay is below t h e minimum of t h e ir pay grade will receive a pay ad- justment. If you have ques- tions about your pay ra te or pay grade, ask your s upe r- visor or contact t he Huma n Resources office, DeSales 100, ext. 4594. Staff employees a re a vi- tal part of the Unive rsi ty operations. By providing ef- fective and energe tic sup- po rt to t h e facu l ty a nd a dmini stration , our Uni- ve rs ity will co ntinu e to prospe r. • Jack Boyce is vice pres ident for .financia l affairs. Ernie Grijalva , law s c h oo l adm iss ions: two passes to the zoo a nd d in- ne r for two at TG! Fridays in Mi ss ion Vall ey. Mary Durnin . a dmi s- s ions : a c ruise fo r two on the Inva de r a nd dinne r fo r lwo at t he Cha rt House. Carl Boals. m ed ia ce n- te r: two ti c ke ts lo the Slar- 1 ig h l Th ea tre a nd dinn e r fo r two a l Cafe in lhe Valley. Calista Davis oflhe Hu - m a n Resources offi ce ex- te nd s th a nks lo t h ose bu s in esses who don a ted pri zes. •
Prize • winners
Door prize winne rs at t he Ju ly 3 1 Slaff App rec ia tion Picnic we re : Brad Bates . ph ys ical pla nt: four complimentary lunches and dinne r fo r two a l El Tecolole. Karin Tynes. fin a ncia l a id : two passes lo Disney- la nd . Kay Norton . Registrar's office: lwo passes lo th e Wild Anima l Park and the Hungry Hunte r.
Dr. Carol Baker, associate dean of the College of Arts and Sciences, serves lunch to Karen House r , student accounts, at the July 31 Staff Appreciation Picnic. In the background is Beckie Castrucci-Noel, student accounts.
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