Alcalá View 1985 2.1
Service award • winners
Villareal, Madeline "Mandy" Wiedower. 15 YEAR Myra Amerson, John Bussey, Salvadore Go- dinez, Mildred Gunther, Theresa Mignogna, Kay Norton, Pat Orbits, Lorna Randolph, Raul Soto, Mary Suesz, Re- nate Valois. 25 YEAR Raul Contreras, Ma- nuel Hernandez, Guil- lermina Vallejo. • Thanks to picnic help Alca la View exte nds a special salu te a nd thank you to those e mployees who planned and carri ed out the July 31 Staff Ap- preciation Picnic: Judith Munoz , Calista Davis, Lou Hassan, Pam Bourne , Socorro "Kily" Vazquez . Carol Roybal. a nd Liberty Griffin of human resources: Betty Chapman a nd Co. of stu - d e nt a ffairs : Shelley Barnes of the print shop: Myrna Cruz of food se rv- ic e: Rudy Spano : th e physical plant crew a nd Barbara Mendelson. law school. • /\l ca la Vi ew i s pu bli s h ed m onthly Augu st throu gh May by th e Publica lions and Hu - ~ a n Resources o ffi ces. Th e new sletter is distributed to all Uni ve rsit y o f San Diego em - ployees. Editorial m a teri al for possi- ble u se in Alcala View sh ould be submitted by th e first of the m onth o f th e desired publica- ti on . Ma terial should be deliv- ered or sent to DcSales 276 .
5YEAR Manuel Ayala, Anne Barker, Julie Bays, Alice Bruns, Jose Car- denas, Margaret "Peg" Conard, Jean Del Guidice, Dorene DeTuri, Melvin "Mark" Draper, Georgette Grimes, Lisa Renee Gunther, Kevin Hirsch, Vina "Molly" Landi, Kathleen Law, Mary Lehto, James Middleton, Philip Milli- gan, Roberto Mira- montes, Susana Miranda, Alejandro Pi- mentel, Enrique Plas- cencia, Philip Plouffe, Juan Reyes, Bonnie Jean Ritenour, Ruth Silva, Frances Swank, Thanh Tran, Thu Van Tran, Gene Trebes, Thomas Wallake, Bar- bara Walsh, Edith Wolcott, Elneta Wor- tham, Joanne Zeter- berg. l0YEAR Roberto Acuna, Mar- garet "Peggy" Agerton, Elizabeth Aleman, June Aleman, Nina Banks, Dora Camacho, Guadalupe Cardenas, James Carter, Jesus DelaTorre, Phyllis Doyle, Marvin "Dusty" Draper, Bethel Elmore, Antonio "Tony" Es- quivel, Robert Ger - hardt, Mary Griffith, Althea Hazlett, Nola Helscher, Sang Hoang, Elizabeth Jungman, Al- len A. Lee, Norma Mo- riarty, Eliseo Ramirez, Manuel Rivera, Thomas Rogers, Emma Sanders, George Stoddart, Ame- lia Valdez, Crisoforo
This was the scene most of the summer next to DeSales Hall, where site preparation is underway for construction of the University Center. Pouring of the building's foundation is scheduled for September.
Center soon to take shape By John Sutherland I t won·t be long before t h e University Center begins taking s hape on th e site of the fo rmer De- Sa les Hall parking lot. The bui lding pad for the $9 mi llion center s hou ld be comp le te d on or by S e p- te mb e r 1. acco rdin g to John Zeterberg. director of physical plant. Pouring o f the fo undation will occur la te r in S eptembe r. Work on th e s tee l fram ework is schedu led lo begi n in Oc to- be r. S ile pre paration has re- quir cl more time than an- li c ipa lc d bec aus e of th e exte nsive soi l re compac - ti on work requ ired . Ze te r- be rg says. The Un ive rsity Ce nte r is sch edu led for comple tion by the fa ll of 1986. ll will h o u se stud e nt affairs-
re lated offices and m ea l se rvice fac ili ties. Other co nstruction in progress or about to begin inc ludes: *Completion of the north pe rimeter road around the University Center a nd con- struction of a parking lot between the center a nd De- Sales Hall. Scheduled for comp letion by the start of the sc hool yea r, the pro- j ects s hould be fini s hed by mid- to late September, Ze- terberg proj ects. *A fo rmer warehouse lo- c ate d on t h e Univers ity Ce nte r s ite is be ing reas- s emb led east of the te nni s courts near the Sports Ce n - te r. The bu il ding will be- come a we ight room for th e Unive rsity·s ath le ti c team s. *An e nl a rged Fie ldhou e pa rking lot is just a bout rea dy to go into s e rvi ce. The lot now can accommo- cl a le a n a dditiona l 23 1 ve- hicl es. * En la rg e m e nt of th e Ha rm on Ha ll parking lot a nd work on the sou th pe- rime te r road be tween Ha r- mon a nd the law libra ry s hou ld b e c omp le te d by S e ptem ber 1. •
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