USD Football 1996

People To Know At USD

Page 32

A Message From President Hayes

As the president oftheUniversity ofSanDiego, this is my second Torero season. I am proud of the USD Football Teamand pleased that the university supports theprogramineverywaypossible,including emphasis on academic excellence, and promotion of intercollegiateathletics. Our student-athletes are winners on and offthe field. Theydemonstrate the values that characterizea USD education -commitment, integrity, teamwork, discipline, and respect for the dignity of all human beings. Thesearequalities thatwill helpthemthrough– out their lives. I am looking forward to the corning season and hope that you willjoinme in supportingour team. It's an exciting schedule and promises to be agreat year.

Dr. Alice B. Hayes President

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FrancisM. Lazarus VicePresident-Provost

Thomas Burke VicePresident-StudentAffairs NCAAFacultyRepresentative

Fred Brooks VicePresident-Financial Affairs

Msgr. I.B. Eagen Vice President- UniversityMission &Ministry

JohnMcNamara VicePresident-UniversityRelations

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