ECCB 2018-2019 Annual Report and Statement of Accounts

Table of Contents

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Letter of Transmittal Mission and Vision Statements Core Values

Review of Performance Monetary Stability Financial Sector Stability Fiscal and Debt Sustainability Growth, Competitiveness and Employment Organisational Effectiveness Financial Performance Corporate Governance Framework Areas of Focus for 2019-2020 Independent Auditors’ Report and Financial Statements List of Commercial Banks Maintaining Clearing Accounts with the ECCB

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Monetary Council Board of Directors Organisational Chart Management Structure Agency Offices Highlights of the Year Governor’s Foreword

The Eastern Caribbean Central Bank will launch a new $50, the first in its family of EC Polymer Notes, during the first quarter of the 2019-2020 financial year. The back of the note will bear the image of former Governor of the ECCB, the late Honourable Sir K Dwight Venner in honour of his legacy and dedicated service to the Bank and the people of the Eastern Caribbean Currency Union (ECCU).


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