David's Cookies - Lipari


FilledTart Shells

443665 8”Un topped FilledTart Shell 12/18oz. UPC: 049578823642

443648 4”Un topped FilledTart Shell 24/3.3oz. UPC: 04957882355


1. Pull desirednumber of tart shells from freezer. 2. For fruit topped, cleanand slice fresh fruit. 3. Usinga largebowl, coat fruitwith clear fruit glaze. 4. For chocolate topped,melt chocolateand coat topof tart. Decorate. 5. Top tart shellswithglazed fruit. 6. Shelf life: 3-5days

26661Bunert RdWarren,MI 48089•ph586.447.3500• fax586.447.3524• liparifoods.com

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