Blipp Business Start Up

CD: As I mentioned before, Gino and I worked

together. We were both on the marketing team and I guess we got close enough because we were in the same office space. EL: ‘ Space’ is a very generous way of saying we were stuck in the middle of a hallway! CD: [ Laughs] Aye, it was all fun and games until we realized that our skills could be utilized to start our own business. Once we understood our roles in this new venture, we tossed around names for the company. We ended up with Blipp [he spells out B-L- I-P-P], because ‘blip’ was already taken. EL: Personally, I like the look of blipp with the double ‘p’ better anyways. CD: [ Chuckling to Eugene] Of course you would say that. So, how did this lead to blipp magazine? Honestly, we thought it would be a great medium to use and an excellent strategy to get our name out. We also thought it’d be cool if we had our own

connecting businesses with their customers – but, not just

on a superficial level. We don’t want your brand to be like every other brand. We want to give each brand an identity. Something their target audience can recognize and relate to. We want them talking on all the right social media sites and asking their customers all the right questions. We want their target market to really “like” their business. So, in a line, our mission is to create a deeper connection between brands and their target audience. Pretty damn good if you ask me [laugh]. IW: I didn’t mean to put you on the spot, but that was great! So, I know a little bit about how you met and created blipp, but why did you think you could stand one another long enough to sustain a company? And how did blipp global Inc. eventually lead to blipp magazine?

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