1928 Cheerio a book of Punches and Cocktails by Charles


TEMPERANCE DRINKS Whenever the Stoîc Spirit of Déniai Seizes You

PxjRPLE Nectar Into a pitcher pour three pints of ginger aie. Add one-half pint of plain grape juice. Ice well and squeeze in half a lemon. Remove ice when sufficiently cold to



In a pitcher of iced water, dip a small bag of tea until the water is slightiy flavored. Add four spoon- fuls of sugar. Cut up an orange into small pièces and allow to float in the drink. Then stir up with three spoonfuls of orange marmalade. Serve cold. Fill an ordinary water glass three-fourths full of ginger aie, add the rest milk. Stir with a spoonful of honey and drink cold. Nectar for Dog Days Place a snow-ball of shaved ice in a goblet, squirt lemon juice over it and pour iced soda water over it till goblet is filled. This is a refreshing thirst quencher. 24 Milk Fizz

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