Extract - The Travelling Bookshop by Katrina Nannestad illustrated by Cheryl Orsini

A hatch in the ceiling flies open and Dad’s head pokes through. Dad is Zedekiah Cohen. He’s handsome with dark, wavy hair the colour of chocolate. Just like mine, but shorter. ‘You’re awake!’ shouts Dad. ‘About time. Breakfast’s ready. We’ve been waiting for you.’ ‘ We? ’ I ask. ‘Dad! You haven’t got Nat up there?’ Nat’s my little brother. He’s six and has hair that sticks up around his head like a chocolate halo. He’s cute and chubby. But not so chubby that he’d bounce if he fell off the roof and onto the road. ‘Yes! Nat’s here!’ says Dad. ‘ And Coco.’ ‘But Coco’s a cockatoo,’ I explain. ‘She can fly. Nat can’t. What if he falls?’ ‘Nat’s fine!’ Dad grins. ‘I nailed his pants to the roof.’ He stretches out his hand. ‘Come on up and join us.’


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