2015 Winter Sales Meeting Materials

Saremi: Perfusion Imaging, 1e

Pub Date: June Price: $229.99 Illustrations: Bundle: Inkling

About the Book: • First comprehensive resource for perfusion imaging that focuses on the practical clinical application of these techniques for practicing physicians. • Addresses the rapid development of CT scanners and increased practice of perfusion studies. Perfusion measurement facilitates the investigation of physiology and function, the formulation of the diagnosis and prognosis of disease, and the planning of treatment. • Covers clinical practice of perfusion used in brain, cardiac, liver, kidney, and oncologic imaging • Wide coverage of MDCT Key Features: • Contains high resolution cross-sectional images, with post processed images assisting the reader in quickly and easily recognizing various pathologies. • Multimodality approach provides understanding of clinical issues and diagnoses • Key new areas - kidney and prostate perfusion imaging, discussion covering faster scanners such as 320 slices, dual source CTs, and low dose CT techniques • Allows systematic learning and a quick, detailed reference for specific questions.

Markets: Radiologists, Rad Residents, Nuclear medicine

About the Author: • Farhood Saremi - Professor, Deptartment of Radiology, USC University Hospital

Competition: • Reeder/Clinical Applications of MR Diffusion and Perfusion Imaging, Saunders, $99 • Miles/Multidetector Computer Tomography in Cerebrovascular Disease, Informa, $109.95 • Gillard/Clinical MR Neuroimaging: Diffusion, Perfusion and Spectroscopy, Cambridge, $293


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