2015 Winter Sales Meeting Materials

Kini: Thyroid Cytopathology, 2e

About the Book: • Most comprehensive reference for thyroid pathology book on the market • Over 1700 photomicrographs illustrates the wide spectrum of cytologic features for each disease entity, including unusual as well as typical patterns. • Focused on diagnostic pitfalls, overlapping patterns, and differential diagnosis. • The book also includes chapters on basic concepts of cytopathology, fine-needle aspiration biopsy techniques, cytopreparation, ancillary diagnostic techniques, liquid- based cytologic preparations, and the application of needle biopsy findings to management decisions. Contains over 1700 full-color photomicrographs • Updates include in The Bethesda System of Reporting Thyroid Cytopathology • Discusses diagnostic problems, differential diagnosis, diagnostic pitfalls, rare diagnostic entities, and histologic features of all entities • Draws on author's 30+ years of experience in this field • Liquid-based technology for cytologic preparations integrated and expanded throughout with the commonly followed techniques of direct smears, and adequately illustrated for comparison • New discussions on the latest molecular diagnostic techniques Key Features: •

Pub Date: June Price: $299.99 Illustrations: Bundle: Inkling Markets: Pathologists, Pathology Residents

About the Author: • Sudha Kini - Henry Ford Hospital, Division Head, Cytopathology

Competition: • Ali/The Bethesda System for Reporting Thyroid Cytology, Springer, $39.95 • Yang/Thyroid Fine Needle Aspiration, Cambridge, $179.99 • Ali/Atlas of Thyroid Cytopathology, Demos, $145


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