Get Your Pretense On!

Chapter 5: Represent Strong! • 127

2.1-7 that he needed to watch his own character, for it could greatly impact his obedience and service to Christ. He told him to share in suffering as a soldier, not getting entangled in civilian pursuits. Like an athlete he should compete according to the rules, and like a farmer, be patient and yet share in the produce of the crops. A willingness to suffer, to follow God’s rule, and to be patient – our character greatly shapes our ability to represent Christ and his Kingdom where we live. These three difficulties – issues of conscience, conviction, and character – can shape the way we serve Christ. We must be aware of our own ability to undermine God’s call, and the enemy’s desire to sabotage us as we seek to fulfill God’s will in the roles and responsibilities God has granted us. All this reflection on representation brings us to the end: the need for each of us to accept our position as an agent and ambassador of the Lord . The great take-away from this teaching should always be the wonder of the honor that we have been given to represent Christ and his Kingdom in the unique circle of relationships and responsibility that he has granted to us. As Jesus was a representative of the Father who fulfilled with perfect obedience and flawless accuracy precisely what the Father wanted him to do (Phil. 2.5-8), now he has called us to be his representatives where we live and work (“Jesus said to them again, ‘Peace be with you. As the Father has sent me, even so I am sending you,’” John 20.21). We have become a thread in the sacred tapestry of those granted the privilege of standing in the place of the risen Lord. You are his agent, right in the place where he has placed you. Hear the words of the apostle Paul on this very point: Adopt the Demeanor of an Ambassador and Agent of the Kingdom

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