Get Your Pretense On!


The Golden Rule of Good Pretense, by Don Davis

Act every day just like

God done told you you actually is,

Cause’ if you fail to act

On what He say you be Then you’ll never become what you’s always been from the beginnin’!

This book is inspired by a concept unpacked by the great apologist, C. S. Lewis in his pithy and helpful little book, Mere Christianity . In that insightful text, Lewis explains his notion of the relationship between bad pretense and good pretense in a chapter entitled “Let’s Pretend,” given through his brief exposition of the actual language used in the Lord’s Prayer. Essentially, Lewis suggests that no one can relate to the Lord without actually pretending to be what the Father claims you are, though all evidence and internal emotional confirmation argues to the contrary. In other words, we are who we are because God says so, and the Christian life is lived largely on the basis of accepting that, even though, on the surface, things don’t seem to agree with God’s claims of our


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