Get Your Pretense On!

78 • Get Your Pretense On!

in my allegiance to his people. I can’t embrace his salvation and reject his folk. I must receive my call to live as a faithful follower of Jesus in and among his people in a local assembly , fleshing out in my character, personal life, family responsibilities, and Christian relationships my allegiance to Christ. If God is my Father , then my fellow believers are my brothers and sisters , deserving of my love, sacrifice, and protection (1 John 3.16-18; 4.7-8). Let me not claim to be deep in God and shallow or non-existent in our church life. To do so is hypocrisy itself. We show that we are his disciples when we have love for his disciples (John 13.34-35). Apply this immediately . If you are not a member of an assembly, ask God to lead you, and when he speaks, join yourself to the pastor and members of the church. Befriend those in the community, and ask God for opportunities to build up the body in the midst of the assembly. Our testimony can only be a truly compelling testimony when lived out in the presence of believers, in the midst of Christian community. You know, there really is plenty good room in the Father’s Kingdom. Just know, that when you choose your seat, you won’t be there alone. All of us who love the Lord will be there, too.

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