Get Your Pretense On!

I grew up in a family of champion storytellers. To this day, when my family gathers, we tell stories, some true, some fictional, all “whoppers,” slightly altered for theatrical impact and effect. One of my favorite stories is the often-told story of the Eagle and the Chickens. There are numerous versions of the tale, all told with great verve and life. Here is my version, a fitting little story to introduce a subject of great importance when it comes to getting your pretense on about your place in the Kingdom of God. A fable is told about an eagle who thought he was a chicken. When the eagle was very small, he fell from the safety of his nest. A chicken farmer found the eagle, brought him to the farm, and raised him in a chicken coop among his many chickens. The eagle grew up doing what chickens do, living like a chicken, and believing he was a chicken. CHAPTER 4 Put Off, Renew, Put On: Getting Your Pretense On in Christian Identity

The healthy eaglet (baby eagle) was completely welcomed as an equal within the overall chicken society. He was adopted into


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