TPT November 2008

C utting, S awing & P rofiling T echnology

♦ Clean cuts ♦ Finely sawn edges ♦ Perfectly chiseled profiles The specialities under review here are so strongly associated with accuracy and precision that, in an industry renowned for fidelity to set standards and exact measurement, they may seem to be first among equals. In the industrial setting, excellence is never an accident; and the perfection that is expected, and routinely found, in the pieces coming off the line in a modern tube cutting mill come from a culture of perfectibility.

 Carbide tipped and HSS blade technology from WD Quinn Saw Co (see page 98)

A unit makes compound curve cuts while providing angular abutment of tube ends on opposing tube surfaces. A laser-driven robotic cutter creates four unique and faultless parts from a single tube. Cold saw equipment produces a dimple-free, burr-free cut with a minimum of setup and operator expertise – anticipating today’s business ethos of commitment to important savings in time, labour, and money.

No more nor less than any other tube making process, cutting, sawing, and profiling are very advanced technologies. But their association with caliper precision makes them worthy exemplars of an industry that itself was built on exactitude in the service of productivity.

 Tube laser cutting using technology from Rofin (see page 86)

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N ovember 2008

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