Law and Public Policy

Prof. Alasdair S Roberts,

3 credits day; 3 credits evening.

This course introduces students to the political and institutional considerations that influence the design and implementation of policy in the public sector. It provides an analytic toolkit for understanding why certain kinds of policies are preferred over others; how legal and bureaucratic arrangements facilitate or undermine new policies; and how entrepreneurs succeed in promoting new policies. It also provides students with the opportunity to learn more about the dynamics of state policymaking through research and meetings with key decision makers. The course will have three components. It will begin with a series of lectures on key concepts, followed by a set of case discussions. The last third of the course will consist of meetings with senior policymakers, policy advocates and journalists. Students will also complete a research paper examining an issue currently or recently under debate in state government. The Rappaport Center administers activities associated with this course. Evaluation will be based on an in-class 75 minute test of material covered during lectures; one short (800 word) case analysis; and the research paper.

Enrollment is limited: 25

Elective Course

On List of Recommended Perspectives Courses

May Fulfill Legal Writing Requirement

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