Negotiation for Lawyers

Prof. Dwight Golann,

2 credits day; 2 credits evening.

This course will focus on the negotiation skills central to all law practice, whether in transactions, regulatory compliance, criminal prosecution, or civil litigation. Through readings, video clips, brief lectures by the instructor and guests, discussion, and most importantly, a series of negotiation exercises, students will examine and apply various negotiation theories and assess their own personal strengths and weaknesses as negotiators. The course also will address special topics, including negotiation ethics, the impact of gender in negotiation, and facilitated negotiation, better known as mediation. Students will be required to keep a negotiation journal. Grading will be based upon class participation, effort and personal progress in the negotiation exercises, and the analysis and understanding demonstrated in negotiation journals.

Prerequisite: Registration in Negotiation and Alternative Dispute Resolution is prohibited.

Enrollment is limited: 16

Elective Course

Meets Skills Menu Requirement

Meets Civil Litigation Concentration Requirements

Meets Health/Biomedical Concentration Requirements

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