Terrorism Law

Ms. B. Stephanie Siegmann,

2 credits day; 2 credits evening.

This course will examine anti-terrorism law with an emphasis on legislation and prosecution strategies enacted since the September 11th terrorist attacks on the United States. The course is designed to expose students to the highly debated legal frameworks used in the war on terrorism and the obstacles faced by governments in confronting the rapidly changing scope of terrorist activities. During this course, students will examine the balance between security and individual freedoms in federal anti-terrorism legislation (e.g., USA Patriot Act, immigration laws, financing laws, etc.), the use of military tribunals, the law on enemy combatants and their detention, and the regulation of speech associated with terrorism. The course will also include an analysis of the relationship between intelligence and evidence gathering as well as the evidentiary challenges of prosecuting terrorism offenses in federal courts.

Elective Course

Meets International Law Concentration Requirements

Final Exam Required

LLM Course

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