News Scrapbook 1985
s n Diego, C/l. lSan Diego co.) D11IIY 1ran crlpt lClr. D. 7,415)
Mission Valley, CA (San Diego Co) San Diego Weekly News (Cir. 2XM 20,000) NOV 6 10A~
NO\J 6 1985
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San Di ego's Murray nominated as Outstandi ng Young Businesswoman ?-'1 r;'f Horton Plaza has announced the
On the Move: Michelle Sullivan has opened an office in Rancho Bernardo. Barbara Mendelaon is the new assistant director for programm- ing, law development and alumni relations at USD Law School. Paul Gracey, ?l"'ark Wicker and Cecilia Wolfe have joined Lillick, McHose & Charles as asso- ciates.- - * • • Hypnosis is one way to gear up for the Bar. Now, for $50, Jewish Family Service is offering eight group counseling sessions starting Dec. 6 for those who don't pass. "Failing this rite of passage can be a devastating experience," says Jill Spitzer, who came up with the idea. She calls those who fail the Bar an "underserved group at this time." If successful, Spitzer will try to interest would-be accountants and psychologists. San Diego County Bar Association Meetings, Nov. 7-13 Thursday, Nov. 7 The Family Law Section - noon, Wine Connection Restaurant Tuesday, Nov.12
A luncheon honoring judges of the U.S Court of Appeals, Ninth Circuit and the U.S. District Court her will be held today in the Ver- sailles Room of the Westgate Hotel. J m Browning, chief justice of the Ap als Court , will be the fea- tured peaker.
Murray is a 1982 graduate of the Univ~rsity_Q,(_ San Diego. 'prior to her position ~at The Stoorza Company, Murray served as public information officer for the San Diego Association of Governments (SANDAG) and as account coordmator for Knoth & Meads, a San Diego-based advertising nd public relations firm. She is a resident of Del Mar. "Lon was one of many dynamic young businesswomen that were nominated for this honor," Bmder said. "We're happy to have worked with Mademoiselle in recognizing the efforts of local busmesswomen."
selection of Lori A. Murray as San Diego's Outstanding Young Businesswoman, reported Lesley Binder, director of marketing. Murray was selected after a two-week search conducted this month by Horton Plaza in conjunction with Mademoiselle magazine and in honor of Women's Opportunities Week. Murray, 25, currently serves as account executive with The Stoorza Company, a downtown San Diego-based public relations firm. Gail Stoorza president of the firm, nominated Murray for the honor. More than 100 applications were distributed during the search, Binder said. The contest was open to females between 20 and 35 years of age who are employed by a local company with more than 20 employees. The candidates were nominated by a member of their company. As San Diego's winner, Murray will compete with other outstanding young businesswomen from cities all over the country for the national honor, which includes a $1,500 cash award from Mademoiselle magazine. ."~ere couldn 't be a nme m San Diego .history more ripe with op- portunities for women than right now," said Murray. "I'm honored to have been selected in a city where there are so many outstandmg young businesswomen ."
LawBriefs by Martin Kruming
It ie the fir t time in over a de• th t the Ninth Circuit has cad
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t1c Jo eph Grodin will be the keynot speak r at a luncheon at the Kontt Kai Club Nov. 16 to comm T!lorate Arbitration Doy. • • • The San Diego Trial Lawyers A iation has endorsed three of its members for the Board of Direc- tors of the County Bar Association: Marc Adelman, Mar hall Hockett nd TomWarwick. The A oc1ation will present Anatomy of a Lawsuit seminar Nov. 16 from 8:15 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. at the Hilton Hotel. • * • Mitchell Lathrop will be talk- mg about legal malpractice and at- torney disciphne during the At the Bar program on channel 61 at 4 p.m. on ov. 10. It'll include a di ussion of what attorneys re doing to improve confidente in the
o 11l man lie One chapt •r meml!t!r i Kenneth Lowt•, who h II bet•n in law office m n11gPm •nt for th past nin y r , including director of ndmin• i trntion tr Gray, ry, Amee & Frye and th Lo Angeles firm of M rve, lumper & Hughe . Part o h111 r upon 1biliti< s were conducting p rtn nilup retrea , r vi w of billing and collection sys- m , and d v lopment of five year pl nning trateg1e and marketing pl ns. Lowe ha ince form d Legal on ultanta Inc ., providing as I tl\nce to law firm in San Di go. He h s an MBA from Stan• ford The loc I chapter me ts v ry third Tue day of the month • • Th 23rd annual Block tone Boll nt the Sheraton Harbor Island Ea t
Worker's Compensation Law Section - noon, University Club, Speaker: Hon. Maurice J. Beck, Subject: "The Future of the Judge Pro-Tem Program" Wednesday, Nov.13 Annual Bar Dinner Committee - 6 p.m., Conference Room, Bar Association Bldg. Bankruptcy Law Section - noon, National University, Speaker: Don Bokovoy of Karp & Richardson, Subject: "Attorney• Client privilege and the Trustee"
Lon A. Murray of TheStoorza Company.
San Diego, CA (San Diego Co.) Evening Tribune (Cir. D. 127,454)
NOV S 19R5
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San Diego, Wednesday, November 6, 1985
TIIE'$TRIBUNE HiJ.~.:~~.~rgy sho~ succeeds; Gavin like royalty a_t benefit C earned reputation for an ir- - USO financial aid program, and reverent sense of humor, so committee members included Chis- no one was surprised at the theme tiane Guittard, Lee Maturo, Erma she picked for the recent University.... O'Connor, Michelle Battaglia, Ann of San Diego fashion show N Brown, Linda Moore, Gayle Ste- -Wine. m!men and Song'' was the RflCY phenson, Nancy Hester, Jane Pen- lltle, and there was plenty of each Scott telei-Molnar, USD's Sister Virginia at the Town and Country Conven- McMonagle and Robinson's Leslie tion Center Friday. And Meads. Wine came from Ernest and Julio erSOll !vlajor supporters - called "ar- Gallo, through E&J Gallo Winery's ---------- changels" (USO is a Catholic school, Angelo Bufalino. Women arrived of TRIBUNE SOCIETY EDITOR remember) were Sally Thornton, their own accord - more than 900 Terry and Charlene Brown (Town of them. The song was provided by and Country owners), and the Gal- Robinson's, which put on one of its green leaves set on mirrored bases. los. "Angels" included Mike and signature high-energy ramp shows Lunch was a special chicken salad Carol Alessio, Walter Zable, Evit to the tunes of high-level, low-down - walnuts and kiwi. melon and ber- Bavasi, Sandra Vecchione, Flo Hen- rock. It w.i~ a great success. ries - and wrne was a Gallo special drikson, Maggie Mazur, Eleanor Th ballroom wa done in ecru reserve Herzmann, Maturo, Hester, Mrs. lace and gr enery, and tables were Alison Tibbitts co-chaired the Benjamin Lechner and O'Connor. centered with white flowers and fund-raiser, which benefited the
USO Auxiliary president Rita Neeper shared the podium with Monsignor I. Brent Eagen (who gave the invocation), USD president Author Hughes, chairman Alessio and Sister McMonagle. Sister Sally Furay handled the drawing and picked Hester's ticket for the grand prize of six days at The Palms in Palm Springs. J OHN GAVIN, U.S. Ambassa- dor to Mexico, has apparently become thoroughly acclimat- ed to the diplomatic corps. The former movie star - ap- pointed ambassador by his good friend and fellow Irishman/actor Ronald Reagan - arrived at the recent Ireland Fund benefit dinner held in the Sheraton Harbor Island East like visiting royalty - coolly correct and ever-so-slightly superi-
Tribune photos by Cindy Lubke Romero AT USO FASHION SHOW Joan Bowes land Fund chairman; and Peter Dailey, former U.S. Ambassador to Ireland. Committee members included Jane Pentelei-Molnar, Larry Barnes, Leo Sullivan, Hilary Brady, Tere Shea, Betty Broderick, Helen Anne Bunn, Michael Reidy, Terry and Colleen 0'Malley, bavid Casa- dy, Harriett Fowler, Dan and Mary Mulvihill, Larry and Connie Cronin, Steve Garvey (he was last year's honoree), John and Cathy Lynch, and Ron McKenzie.
USO AUXILIARY MEMBERS AT 'WINE, WOMEN AND SONG' Carol Alessio, left, and Sister Virginia McMonagle or. Not a bit of the Hollywood hope- ful left. third sponsored by the lreland Fund, a nonprofit, nonpolitical, non- sectarian group. Its aims - accord- ing to the dinner program - are to
None of the good-time Paddy ei- ther, though he was in San Diego to accept his award as "Southern Cali- fornia Irishman of the Year." Sheriff John Duffy, the Ireland Fund's other honoree, had a good deal more of the down-home/Old Sod about him. But as the local Friendly Sons of St. Patrick's "Ir- ishman of the Year," he's too well known to put on airs. Friday's benefit dinner was the
"promote peace, culture and chari- ty in Ireland." The fund has attract- ed the support of President Reagan, who sent a message urging the San Diego dinner patrons to invest in Ireland and spend "their vacation dollars there." Dan Broderick was chairman for the night, and he introduced special guests Anthony J.F. O'Reilly, Ire-
SALUTll\G IRELAND Jobn Lynch, left, with Ambassa- dor John Gavin, and John and Al- ison Tibh ti , above, at benefit dinner
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