News Scrapbook 1985
Los Angeles, CA (Los Angeles Co.) The Tidings (Cir. W. 57,135)
S..1n D1cgo, if. Soutllern Cross (Cir. W. 27 ,500)
I ~x
. Jllf.,n 's
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P C. B
Jl/len 's
P. C. B I , r 188/i tdwin Meese Criticized Bx San Diego Professors SAN ~1d, [!if. (NC) "Because Meese is on • • -Attorney General Edwin leave as an d. t
_The Umversll¥_ of San Diego prmessors said re- _eese s atements have misrepresented Su- pre~.e Court rulings and are merely the lat~st ex- ample demonstrating hs unfitness for the office." P r o f e s s o rs criticized what they called Meese's "convoluted mis- s a emen s on such sub- Jee s as the Bill of Rights " w1 e Y and accurately t t t · t h' .. •ct 1 ' mg w a they said was his o understanding of th f d e un amental concept of the presumption of in- I k ac f cent M t T h e IS quoted k ,, , remar s indicat- h t
THE UN_IVERSITY of San Diego professor~ said recent Meese statements have misrepresented upreme Court rulings and are "merely the latest example demonstrating his unfitness for the office . " "convoluted misstate- m~nts on such subjects as the Bill of Rights," his "widely and accurately q~oted re'.'1ark '' indicating what they said was his lack of understanding of the fun~amental concept of the presumption ?f in~ocence, "his critici m of the excluSionary' rule that prohibits illegally obtained evidence from being used in a court of law,'' and his handling of white- The profe caUed Meese's rs criticized what they
professor at th·is a . 1 unc_ ty, we wish to disassociate umvers1
Meese III is unfit to hold
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pul,l, hrd _i11 the Los Angeles Times and th " San l>iego Union, . ,ud th y wanted to br " 0•.• lhe rernrd deplonn Mee • ,ub equently his pt·rfonn,uu c ,ts attornc,y gen raJ of the U111trd St.Lie " ••B • llU Mct:sc 1 on l!"ave ,Ls an H~Un< t 1' 10~ sor at th1 university we WI h lo di I sociate oursdve from' his rnonumcnt,,I ignor m · and distorl10n of 1111' law, the 'on titution, and the role of lht' Supn·me Court in American clcct1011 nd
tortion of the law, the Con- stitution and the role of the
sa1~ 14 _processors _at the Umver~1ty of San Diego, a Meese once taught. trad1ction in terms. A1_1 oxymoron 1s a con- The 14 professors, 1·n an open letter publi'shed 1 Los Angeles Times, sa1·d they wanted to be "on the record deplor·1ng Meese's se_lection and subsequently his performance as at- torney general of the Unit- ·n the
Ca thohe school where Supreme Court in Ameri-
can government,"
eese has criticized the upreme Court for "in- e_ . ec ua y shaky" de- c1S1ons on Bill or Rights ne of his recent con roversial comments at suspects need not em ormed of their rights s t II t II O cases. t th was b · f
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c_o1_1a_r corporate crime . -------- ~
upon arrest.
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Los Angeles, CA (Los Angeles Co.) California Apparel News (Cir. W. 20,657) ov 1985
Los Angeles , CA \Los Angeles Col Los Angeles Sent1nel \Cir . W 32,884) NOV7 1985 JUlc11's P C. 8 L<1
Robinson's Fall Show Benefits Universicy__of San Diego R OBW.SON'S FALL fashion show in con- junction with a benefit luncheon for the Um- added Walter Mizer, general store manager of the Fashion Val- ley Robinson's.
1818 thristian Ministries l., qS-J ..... nstitute Under Way After more than two years of plan- ning, the niversit le o has inaugural the Institute for Chris-
desperately needed throughout the country," Fr. Pachence noted. "With the shortage of priests, and sisters, it is critical for Catholic adults to be educated In their Christian tradition so that they can assume their roles in the work of ministry." The degree and non-degree programs will include courses in leadership training, spirituality and its relation to social justice, pastoral mmistry, theology, prayer and meditation. "With the Institute," Fr Pachence said, "we hope to serve the educational, professional and spiritual needs of men and women who minister in today's church and for all who !leek a deeper un- derstanding of their faith." Helen deLaurentis is the lnstitute's religious education coordinator and Sr. Irene Cullen coordinates the non- degree programs . For more information, contact the ICM office at Desales Hall, Alcola Park, San Diego, Calif. 92110. L
tian Mini tries, a center designed for professional In mml try nd lay peo- ple. The ICM began this fall with an ex- panded graduate degree program- the master of arts In practical theology-and will phase In non- d grL-e programs as early as Decem- ber. The non-degree program "is inten- ded to help Catholics take greater responsibility for ministry in their church," said Fr. Ron Pachence, ICM director . "ICM programs, however, are de igned for all Chris- tians ." Under the non-degree program, the institute will offer low-cost workshops, conferences and mini- courses on and off campus. Some will / be for professionals in the ministry, while others will be for lay audiences. "Religious education for adults Is
This 1s the fourth year that Robinson's has presented a fall fashion show in conjunction with the auxiliary. The hour-long show, which featured 20 models and seven dancers for three dance scenes, "was individualized for the marketplace. It was a full rep- resentation of our fall show, equal to anything we would do in Los Angeles," said Dudley Beckett, regional vice president of stores.
versity of San Diego Auxiliary last 'Friday was accompanied by bag- pipes, Scottish jig dancers and Shar-pei dogs. "It's really exciting that Robin- son's is taking the stand 'that San Diego is a dominant market. It's a very positive stance to take," said Sue Zegers, general store manag- er of University Towne Centre Robinson's. "We expect USD to become the USC of this market,"
-Heidi Novotny PH San Diego, CA [San Diego Co.) San Diego Un ion [Cir. D. 21 7,324) [Cir. S. 339,788) San Diego, CA (San Diego Co.) Evening Tribune (Cir. D. 127,454) Jim Madden of Robin80n's with Carol Alessio and Rita Neeper, University of San Diego Auxiliary / 1985 OV 8 NOV8 1985 Jl[(~" 's P C B Fu 1888 ~4 /len's P c. B. £<1 1888 / Att!)~~eys can obtain ha·r ,:,,...... 0 samples for Swanke case By Mike Konon Her body was found four days later Tribune Staff Writer in a vacant field in the East County. A judge has authorized attorneys She had been choked, and her throat representing David Allen Lucas on had been cut. three of six murder charges he faces Hairs not belonging to Swanke to obtain hair samples from the boy- were found on her body. friend of one victim to compare with Lucas faces trial Feb 11 on a hairs found on her body. charge of murdering Swanke. In the Superior Court Judge Norbert trial, he also is charged with rnurder- Ehrenfreund signed an order yester- ing Amber Fisher, 3, and her baby- day authorizing defense criminalist sitter, Rhonda Strang, 24, Oct. 23, Parker Bell to take head and body 1984, in Strang's Lakeside home; and hair samples from Greg Oberle, iden- with kidnapping and attempting to tified as the boyfriend of UBU'f.~ murder Jody Santiago, 34, a Seattle of San .Oi~ s!Yllent Anne Catherine woman who survived a throat slash- Swanke, 22 ing, a skull fracture and stab wounds Police said Swanke was last seen in a June 9, 1984, attack. alive Nov. 20 carrying a can of gaso- Lucas also is scheduled for a June line to her disabled car on Parkway 4 trial on charges of murdering two Drive in La Mesa after visiting Ob- other women and one of the women's erle's apartment in the College Area. 3-year-old son. Swanke case A Superior Court has ordered the boyfriend of lain _lJSD student Anne t erine Swanke to provide hair ample to the defen~e team repre- entm accused killer David A~ I , , 29. d-'( 5" 4j wanke ts known to have visited her boyfriend, Greg Oberly, hours be- fore she was abducted !';ov. 20 near a La Mesa intersection after her car ran out of gasoline. Defense attorney Alex Landon told the court Oberly hair samples were needed to compare them with hair strands found on Swanke's body. Landon said if analysis of Oberlv's hair excludes him it will how thai a potential third person migt-t have had contact with Swanke He said compan on with Luca ' hair proved negative. Lucas 1s scheduled for trial Feb. 11. He also is charged with five other laY.i .. /
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