News Scrapbook 1985

San Diego, CA (San Diego Co.) Dally Transcript (Cir. D. 7,415)

san Diego, CA {San Diego co.) Dally Transcript (Cir. D. 7,415)

NOVl 1 985


NIV 1 s '98S



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Celebrities Turn Chefs employe . • • • TruColor Foto, the larg t

Attorneys Will Soon Be Al'{lW.ngMotions Outside C°Frooms By'i)'~BRYDOLF San Die,a Daily Trvucript SulfWrit,,r Local attorneys, often forced to waste many hours wait111g in courtrooms for their matters to be heard, will soon be arguing prelim- inary nonevidentiary motions by telephone. The experimental Telecourt Conferencing Project, organized by the Unixt.._rsity of San Diego Law Center anaihe San Diego County Bar Association, received the sup- port of the county Board of Super- visors yesterday. Plans call for the program to begin on a limited basis in federal and superior court early next month. Robert Simmons, a USO law pro• fessor and one of the principal movers behind the project, called teleconferencing in the courts "the most significant innovation to im- prove the trial court afd justice (Continued on Pa!'j 6AJ

Hall, who started with Sea World at age 16 in 1967, moved from gen• ral manager to vice president of park operations. Hall will oversee all park operaations with a focus on food rvice, retail sale , educa- tion, engineering and park ser vices. • • • Denni• Laurie has joined Wex• ford Capital Corp. as president and CEO. Laurie brings n exten• ive background in cogeneration to the firm, which owns and operat many cogeneration and other alternative enerl,'Y projects. . . .. Don h rman has been named San Diego County D1slnct Sales Manager for United T chnolo- gie Communications Co., of We tlake Village. Sherman nses from emor ystems con ullanf UTCC's local office 1s al 9909 Hibert St., Ste. F Shermun lteinder · Al La Jolla Marriott Hotel R int Reinders hos b en ap- pointed general manager Reinders, who has logged 15 year with Marriott, will oversee hotel operations for the 360-room hotel • • • Capt, Donald D. Christoph r, SC, USN, has assumed comm ncl of the Defense Contract Admim lralion Services Plant Repre sentative office at General Dy• namic . • • • Rona Sandler ha been named manager of the commercial sales division al Del Mar Office Pro ducts. Sandler hill! been with tlu firm - the largst comm rc1Hl dealer in North County 111cr 1982. ••• Richard A. Sonnenfeldt, pro fe or of management at Polylt'.cl m Institute of. 'e York, h ,elected to the PP Systems APP, a jmnt venture of Lee Enterprises Inc of Iowa, and Nippon Pa111t Co. of Japan, 1s based m S n Marcos. Th, firm is a leadmg worldwide maker of photopolymer newspaper prm ting plates. Sonnenfeldt was chief inwrpreter at the Nuremburg war crimes trml that followed WWJ~

s.o.c~l- (C ntinued A) system 'in t is century." Teleconferences will reduce both delays and clients' fees, he predict- ed. The future of a third pilot telecourt conferencing location, at the Vista Superior Court, hinges on a $5,000 allocation by the coun• ty. The board yesterday stopped short of allocating the funds for the program as requested by Chairman Leon Williams. Instead, members agreed to ask the Cable Television Review Commission to fund the project using cable television fr~n- chise fees. The vote was 4-0, with Williams absent. According to Simmons, the pro• gram is an effort to push the legal profession into the high-tech world. "One of the tendencies of my pro• fession has been to r sist change," he told the board yesterday, adding that courts are operatmg today in essentially the same manner as they did 50 years ago. Bringing new technologies into the courtrooms has been the sub· ject of study by a legal committee, chaired by Charles Bird of Luce Forward Hamilton and Scripps. The group has been meeting mon· thly examining the possible use of teleconferences - telephone meet• ings between three or more parties - since January. AB propo ed by the committee, USO 1, w Center and the San Diego County Bar Association, the project will commence with a three• to six-month testing period, follow• ed by a formal review. If that review shows the teleconferencing to be successful, the project hopes to permane1 tly incorporate multi· line telephon equipment in sever- al court sites in the county. So far, $8,000 has been raised through donations for an experi- mental introduction in U S. Magis- trate Edward A. Infante's federal courtroom and Department 35 (Law and Motion) of the Superior Court. The county's funds would be used to set up a similar experiment in Vista Superior Court, Simmons said. Teleconferences have been used succe sfully m Denver and New Jersey courtrooms and have been shown to save both time and money for attorneys and their clients, / Simmo arod American Ban Association dies of leg11l teleconferencing have 1,hown significant time sav• ings, Bird agreed. For Bird, a bus- iness and real estate litigator who faces some 10 law and motion ap- pearances before each trial, the savmgs would be important. "It's not the 'trip to the courthouse' that's being saved," he said. "It's appearing for a 9 a.m. calendar and being called...anytime between 10 and noon. "This experimental procedure in the Superior Court and Federal Court is a real small step, but in my view it's a critical first step in bringing technological advances into the courthouse." Mark Saxon, an attorney with Saxon, Alt. Brewer & Kincannon, predicted the teleconferencing will reduce courtroom stress. "It's a very frustrating experience" sit- ting in a courtroom waiting for your case to be heard, he said. Los Angeles has experimented with teleconferencing, but Saxon said thi, program has worked poor• ly because it is entirely voluntary. San Diego hopes to make the pro- gram mandatory to make sure it's used by enthusiastic and skeptical attorneys alike. Superior Court judges have yet to approve a man• ,.-,datory rule for the Law and Mo• tions Department. Bird acknowledged that many attorneys are likely to feel uncom· fortable with the lack of face-to- face contact. Part of the purpose of the experiment, he said, is to ex• amine possible problems that might arise from the absence of / personal contact. / _

phototinishmg lab m San Diego, hu. Jo1ni,d the Kod k Colorwatch Sy t rn The sy m is quality 11ud1l conduct ·d by Kodak by aen- ding the linn "bhnd" rolls of color print film The prints are nalyz d to chc k for quality. De

BusinessMatters by Libby Brydolf

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• • • llow to murk t pro~• 1onul Iler v1ct•H as tht• topic of 1 he Con ul- tu n t~ Roundtahle mcel1ni: 'I hur day, Dun Pcopl , v1c • pn• 11h·nl of The Stoor-tu Co., 11 lr><·nl 1111hl1c r lat on firm. will prnv11lc marktotml.( ti1~. o ho t t'tM·kluilH I •i:m ul 6. 0 pm Dann r follow 111 fl p rn { ontncl Vito T n "• CONRO ch111rmu11, at 110 W ~t (' St •

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• S a World h

• • Power & Jo,lectronlc P r on- m•l 8t•rvict' Inc. ha movL-d to lar.:t•r oflic,· ut 411 Cummo de! Rio South, Ste 205 m lhe newly n·m1,dcl1·d Cro Rroad Park. the firm, which has lxwn ,n hus1nt!S8 smct• 1979, KPL-c1nlizc in st•archt•~ for proft• 'HIOnul and technical level

promoted Frank to vice president of

S. Todd nv1cult11re

for local marine park Todd, 11n uuthor1ty on water• fowl, has be n Seu World's cor- ponite curator ofbird ince 1972. . .. . Another Sea World employee, Donllld J. Hall, has stepped up the


San Diego, CA (San Diego Co.) Evening Tribune (Cir. D. 127,454)

NOV! 2 1985

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ing educators to be honored

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