News Scrapbook 1985
San Diego, CA (San Diego Co.) San Diego Business Journal (Cir. M. 7,500) DEC 2 1985
San Diego, CA (San Diego Co.) Evening Tribune (Cir. D. 127,454)
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I r r ~x Personnel File Maddox named sales manager !!;:r.~- £!~!, ~:Ls!~!!,. ucts In ht. n w po ition. Maddox will be re. pon ible for new business develop-
.52f5c; ARCHITECTURE/CONSTRUCTION D • vid J. Garman to vice president/ chief financial officer with the Childers Co .. to McKeller Development: Manha Steinfield to project sales manager / Pacific Ranch; Marc Perlman as com- mercial leasing associate; Carolyn Miller to project sales manager/ Fairway Vistas; Debbie Kindler to escrow coordinator... Sherrie Jame to media relations coordi- nator with Bowlen Holdings Inc... to Koll Construction Co.: Douglas J. Zieman and Brian Bourda1es as project superin- tendents. EDUCATION Barbara Mendelson to assistant direc- tor/programming, law development and alumni relations at University of San DiegQ.f.,aw School .Sherry StiUwater to assistant dean of students at National University... David Davenport to presi- dent of Pepperdine University. . to the ()nlversity of California, San Diego: Lu Jeu Sham to divisional dean Natural Sciences; Michael Rothschild as division- al dean Social Sciences...Arleen Tuch- scher to public relations at National Uni- versity. GENERAL BUSI E S Harry J. Munsinger to account execu- tive with Smith Barney... Edward V. Estes to second mortgage specialist at the Lo- mas & Nettleton Financial Group... Carole Fish-Botkin to education director of the San Diego unit / American Cancer Society... William P. Thomas to vice pre- sident marketing for Sea World...Alex Amezcua to account executive at Pacific Insurance Agency... Rona Sandler to manager commercial sales division at Del Mar Office Products... Eleanor B. Herzman to board of directors/ San DiegoOpera... Bonnie Pearlman as sen- ior account administrator/ casualty de-
ment for the company. With more than 10 years of managcm nt experience directly re- lated to the coach and bus market, Maddox m t recently wa regional vice pre ident of the Flxibl Corp. Agraduate of The Georgia In titute of Tech- nology, wh re h earned a bachelors degree in ngm ring, Maddox belongs to many national prof 10nal organizations including the Soci- ety of utomotiv Engineering and the Society of M chamcal Engmeermg. GTI Corp has appointed John C. Brittain as g n rat manag r of it. electronic division lo- cat d m Hadley, Pa. Brittain was general man- g r or the d1v1son for eight yeai, prior to being named vice pr 1dent of international operations and m nagU1g director of GTI-Ire- land m March of this year Brittain started with the San Diego-based manufacturer in 1966 t engineer. He rec ntly received a a proj
partment at Johnson & Higgins... Don Sherman to sales manager with United Technologies Communicatiorrs Co.. Wal- ler G. Mizer to general store manager/ North County Fair for Robinson's ... John M. Waddox to Cubic Corp ... Reint Reinders to general manager of Marriott Hotel; La J olla.. .fom Arsulich to general manager Mission Valley West Trave- lodge with Santa Fe Management Group. ..Mary Mitchell to executive director / Easter Seals Society ofSan Diego... Ad· da Jimenez to assi tant / news service div- ision at the Mexican American Founda- tion... to Ace Parking: Allen D. Garrett to vice president/ general manager; Donna Kendrick to vice president/ administra- tive assistant; Robert R. Laser to vice president chief financial officer; Lela Schweitzer to vice president/ office mana- ger... Vincent Frank to president/ chief operating officer at Molecular Biosys• Dr. Irvin A. Kaufman to chairman/ pediatrics at Scripps Clinic and Research Foundation...Rlek Wes~lund to vice pre- sident/ business development at Mercy Services Corp...Sister Virginia Gillis to chairman of the Mercy Hospital board of Medical Biology Institute: rems Inc. HEALTH
Carol Cowing to division of immunol- ogy; Roy J. Riblet to division of molecu- lar genetics... to Sharp Senior Health Care: Dean M. Crowder to C.E.O. ; Dr. Julie A. Prazlch to clinical director; Michele McDougal 10 executive director. PUBLIC RELATIONS Loraine Costa to public relations account executive at Amold Buck, Inc.. . Candice White as art director at The
Phillips Organisation ... Lisa Leake to marketing research coordinator at Lucas Enterprises... Kevin Ohlin to production & design at Ted Hansen Design Assoc. ...Thomas Dean as director/agency ser- vices with Sullivan/ Luallin Assoc... Mon• ica Launder to controller at Benedict & Wel/s... VictorJ. King as staff accountant at Berkman & Daniels...Patty Cohen to assistant account executive at Kenneth C. Smith & Associates. •
ma t r' d gr e in b I- rank Horner ha
adminis ration from Pepperdme University.
been named director of corporate relations for the Universit of an Diego. He will be responsible for the planning, implementa- ho an eva uat1on of the corporate fund-raising program. M gatek Corp has nnounced that Dr. Michael J. Bailey has joined the company a dir ctor of advanced development. He will head the development of new product roncepts Also, Jam D. Hant has been named vice president of operation for the company Ir ne llalaka ha been promoted lo convention-catering coordinator at the Rad1 on Hot 1 and Ed Fields is the hotel's new director of catering. Mu Air has named Leon Johnson senior sales representative in San Otego John on comes to Muse Air with 21 years of airline industry experi- enc , Susan Ro ·e- allsbury ha been appointed vice president of finance at American Computer Corp Mark Collins has joined McGladrey Hendrickson & Pullen as manager of the con ulting service division. Pancretec Inc has announced the appointment of Richard A. Jones to national sale manag r. Michael J. Cella ha been ppom ed vice president in Bank of America's San Diego Corporate Banking Group u an K. ileno has jomed The Ritz-Carlton Laguna Niguel as corporate Jes manager. Sh will specialize developmg corporate sales from Ney port Beach to San Diego Pl e send news of personnel changes and promotions to Kathy Rosso, financial Section, The Tribune, P.O. Box 191 San Diego CA 92112.
San Diego, CA (San Diego Co.) San Diego Union (Cir. D. 217,324) (Cir. S. 339,788) OEC5
P. C. B En i888 ,, Principal to do study • e attitudes By R.B. Brenner Cl C. '1 Starr Writer J \-) RAMONA - An elementary 'The whole purpose of any research is to get people to think about the issue.' - Karen Clark
Arcadia, CA (Los Angeles Co.) Duartean Dispatch (Cir. W. 2,597)
DEC 4 1985
school principal here will survey groups of students and teachers at four San Diego County high schools to study if attitudes on suicide differ ,according to age. Karen Clark, principal of James Dukes Elementary School in Ramo- na, is conducting the ~urvey for her doctoral dissertation at the Universi- ty of San Diego. - Sh~ceived permission to survey students and staff members at San Marcos, San Dieguito, Torrey Pines and University of San Diego high schools. Parental permission is required before the students participate, Clark said yesterday. In a letter that will be mailed to parents of San Marcos High School students, Clark explained that she hopes tbe survey results "will be uti- lized to enhance current suicide pre- vention and intervention programs." Clark was introduced to the sub- ject in a very personal way last year, when she was assistant principal at Ramona High School. One of the stu- dents there committed suicide. After that, she said, "I became in- terested in the subject and in ways we can help prevent suicide." Accordmg to Clark, cases of_.sui- £ide-,among people between Jhe agC; of 15 and 24 ave increased ramah- cally throughout the m e States in recent years. Most of the research on suicide among this age group has focused on college students and not on those in high school, she said. The "suicide opinion questionnaire" that Clark has prepared contains 100 questions that asks respondents to agree or disa- gree about a variety of statements. Among the statements are: "I would feel ashamed lf a mem- ber of my family committed sui• cide," "Most people who commit sui- cide do not believe in an afterlife,"
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.L-1 1''ormer Arcadia, Temple City resident
and "The possibility of committrng suicide is greater for older people than for younger people." Clark said she will begin her re- search next month and should be fin- ished by February or March. The names of people who participate in the survey will be kept confidential, but Clark plans to make some of her findings public. "The whole purpose of any re- search is to get people to think about the issue," she said. Clark said she is particularly in- terested in comparing the responses of teachers and students to see if the two groups have different attitudes on suicide. Although surveys on suicide are relatively rare, most high schools do not ignore the issue. Randy Wilson, senior counselor at San Marcos High, said he met recent- ly with the senior class to talk about suicide. From his experience, Wilson has found that thoughts of suicide are more prevalent among high school seniors. "One of the things that happens, particularly in the senior year, is that there are so many forces acting on a student in terms of current pres- sures and pressures they know are coming up," he said. Wilson said he tries to let the stu- dents know they are not alone in hav- ing apprehension about the future. He added, "We talk about the idea of suicide as something that is prevent- able." During the past six years, three students from San Marcos High School have committed suicide, ac- cording to Superintendent William Streshly.
McKelvey appointed to executive post
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