News Scrapbook 1985

Los Angeles, CA (Los Angeles Co.} Los Angeles Times lCir. O. 1,072,500} (Cir. Sun. 1,358,420) EB 9 198 Jlllm ' 1 p c. a , " 1

San Diego, CA (Son Diego Co.) Evening Tribune (Cir. D. 127,454}

B 15 1985


Son Diego, CA (Son Diego Co.) Evening Tribune (Cir. D. 127,-45-4)


P. C. 8

l:.u. 1888

Torero center ready ;;...,q~


Est. I 888

P. C. 8

By 1chael Canepa Tribune Sportswriter I ' CASE you missed it, the first meeting this season be- tween Santa Clara's Nick Vanos andJISQ's S,cott Thompson developed into something less than a friendly confrontation be- tw two college basketball gi- ants Vanos finished with 14 points, Thompson scored 14 and neither exactly showered the other with compliments when it was over. "He (Vanos) gets a lot of public- ity and thinks he's underrated," Thompson wa quoted as saying followmg the liron os 62 56 victo- ry over the Torertls on Feb. 2 at th USO Sports Ce ter I think h 's overrated He's kind of a baby, too." Mea while, Vanos wasn't talk- ing a! ard and that might have been his best move II eve- ning. The two teams play again tonight in Santa Clara's Toso Pa- vilion End one would imagine that the Broncos' 7-2 II-America can- didate ould like he last word in the m• ter Fron a standpomt, the previous battle might have ended m a draw, but Thompson was undoubtably more impressive down the stretch. The Toreros' 6-

11 sophomore center scored 12 of his total in a final half that saw USD pull to within a basket with a minute to play. More importantly, the Citrus Height's (Calif.) native neutralized his counterpart. And Vanos had simply come off a 44-point per- formance against Loyola Marym- ount two nights before. So, is Thompson planning any- thing different this time? Has this particular meeting between two WCAC teams turned into a grudge match betweeen two of the con- ference's most imposing big men? "I don't think so," Thompson said earlier this week prior to a Torero practice session. "I was mad last time because we lost that game and said some things I probably shouldn't have. I really have nothing against blm. He's a senior and one of the top guys. "But I don't think I'll play him any differen ly. It worked last time, it should work this time. If we can just shut down (Harold) Keeling better, we should be all right." ll the Toreros could have shut down Keeling last time, USD probably would have beaten the team that is presently tied with Pepperdine for the conference lead with a ~I record.

oreros' weekend split


Z Tim.ell

taff Writer

up WCAC race

Tribune Sportswriter H EADING INTO LAST WEEKE D'S trip to the Bay Area, the SD ba~ketball team was counting on al least a split against Santa Cl~ and St. Mary's. Anything more would have been a bonus; anythmg less a disaster. "One win would make it a good trip,' senior guard Chris Carr had said. "Two would make it a great one." In that respect, nobody could be all that disappointed with the outcome.

The Toreros defeated WCAC leader Santa Clara 60-57 Friday, lost to St. Mary's 71-61 Saturday, and at least managed to break things up at the top of the conference standings. At the moment, Pepperdine leads the pack at 7-1, followed by Santa Clara at 6-2 and St. Mary's at 5-3. The Waves play the Broncos Satur- day night in Malibu in a battle that could well decide the WCAC champ. On the other end, USD moved its conference mark to 3-5 - just a half

WCAC standings CodtrtllCt AIIG«nes WLPCI.WLPcl. 7 1 J7S 19 8 .704 6 2 .750 17 7 JrA 5 3..US 13 10 .565 3 , .t29 1, 9 .609

353751'9.609 26.2l!!l013.-05 1 6 ,1'3 12 11 .522

game in back of Gonzaga (3-4) for fourth place. And the Toreros will have a chance to move up a notch this week when Portland and Gonzaga come into town for games Thursday and Saturday, respectively. A pair of wins over the two Pacific Northwest schools would get the Toreros back to the .500 mark. Not exactly a glowing achievement for the WCAC's defending champs but, considering the fact they opened conference play at 1-4, not a bad one, either. USD might not be so fortunate, if not for the play of reserve guard Pete Murphy. The 6-4 junior from Tuscon, who entered with a 5.6 scoring average, scored 30 points in the two games - a career-high 19 of them coming against Santa Clara. ' ' ' Against St. Mary's, the Toreros were led by Anthony Reuss' 23 points. The total matched his season high, set Nov. 28 against Nevada-Reno. . . . Gael guard Paul Pickett led all scorers with 30; Eric Cooks added 26. Both were season highs.... USD is 3-2 on the road in conference play; 0-3 at home.. .. Following this week, the Toreros will have two regular-season games remaining - a Feb. 28 date in Malibu against Pepperdine and a March 7 match at home against Loyola Marymount.

San Francisco, CA (San Francisco Co.) Chronicle (Cir. D. 537,621)

FEB 1 6 1985

.Jl./le,i '• 1 xu A Home Court Disadva ntage - Broncos l ose BJ Jake lurt 1 ·1 San t~ Clara plays fo ur of • t /ast fn·e eonference games a JOme - Whirh ntav be the ~ro~eos' main obstacle toward ,1 \\ e~t Coast Athletic· Conf enre title. er- nighfa~~: tho:,i,ed again last contempt by b . 1 iartty can breed the l!mver it 'emg up et, 60-57, by Pavilton The J !.I go at Toso the B os not only dropped roncos (16-7 O\ A 11 . WCACJ a a _"ra , 5-2 m the leader Pe g me_ behmd_ ronference a \\CAC tperdme, but it continued , rend of home failure . WCAC trams were 54-3 at home See Page 47, Col 1 P c. e 1"

San Diego, CA (San Diego Co .) Evening Tri bune (Cir. 0 . 127,454) EB 13


P. C. B

"''· 1888


a.-.a.&..1..-, &.AU.01..Jl C,

BRONCOS LOSE AT HOME Ir 111 Pngt• 43 in non-lOnf ·renre games, but sir re leagJe pla) tarted, the) 're 7-17 at their o,•. n place. Santa Clar antl scored nine point• in thC' fir,t 4:W c,f thC' game and hrlpcd the Broncos to :in 18-1 1 lead. Bu t Vanos, who fin- i,hed with 17 points, dtd not ~core anothl·r point until less than five minutes remained in the game. San llicgo hung on and on,

SanDlego Notepad Aztec nine makes it thr_~e wins in a row


n 1J1rgo are the ,1 orst of~enders. S it 1 Cl ra, 5-0 on thC' road, ha lost Loth home 11amrs. San Diego 1148 3-4 ul o is \\inless at home m the kagut, i11cludi1ig a loss to Santa C Iara hut ha5 \\ on three of four .t\\ a\ gall!('<.

San D~S ate won its third base- ball game in as many outing yester- day. And this time, it was a freshman pitcher who led the way. Right-hander Mike Erb, making his major college debut for the Az- tecs, got the victory in State's 18-2 deci ion over Point Loma Nazarene on the Point Loma campus. The for- mer Madison High standout went the first five innings and allowed just three hits and two runs. Offensively, the Aztecs pounded out 20 hits Shortstop Steve Hill went three for four, including a home run and four RBI . David Campagnia !so had three hits for State. In Long Beach today to play the 49er , the Aztecs will be home to- morrow to play USIU at Smith Field. The Aztec-Gull game will begin at 5 p.m,. In other local college ct1on yes- day· • David Jacas and Sean Baron ach had thr h1 to lead USD to a 10-3 victory over Claremonr-McKeh- na. Greg Bertrand went even mn• ings 01 the mound to g t the win. • Jim Marlin smgled home Drusi- o Solari in th ninth inning to lift UCSD to 5-4 wm over Redlands D vid de Cordova got the win for the Trltons m reli f. U I TOPS USO - The USIU worn n'. ba ketball team mana ed to urv1ve some poor free-throw hootmg and a 32-point effort by U D' Debbie Theroux la t night. The Lady Gull beat USD 78-76 at Gro mont CC:, their second win over SD this ea on, Junior forward Toya DeCree led USIU with 19 points, 15 rebounds and lght teals.

th:u1k~ tu the outside sl ooting of n·sc1H• guard Pete M11rphy. who made 8-of-15 shots, all from outside, a1,d scored 19 points. "lllo t team~ don't pla) off mt' like tli at," haid :\lurphy. It 's easy to SlP v.h.-. Murphy had shot just 30 I nc-nt in l11s six pre, iou \\'CAC' g.i11 es. !llurph) kept scoring and G·ll Diego !'ent er Scott Thompson kept the Broncos from gett ing com- for able- on offc> nse by blockmg si x shots. l he team with the first offen- sin bpurt v. as destined to ,,in and the visiting 'l oreros got it with less than 10 minut es left.1 hey scored 10 straight points to turn a four-point dr fi <'it into a 4842 lead with ju,t o, er f iw minutes remaining. They ta,·ed in command the rest of the " ay hy maUng just enough free thro,1 . "We don't ha\·c a lot of wavs to gl't hack in a game defensively," 1:.lronco coach Carroll Williams said, allud111g to the team 's deficiency In quickness. C'" roncus did get it down to 1110 (56541 on two Lamson free throws with 30 seconds left, hut the 1 orC"r-os' Chris Carr made two foul shot;, with 20 sc·c·onds remaining. Sil' e Kenih ort made the margin t,10 aga111 ,1ith a 12-foot bank shot ,, ith 20 ~econds on the clock, and Santa Clara had a chance to tie w hrn Murph~ fail E:d to inbound the ball and was call ed for a fi\•e-second , iolat1on. Vanos threw up a IO-footer that "\\a not close with 13 seconds left 11ith tl 1 e rebound scramhle result- iug 111 a jump ball. It was San Diego's turn for possession, and San Diego's Steve Krallman \\ as fouled wlth 11ilw ~econds left and made both foul shots.

It \' a the 'I orcros who \\ e1 c afraid th 1, t1r1e - afraid of Ket:ing ,1 I o scored 3"2 point~ in the Broncos' six-pomt win at San Diego. l'•ir, • a different dr fens1Ye strateg1·, Hank Ega n·~ 'l'oreros k pt KN 111g from c 1 trolling the game, part u1a1 I) rn the cnt k al lno- mc nts ,, hi le till keer'n11 an e} e on 7-2 1 k \'ano • If )OU re b ing to beat ll11..m , ,ou\e vot to kc(,p tho e I\\ O unde1 , ontrol," i::aid F,:an lhe f irst-vear c-o ch the defending lc•ague cl1a1 I . \'E- turd t pres,1Keeli ng) I st tune hu t hC' react< so \l'C'll to pr 1,rc that hr Killed us. This time , pl yed Lim a d au s a little ion• eo1, enatl\ d\. It's a gamble, bu as long as ,1c stn) ed dose I fig red 11c d ,ta, v,ith it " ·_;,.---- K <'ling had 14 points on 6-for- 113 ~hooti ng and never put together one of thP spurt~ that turns a close game iuto a comfortable Santa Cla- ra v. Ill "In the st·c·ond half last time, llarol 1> hltn from d'>ing that · lh not scori11g didn't really hu rt us thd l'lUCh, but when he's l'Ut out of the offe n~e v. e. have problems getting other things go- ing, Wl ha, e troubl<' mo1•ing the ball ' Sant a Clara, and \'anos In J,ar- ti cular, startt d out just fine. Vanos

Son Diego, CA (Son Diego Co.) Evening Tribune (Cir. D. 127,4541

.Jl.lk11 '•

P. C. B

Est. 1888


USD TRIUMPHS - Mary Stanbra nrneoI6 points and Debbie Theroux chipped in 12 to spark the USD omen's basketball team to a 53-46 victory over UC Sa~ Barbara here last night;;J..'J ~( The victory for the Toreras who trailed 44-41 with 4:20 remai~g be- fore taking control, was the 10th in their last 12 games.

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