News Scrapbook 1985
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News in brief Grant for USO
San Diego, CA (San Diego Co.] Even ing Tribune (Cir. D. 127,454) ~AR J 1985
San Diego, CA (San Diego Co.) Evening Tribune (Cir. D. 127,454) MAR 2
San Diego, CA (San Diego Co.) Daily Transcript (Cir. D. 7,415)
The Signal Compa nies, Inc. of Sa n Diego announced one of the largest co rporate gifts ever made to pnvate organ1zut1on 1n Sa n Diego-a '£ 12 m1l1 1on challenge grant to the University ot San Diego Under terms of the Chc.llleng grant, Signal Comp,.in1es will match new or 1ncrec.ised contributions from corpor t1ons on two for one dollar basis up to a tota l of '5 I 2 million New B of A Construction 1s underway on what will be the largest Bank of America office in North County The new office 1 being built 1n Encinitas east ot I 5 ut the busy 1ntersect1on of Encinitas Blvd and El Camino Real Completion 1s expected mid Apnl, 1985 Blood pressure tests The San D1ego/Jmpenal Counties Chapter. American Red Cross. 3650 Fifth Avenue. San Diego, has free blood pressure clinics on the first Monday of each month from 9 to 11 a m. No appoi ntments are needed. n Diego Business Action (USPS 019-930) 1s published monthly for $3 member subscr,pt1on rate at SOI'. included in •nnual dues by the Greater San Diego Chamber of Commerce, 11 O West " C" Street, Ste. 1600, San Diego. CA 92101 ll!lephone (6 I 9) 232 0124 Editor Garry Bonelli Second< lass postage paid at San Diego, CA POSTMASTER. Send address cha nges to the Greater San Diego Chamber of Commerce, 1Io West •·c" Street. Suite 1600, San Diego CA 92101 Volume 13 Number 3
MAR 1 1985
Jlllrn '• 1888
P. C. B
I". C. B 1888
Jl/l~n 's P. C. B. Esr 1888
_Joseph Colombo, assistant prof. D~ will discuss the draft of letter on the us eco om Center at USD.' · ·.;2..,
~P.!!9PJ.,01che1tra - Hott1 con- ie,:;t~ om USO faculty and Rev lo benef1I Anne Swanke Music Scholarship Fund, 4 pm. March 3 Camino Theater, USO. ce Nicol ve/es,
ocf ththeoJ_ogy_ at the U~verslty of San · · a ol1c bJSbops' proposed srJt 7 : 30 p.m. Monday at the Manchester Coiir!~~C:C~
/ USD Founders Gallery cur- rently features "Horsefeathers " an American Indian sa~ , B/u VanF!ores. -<.'t., * * *
Carlsbad, CA (San Diego Co.) Carlsbad Journal (Cir. 2xW. 14,000)
Encinitas, CA (San Diego Co.) Coast Dispatch (Cir. 2xW. 40,289)
San Diego, CA (San Diego Co.] Evenin g Tribune (Cir. D. 127,454] MAR 2
,Ji/lrn ••
,Jl/f~n's P. C. B.
Jl/lrn '• P. C. 8
P c. e
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lH 1888
,xRR 1888
Bethlehe[TJ, Lutheran Be~&k''.?unday, March 3 at 9 . 15 a . m . and continuing through the Lenten season, Bethlehem Lutheran Church of Encinitas will be hosting a bi- ble s tudy series presented by the Rev. Ja ck Lindquist enti- Rev. Lindquist teaches full- time at the University of San Diego, He is an ass1stantproles- sor in the Department of Reli gious Studies whose courses in- clude " New Testament " and "Church History." The community is invited to attend this study series. Beth- lehem Lutheran Church is lo- cated at 925 Balour Drive, En- cinitas. Services are at 8 a.m, a nd 10 :45 a .m. with Sunday School and the Adult Forum Hour at 9:15 a.m. _,,,/ tled "The Divine/Hum n Drama."
/4ethlehe!,1J-.1.utheran Beg1~'llX?unday,March 3 at 9:15 a.m. and continuing through the Lenten season Bethlehem Luthe ran Church of Encinitas will be ho ting a bi- ble study series prese nted by the Rev. Jack Lindqui st enti- tled "The Divine / Hu m an Drama." Rev. Lindquist teaches full- time at the University of San J?iego.:.He 1sari~es- sor in the Department of Reli- gious Studies whose courses in- clude "New Testament " and "Church History." The community is invite d to attend this study ser ies. Beth- lehem Lutheran Church is lo- cated at 925 Balour Drive En- cinitas. Services are at 8 °a.m. and 10:45 a .m. with Sunday School and the Adult Forum Hour at 9:15 a.m
The Rev. Jack E. Lindquist, professor in the religious studies department ar the University of San Diego, will conduct Lenten Bible study sessions at 9:15 a.m. Sundays, tomorrow through the end of Lent, at Bethlehem Luther8!!, Church, 925 Balour Drive, Encmitas. o/ :;-,._;-- ___
Escondido, CA Daily Times Advocate
(Cir. D. 31,495) (Cir. s. 33,159)
'iol 'lO Beac'l, Calif. San D • zen
~.O.R 4 1985
P. c B
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Oak nearing target of solvency plan Financl~~bled Oak lndu • trles Inc. or advance registration, phone 293-5444. has aMounced that holders of 65 percent of ~---------- • Three business seminars will be pre- $230 million In bonds have agreed to an ex- sented this month by the continuing educ~- change ofJer designed to lower the compa- tlon department at the Uplvenity of San D,- ny 's debt and help it remain solvent. ego. . . The Rancho Bernardo-based firm also an- E! seminar wW run from 7.30-9 a .m. In nounced extension of the offer to March 13, the Manchester Executive Conference Can- 1985. The plan had been set to expire last ;;;e~~- the USO campus In Alcala Park, San Thursday. The company has said It will face the pros- 1___________ '-= ____.,.., This Friday, guidelines for choosing a con- pect of bankruptcy Ii 70 percent of the bond- h lk for the small business will be dls- holders do not agree to the excha~ge, Even If s Opt a On M~rch 15 Wa na Lebel a certified pub- that happens, Oak has said, it will need an- • Y • . th SlO till I f' a In to meet Its 1985 Bv Michael Schuennan/T-A Busin.,.. Write, Ile accountant, will speak on mergers m the 0 ~:fl m ;n n m nc g public accounting profession and the effects cas ow nee s. two weeks on the San Mercoa Auto Care of anti-trust laws. Un<).er th e exchange offer, a~nounced Feb. Center, a 12-unlt development for auto-re- The seminar on March 22 wUI examine per- 7, bo ndh olders can trade th eir notes for a pair businesses on the corner of Pawnee sonnel and business strategies used by sue- combination of new bonds, common stock Street and Grand Avenue, ces!ttul managers.
P. C. 8 1888 Local church hosts Bible stud series ;;;i9. r::;- ENCINITAS _ On Sundays through the Lenten season Bet~l~hem Lutheran Church of Encinitas will be hosting a Bible study series presented by the '!!,ev. ~a~k Lindquist entitled The Divine/Human Drama " . Rev. Lindquist teaches ·full- time at the U11_iversit,L of San D~ ~e is an assistant pro- fes~o~ in the department of ~eligwus Studies Whose courses include "New Testament" a d " Church History." n Rev. Lindquist has led several study-tours through the lands of the New Testament, as well as of the_ Reformation Era, and re- ma1~s very active in eucmenical affairs , . chairing both the Eucmerucal Relations Committee of the Ecumenical Conference and the Inter-Religious Commit- tee for the San Diego Region of the. ~ational Conference of Christians and Jews. The ~ommunity is invited ot at- tend this study series. Bethlehem Lutheran Ch~rch is located at 9~5 Balour Drive, Encinitas. Ser- v1_ces are at g a.m. and l0: 45 p.m with Sunday school and the adult forum hour at 9:15 p.m.
San Diego, CA (San Diego Co.) Daily Transcript (Cir. D. 7,415)
P. c. B.
t-sr. 1888
David Boies, attorney for CBS m the We tmoreland case, Joins a USD Law School and City Club conference'i,n the "Pre , Libel & American Freedom" at the Hilton April 27. Also speaking will be New York Times columnist Tony Lewis, and constitutional authori- ties on the press and libel Dr. Marc Franklin of Stanford Law School and Dr. Frederick Schauer of the University of Mic~i,(a_2_,,Law School.
and warrants to buy common stock . Oak will be able to make payments on the new bonds
The cost of each seminar Is $111, Including a light breakfast. For Information or reglstra- tion, phone Kathy Hare at 260-4585. • The San Diego Board of Realtora will present a five-day seminar March 11-15 for new real estate licensees and people return- Ing to the profession. The class will be held from 8 a.m. to 12:45 p.m. each day at the board 's office, 2231 Camino del Rio South, It will cover the various techniques of list- lng and selling property, as well as methods of self-Improvement through goal setting and lime management. The Instructor will be Jeff Layng, a veter- an of 18 years In real estate and the author of "The Nut • and Bolta of listing and Selling The cost of the seminar is $75 for members of the board of Realtors, $95 for non -mem- hers. For1nformatlon or reservations, phone • A five-day course titled "Auditing In the Computer Environment" will be presented March 11-15 at the Bahia Hotel, 998 W. Mis- sion Bay Drive, San Diego. The course will be held from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. each day. The seminar will examine electronic data processing auditing, Including applications controls, how to test computerized systems and the Impact of computerization on the au- Co-sponsors are the San Diego office of the Cooper.l..&.J.¥brand accounting firm and the Saiimego chapter of the EDP Audltora A •• o- The cost Is $795 for association members and $845 for non-members. Pre-registration Is required . Phone Coopers & Lybrand at 232- to_r_m_o_r_e_ln_f_o_r_m_a_t_1o_n_._.....,_____ _ the board at 291-3714. ditlng process. elation. San Diego. Real Estate."
The project totals 14,850 square feet, with unit sizes ranging from 1,100 to -4,950 square feet, David Knip said. Knlp Is assistant mar- kellng manager for The Parker Deutsch Co. of Santa Ana, the developer. The project Is situated on about an acre, he said. "It 's kind of llke a new era 1n auto care," Knlp said of the center. "It gives the mom- and-pop-type auto store and the chain stores a place to congregate together. "The customer can come to the San Mar- cos Auto Care Center and his needs will all be Each unit has a reception/office area and a 35-by-20-foot se rvice bay . Parker Deutsch is acting as general contractor on the project and will finish the office Interiors for tenants who lease more than 2,000 square feet, Knip taken care of." About 40 percent of the project Is leased, Knip said, but he declined to name the The San Marcos Auto Care Center features a Spanish design, with white-stucco walls • A seminar on purchasing and lnvento- ry control will be presented from 1-4:30 p.m. Thursday at the San Diego campu:L_of Na- _ tional Univerai.q, 4007 Camino de! Rio mnrtrr:""" Co-sponsored by the Smal,l,_Bualnus Ad- ministration and the Servlce7:i;';j,s of R• tirlNI hecutlv5s, '"the seminar Is aimed at small business owners and owners-to-be. It to buy the right mer- rhandise at the right price and In quantities that will allow for a profitable return orl In- The registration fee Is $5. For lnforma_t1_o_n__8_000 __ wlll discuss how vestment. said. tenants. and roofs of red tile. Random notes
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If holders of all bonds agree to the ex- change, the company has said It will save $7,4 million In Interest payments on the old • It has not paid the Interest due Feb. 1 on 10.5 percent bonds - which fall under the exchange offer - and it will make the pay- ment on untendered 10.5 percent bonds after the offer expires . • Mitsui Mining and Smelting Co. wlll Increase Its stake In the Oak/Mitsui joint- venture partnership from 20 percent to 49.9 percent. Mitsui Mining had the option to In· crease its holdings, according to the original Joint-venture agreement. Located in Hoosick Falls, N.Y ., Mitsui Mining manufactures copper foll for use In laminates for printed circuit boards. .. • An agreement has been reached be- tween Oak and Racal Electronics to end their Recal/Oak joint venture. The joint venture, formed In 1982 to sell cable-television equip- ment In Europe, had sales of about $1 million In 11184. However, Oak said last week-the op- eration "does not appear to have a reason- able chance to become profitable In the near future," Oak, a diversified electronics, communica- tions and manufacturing company, lost $191.5 million between January 1982 and Sept. 30, 1984. It expects more than $80 mil- lion In additional losses for 1984. Auto center nears completion Construction should be flnl ~hed In about notes. Oak also announced that:
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