News Scrapbook 1985

iego lawyer

for legal bills sent by San

eese returns $75,000 chec


to be payment in full, meanmg Meese will owe nothing. Schaefer, a landlord, former mem• ber of the San Diego City Council nd unsuccessful candidate in frequent subsequent campaigns, said yester- day he sent Meese the check because it was "an ideal opportunity for somebody to indicate that the pri- vate sector would like to take care" of Meese's legal expenses. "My interest was to have it han• dled by the private sector rather than by the U.S. Treasury ... ," he said. "I'm financially independent. I like to help people I like, causes I like." In the earlier interview, on Feb. 14, Schaefer allude(\ to his own past Please see MEES~JA-14

nal wrongdoing, and Meese finally won~ 1ate confirmation Feb. 23 on a 63-31 vote. Meese's lawyers, Leonard Gar- ment of ashington, D.C., and E. Robert Wallach cif San Francisco, have submitted their bills to the gov- ernment for payment, but it is not known exactly how much the govern- ment will pay. Amendments enacted in 1983 to the Ethics in Government Act pro- vide for taxpayer payment of legal expenses of federal officials who are investigated under the act but subse- quently not charged. Meese told the Senate Judiciary Committee in January that Garment and Wallach will consider whatever amount of legal expenses is awarded

with his legal expenses and explain- ing the plan to raise the funds from associates. Meese returned the money "with a very gracious letter," Schaefer said. He declined to reveal the contents of Meese's letter. Reagan nominated Meese to be at- torney general in January 1984, but confirmation was held up while a court-appointed independent counsel investigated a variety of allegations involving Meese's financial affairs. Among the matters investigated was Meese's receipt of loans from several people who later obtained federal jobs. The independent counsel said in September that his five-month inves- tigation had cleared Meese of crimi-

Meese, who served as counselor to the president during Reagan's first term, rolled up more than $720,000 in legal expenses during his 13-month battle to win Senate confirmation as attorney general. Schaefer, who refused in an inter- view last month to confirm that he had sent the check, acknowledged it yesterday after being told of Chap- man's commPnts. He said that al- though he had written the ch~k, he had intended to get most of the money back. "I have 75 people that I work with that were ready to spring for $1,000 each," Schaefer said. Schaefer said he sent the check di- rectly to Meese, unsolicited, along with a letter offering to help him

Tribune f'oht,cs Writer U.S. Attorney General Edwin Meese, who has been heavily criti- wed for allegedly helpmg land fed- eral Jobs for people who aided him financially, returned a check for $75,000 sent to him by San Diego law- yer Mike Schaefer to help pay Mecse's legal bills. Bruce Chapman. a former aide to Meese in the White House who is now director of President Reagan's Office of Planning and Evaluation, con- firmed yesterday that Schaefer sent Meese a check for $75,000 and that Meese returned it by registered mail. "We didn't know anything about it or what it was for or anything," Chapman said.


Son Diego, CA lSon Diego Co.) Evening Tribune \Cir . D. l 27,454) AR7

San Diego, CA (San Diego Co.) Daily Transcript (Cir. D. 7,415)

San Diego, CA (San Diego Co.) Israel Today (Cir. 2xM. 11,600) MAR 7 1985




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I 888


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., Attorney, Judg~ Honored At Dinner ...24 .,_ The lJSD ~Ji'oo1 of Law Alumni Association will honor U.S. Attor- ney Peter Nunez and North County Superior Court Judge Gilbert Nares. The Distinguished Alumni Awards Dinner will be held at the Kona Kai Club on March 8 with cocktails beginning at 6:30 p.m.

Church/State Separation Report at USO Dr. Robert ~ uti,c Director of Americans United for S:paration of Church and State. will speak at the ~y of San Diego Manchester Center on Monday. February 25. at 7:30 PM: An author. Southern Baptist mrn, 5t er. and religious acti, ,st. Dr_ M_addox pro, ides unique 1~s1g~t into the current contro,er s_ies rnvoil rng religion and poli tics. For more information. call

nice to me" over the years. "I'd like to do something to help

He said Meese, a former La Mesa resident and law professor at the Un_iyers1ty of San Diego, "has been



rapes with authorities, in particu- lar the md1ctment of him and other members of the 1967 City Council on charges of conspiracy and bribery m the so-c lied Yellow Cab scandal. Schaefer and the others were ulti- mately acquitted or had their cases dismissed. He said his legal expenses then ex- ceeded $10,000, while council mem- bers at the time were paid just $5,000 a year. Schaefer described himself as a "soft touch'' for public officials - even those he may not support politi- cally - who find themselves in legal difficulty and facing huge expenses for attorneys. While not acknowledging at that time that he had ent any money to Meese, Schaefer aid. "I want no favors. I'm not looking for any federal jobs. I have no cases pending before the federal govern- ment." He said he had also contributed $100 or $200 to Mayor Hedgecock's legal defense fund and had donated to many other individuals and caus- es. 1 "I'm a soft touch for any cause f that comes along like that," Schaefer said.

Ed Meese," he said.


233 8473.

Son Diego, CA (Son Diego Co.) Evening Tribune (Cir. D. 127,454)

9 1985

Rancho Bernardo, CA (San Diego Co.) Bernardo News (Cir. W.)

Jll~n'• P. c. 8 Esr. 1888 Trial wde__red for Lucas Daviit Alim"'.tucas has been or- dered to stand trial in Superior Court for t_he kidnap and murder of a.)Jni- vers1ty of San Diego student, a 3- y_ear-old LaKeSiile girl and her baby- sitter and the kidnapping and at- tempted murder of a Seattle woman A March 22 date was set for fur: ther p~~eedings in Superior Court. Municipal Court Judge Wayne L Peterson found special circum: stances of multiple murders and found th~t the slaying of Univ~rsity ~f San Diego student Anne Catherine ~anke took place during a kidnap- pmg. . If c?nvicted under a finding of spe- cial Clfcumstances, Lucas could be sentenced to death. Lucas was held to answer for Swank~'s murder in November the June kidnapping and attempted ~ur- f:r of Jody Santiago of Seattle and _e October murder of A~ber Fisher, 3, and 24-year-old Rhonda Strang, who was babysitting Fisher. -

AR 9 1985

.Jl.tlrn '• · u~ --t'.1nivmil,>: of San Diego is showing an art exhibit of "Horsefeathers," an American Indian satire by Bill Flores, in the Founders Gallery, Founders Hall. Gallery hours are noon to 5 pm, weekdays. Call 260-4600, ext 4261. E9 P c. B 1 ,

Son Diego, CA lSon Diego Co.) Evening Tribune (Cir. D. 127,454)

Son Diego, CA (Son Diego Co.) Evening Tribune (Cir. D. 127,.4541

AR 8 198

AR 9 198~

Jllln. '•


P. C. 8 F.rr. 1888 Lucas will face trial in mult.ple slayings By~ Tribune Staff Writer

P. c. e



Pastoral letter rapped for omitting Jesus ,_,~~ By Robert Di Veroli Tribuae Religioa Writer !,hose ~f the tale~ts and of the wise and foolish virgins, parables that Novak has lifted .horribly out of context into illustrations of bourgeois thrift" Colombo said. ' Colom~ said the parables are actually meant as a warning to ksus' followers to be ready for the advent of God's ~ingdom at any given time."

hearing today, Peterson held Lucas to answer for the June kidnapping and attempted murder of Jod Sa r ago of Seattle and the Octo~ n I· ders of Ambe~ Fisher 3 and 2%. old Rhonda Strang, ~ho was 6aby: • Lucas also was held to answer for t e kidnap and murder of Swanke who was last seen alive Nov 20 in La Deputy District Attorne Dan· sitting Fisher h •· Mesa. ·



avid Allen Lucas today was or- dered to stand trial in Superior Court for the murders of a UIU,vers~ of ~n D1epo woman, a 3-y~ar-oldke- s1 e g1r and her baby sitter and the attempted murder of a Seattle

A critic of the _letter on the U.S. economy issued by a 31-member self- constit~~d committee of Roman Catholic laymen says the Jetter purports to be Christian, but never mentions Jesus Christ. The lett~r speaks of "co-creation," meaning that God gave men and women stewards~1p of the world for their earthly needs, but that's about the sum of the let~er s theology, says Joseph Colombo, associate professor of theology at the Umversity of San Diego. "I find n amaiihg that in a document allegedly dealing with Catholic social thought Jes~s of Nc1:zareth is not mentioned once," Colombo, who discussed th~ letter this week ma USD lecture, said in an interview. Although you have lengthy and highly significant quotations from John A~ams, Thomas Jefferson, Alexis de Tocqueville, Adam Smith, John Stuart Mill, etc., not once does the notion that Christianity has something to do with Jesus of Nazareth enter in." The let~ 1 er, "~owards the Future: Catholic Social Thought and the U.S. ~conon;iy,. was 1SSued as an advance response to the first draft of American b1Shops proposed pastoral letter on the U.S. economy released after Novem- ber's general_elections. Th~ lay letter's principal authors were Michael Novak of the ~encan Enterprise Institute, and former Treasury Secretary Wil- ham E. Simon. _The bishop's.dr~ft, "Cat~olic Social Teaching and the U.S. Economy," com- plimented cap1ta~m for its accomplishments, but generally recommended government solutions to the problem of poverty. The lay letter acknowledged the _role of government, but endorsed a free-market economy as the best way to hft the poor out of poverty. C~lombo said th~t in contrast to the bishops' draft, the lay letter is weak on the ~s~ue of _wh~t it means to be a Christian in the economic sphere - a spec1f1c application of the New Testament call to Christians to be disciples of Christ a~d cha~pion the cause of the poor and oppressed. The.b~shop~ d~aft al_so. speaks of ~o-creation, but clearly delineates the Catholics ob~1g~tion to imitate Jesus mstanding up for the poor. The only s1gmf1cant New Testament quotations cited in the Jay letter are

"I would say the lay letter operates with a theology which is nothing more th~n warmed-over deism, a God who is a co-creator and that's it," Colombo said. _"I mig_ht_ be_ wr_ong, but I thought Jesus of Nazareth had something to do with Chnstlamty mgeneral and Catholicism in particular ... If I find a letter that seeks_ to articulate the principles by which we approach concrete mat- ters and 1t makes no reference, or any significant reference to Jesus of Nazareth, then I'm rendered a little bit skeptical," he said. Colombo said the reason could be that Alexander Haig, Claire Boothe Luce, J. Pete~ Grace an~ other members of the lay committee "don't have much t~eolog1cal expertise_, or they have as much theological expertise as the b1Shops have economic expertise." Colombo, w_ho said he did not feel competent to judge the nuts-and-bolts ;,eco~mendatJons _m~~e ~y either document, said he found the lay letter ,difficult ~nd elusive, gullty of "rhetorical excess, if not doublespeak" and ' flag-wavmg." Colombo said it is also often unclear about such basic notions as "capital- ism" and "profit." , "After a while you begin to wonder whether 'Toward the Future' bas looked close!~ en?ugh at the language it's using when it comes to specifying a system as cap1tahst," Colombo said. He sa_id on~ of the letter's worst passages is one that says a free-market syste~ IS ultimately no regarder of race, creed, color, ethnicity or sex. The operative word, Colombo said, is "ultimately." He s_aid o~e g~ thi?g ~hat could come out of both documents is that more Cath_ohcs will begm thmkmg about the economy and how it works. "Probably no~hmg affects us more on a day-to-day basis than the economy " Colombo said. '


Munl .

P t cipal Court Judge Wayne L. .e erso~ also ordered Lucas to con- tmue bemg held without bail and set ! ~arch 22 date for further proceed- Williams told Peterson th!t Luc~ i · had scratches on his face short! t eterso~ found special circum- after the disappearance of swank% ;/nces O multJp~e murde!'5, a_nd Frank Clark, Lucas' partner at a car~ 0 /~ i~t the sdlaymg of Umvers_1ty pet cleaning company, testified that S iego stu ent Anne Cat~erme Lucas had bad scratches on the left :;van e took place durmg a kidnap- side of his face" when he returned to pmg. . work on ov. 23. ci;{ ~~~vict~ under a findmg of spe- Williams said Santiago bad unusu- t cums nces, Lucas could be al choke marks on her neck that sen enced to death t bed . At the conclusio~ of a preliminary :~. a cham found at Lucas'

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