News Scrapbook 1985
San Diego, CA (San Diego Co.) Dally Transcript (Cir. D. 7,415)
San Diego, Calif. Southern Cross (Cir. W. 27,500) AUG 29 1985- '-'llfen's P. C. B
UG 2 81985
• ~I/,,.•• ,~~x AdEtlffi n's ServiceHonored Crimin 1 ti ens and civil P C B / ,
Ir. 18XR
available at the downtown court- house business office or Domestic Law & Motion back room. They went into effect Monday. • • • Attorney David Brewer, managing partner of Saxon, Alt, Brewer & Kincannon in Mission
~SD orientation day set ALCALA PARKo<'.~ifu"t 1,000 parents and students from throughout the nation are expected to attend the University of San Diego's annual orientation day S~r 2'.- Campus tours and information sessions on resident life, campus ministry, financial aid and academics will be given from 9 a .m. to l :45 p .m in Camino Hall USD PRESIDENT Author E. Hughes will deliver a welcome address at 2 p.m. in Camino Theater. Other speakers include Thomas Burke, vice president and dean of student affairs, and Anne and Richard Lonnecker, presidents of USD's parents association . A reception will be held in Camino patio at 2:45. CLASSES AT the uriiversity begin September 9. /
LawBriefs by Pauline Repard
Valley, will speak on "Updating Legal Aspects in the Credit Union Movement" on Oct. 7 before the Nation I Credit Union Managers A 1ation annual convention in H waii. The law firm has retained Kenneth Lowe to serve as its bus- in consultant fo long-range planning, billing and collections, partnership agreements and other work. • • • Ann Cretsinger of Point Loma, 1983 graduate of University of Texas School of Law, has joined Luce, Forward, Hamilton & Scripp . After law school she held a clerkship with U.S. District Judge J . Lawrence Irving in San Diego. • * • an Diego law firm Heggeness & Sweet, on Fourth Avenue, has open d an Orange County office in S ntaAna. ••• The State Bar of California is seeking applications for the We tern Center on Law and Poverty, Inc. board of directors. Applications are due Sept. 30 to Susan Mattox, Office of Legal Ser- vice , State Bar, 555 Franklin St ., San Francisco, 94102. Th organization is based in Los Angeles and has a Sacramento branch office for providing resour- ces to legal services programs in the state. The seat open is for the re t of a three-year term ending Dec. 31, 1986. • • • Jeffrey N. Novack has opened 11 law office at 191 Calle Magdalena, suite 270, Encinitas. He is a grad• uate of UCSD and California Western School of Law, and a third.generation attorney. He em- phasizes family law, personal inju- ry and criminal defense in a gen- eral pr ctice. /
Court ,Judg will he 1n tall d durin c remonies Fnday in the City Council Cham- bc·rs, I ~th floor of the City Admin i tr turn Ru tiding at 202 C St. ••• At o Brown B g " H ,w to H ogmz Wh11t 'lo x, With [t When You Do," Dr. Hobert Georg will be host d at noon tomorrow by the • an Du-go l.f'gal S er •tari A oc·i ,lion The fr talk will be h I d
AUG 29 1985
B nk Building D l 525 B t, in the • • Gerald
.Jl.l/~,i '•
P. C. B far 1888 ~ onversa ional Spanish offered ' Wednesdays from 9 a.m. to JI for adults will be a.m. taught by Evening classes are also scheduled, in the library at Stella Maris Academy, on the corner of Carlos G. Herrera at Casa de Manana, 849 Coast Blvd., star- turn • * • Word from the top - Superior Court Pr u!tng Judg Don mith: Voluntary panel ettlement will b v 1h1ble at Superior Court th WI' k of D . 5 written tipu- 1 tum by all part1 s w1shtng to part1c1patl' mu be ubmitt d by Oct. 11 to Hon Overholt in the Ar- bitrutJon D pt. An At I ue Memo- rundurn mu11t be fil d. The panel w1 II hnve a ttlement judg and two Ltorney c1Bli in personal il\)ury and wrongful d ath ca • • • Rainbow Municip I Water Dis- trict ha s named Jennings, Eng!ltrnnd & Henrikson a gen- eral counsel The firm will provide legal n•prcsenta t1on, led by attor• ney W,,llnce Peck, to the di trict's board ofd1r •ctors 11nd st ff ......... Other Jenn ings, Engstrand news William Pate has been electerl to the firm's board of direc- tors. The Uni .rsity of an Diego Law School gradua e1mll'been with thtr-tmn since 1979 and beads its [n urance Litigation Dept. Wife Chri tin I a partner in the firm. .. . . First Amended Superior Court E amlly Law & Motion rules are ting Sept. 9 and through Nov. 9. continuing and Kline Herschel Avenue Street. Herrera, who graduated from the Unive~ gt San Diego, has more than 20 years of teaching experience with San Diego Com- munity Colleges. Spanish 1 will be offered Mon- days from 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. Spanish 2 will be offered Thursdays from 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. Spanish 3 and 4 is slated for Spanish 1 will be offered Thursdays from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. Spanish 2 is set for Mondays from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m . Spanish 3 and 4 will get under- way Wednesdays from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. Classes are also offered in Pacific Beach on Tuesdays . For more information, call 459-7515 . • El Cajon, CA (San Diego Co ) Daily Cal ifornian (Cir. D 100,271) Los Angeles, CA (Los Angeles Co) Times (San Diego Ed .) (Cir. D 50,010) (Cir. S 55,573) AUG 3 o 1985 AIJG 301985 .JI./~,. 's P. C. B far 1888 Jllloi Benefit Concert ~ andie' and Evan Carawan, virful\~musicians will perform In coricer1 at 7 p.m. Sept. 5 at DeSales Hall, Uriilt.eait)I Qt SarT Diego on Linda Vista Road in San Diego. The program will also include a slide show on Nicaragua. There will be a $5 dona- tion at the door. Proceeds will go for Medical Aid to Nicaragua. Call 459-4650 for more Information. The Carawans will present folk music and contemporary songs in combination with their highly acclaimed performances on the ham- mer dulcimer, the guitar and the banJo. P. C. B Est. 1888 or.SANSITIJi: n AL'lFOP"'l'IA Ill...'JJE 'l.'RIBUNE ,.(;~1 ,\ll!DJ_)y-& EVAN CARA.WAN / (I C>lall> Uwversity of n Diego, Linda ista Road), USD and ~ends or Nicaraguan Culture present the eong lead- ers for social change at a benefit concert on Thursday at 7 p.m. AUG 30 1985 J'l./l~n's lo st. I 888 P C. 8 Hungerford, Schulman wed ;293'5" Melody Kim Hungerford carnations, chrysanthe- and Richard Alan mums and roses. Schulman, both of Matron of honor was Carlsbad, were wed Marisha Benson o! En- recently. cinitas. Debra Lavine of The ceremony uniting Oceanside served as the daughter of Sandra bridesmaid. Campbell of Hornell, N.Y. Best man was Laurence and Mark Hungerford of Ayers of Kearns , Utah. Wellsville , N.Y. to the son Bruce Baker of San Diego of Mr. and Mrs. Sam served as usher. Arden of Ramona was A reception for 50 guests performed at the followed the ceremony at MELODY SCHULMAN Southwestern Yacht Club Southwestern Yacht Club, in San Diego with Dr. Nels with a second reception Oas officiating. later at the home of the The bride was given in groom's parents. marriage by her brother The bride is a graduate Robert McNulty of Chula of Wellsville Central High Vista and wore a white School in Wellsville, N.Y., silk, tea-length dress with MiraCosta College and is a pleated skirt, white lace attending San D1ego_State tunic and a boat neck. Her University. She 1s a headpiece was a small- member of Phi Upsilon brimmed white hat with a Omicron and is manager of face veil. Great Earth Vitamins The bnde earned a store in Carlsbad. multi-colored bouquet of The bridegroom is a graduate of Monte Vista High School in Spring Valley, Stanford Universi- ty and the ~ty of San Diego Law School. He is a member of the La Jolla Cove Swim Club and the California Bar Association. He is employed by Sun Harbor Realty in Carlsbad. A honeymoon trip to Santa Barbara was plann- ' ed. San Diego, CA {San Diego Co.) Evening Tribune {Cir. D. 127,454) ~UG 3 1 1985 JI.I/err', , " P. c. e 1888 ---:(N ESTIMATED 1,000 STUDENTS and their p~ts are expected to attend a daylong orientation Monday at thtllnirer· sit~of San Diego Campus tours are planned, and information s~~ons on. resident students' life, financial aid and campus mm_1st~ will be offered in Camino Hall in anticipation of the begmrung of the fall semester Sept. 9. USD President Author Hughes will deliver a welcoming address at 2 p.m. in the Cami- no Theater on campus. .:zt:J.!:;S _,-/ .. 1 •
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