News Scrapbook 1985
San Diego, Calif. Southern Cross (Cir. W. 27,500) ~t:P i 1985
San Diego, CA (San Diego Co.) Dally Transcript (Cir o. 7,415)
San Diego, CA (San Diego Co.) Daily Transcript (Cir. D. 7,415)
p C. B
SEP -1
SEP 5 1985
USD law professor will head court test ALCALA PARK - SanA/f~erior Court and federal court will begin a six-month " teleconferencing" experiment this fall conceived and conducted by Robert Simmons, a Unillersity of Sap Diego law professor. During the test, certain non-evidentiary hearings and confere nces in both criminal and civil matters will be conducted over the telephone, eliminating the need for attorneys to make court appearances, THE SAVINGS to attorneys, client s and courts could run into hundreds of thousands of dollars, Simmons said . Under the program, attorneys will be given a prearranged time to call in for their teleconference . Four out ide phone lines, to be installed in San Diego and Vista Superior Courts and the U.S. District Court downtown, will enable judges to conduct hearings with attorneys. The cost of renting and in tailing test equipment and monthly line charge will be borne bv the San Diego Law Center, a joint proje ' Jlll p C B I , i8H~ CourtroomExperiment ould Save Time, Money fj'j ens • /Thygerson 'Not CompletelyGreen' Here ;Zhbf),2./ 1· _f :_ · - th that 1· . I Although e'• never 1v in rn e BCnse we 1ve m a vo a- California, Kenneth J. Thyrer- tile economic environment and IIOll, current chief executive officer have to deal with hath the atten- and president of Freddie Mac and dant risks and the attendant op- 800n-to-be-president of lmpcnlll portunitiea of deregulation. Co~o~~erlca says he already "The time had ~me for me knows thepi'ihcipal players at San reenter the private sector, Diego's leading savings and loans, Thygerson said, explaining why he including Gordon Luce, chairman decided t.o accept Goulet's offer. He of Great American ii.fat Savings is leaving Freddie Mac with its Bank, and Kim Fletcher, chairman beet profits and best growth in its of J¼!!!e Federal Savings and 16-year history, with 8.888ts of more Loan. ·- - - than$100billion. But in a telephone interview "Little remaillll to be done before someone yeaterday." Burnham said he still plane to select a new president within the six-month time table he outlined shortly after Cunningham' • depar- ture wae announced. "I said six months and it's now been three months," he said. "There are plen- ty of candidates to choee from." Burnham said he is looking for someone with a "proven track re- cord" at a financial institution - known s Lowell, Robbin, Hamil- ton Mclntyr . larger than First National'e cur- rent $116.7 million in aBBetl size who has experience in San Diego's bUBinees banking markets. "We're looking for 110meone with strong financial marketing creden• tials who ie people oriented," he said. "We believe we have barely tapped the surface of potential bua- iness banking opportunities in San Diego and we still have a lot of room to grow without having to merge or acquire other institu- tione n Burnham, who also is chairman of John Burnham & Co. and hae been leading the fund-raising drive for the San Diego Yacht Club' • America's Cup Challenge, said he manages . to keep himaelf very busy. .. • .. George Leonard, president and chief executive of Central Savine • and Loan AHoliBocnimder a management contract between First Federal Savings Bank of Arizona and federal regulators, says he has submitted the evalua- tion report on the troubled S&L to the Federal Savings and Loan In- surance Corp. and iB "waiting for the FSLIC to digest it." Meanwhile, Don Black, former- ly of CentralFed Mortgage, has been hired by Central as the new loan servicing manager. "Black wasn't at CentralFed ·when this company owned it," Leonard said. Leonard declined to comment on the details of his report to the regu- lators but said "our conclUBion is that (Central Savings) ie a very viable 1Jrganization." First Federal of Arizona has aeked regulaton for the right to manage Central for the next three to five years. • •• Donald H. Gruhl hae been hired as vice president and account executive of the businesa develop- ment and commercial loan d&- partment of Union Bank's San Diego Regional Office. Gruhl had been vice president with Manufac- turers National Bank of Detroit, with $6.4 billion in W1Sets, for 12 years before moving to California. • • • Torrey Pi__neB Bank in Solana Beach has hired attorney Marla McMeans as in-house counsel. to save time and money on the legal niceties of loan administration. McMeane, a former 888istant vice president and staff attorney with the Bank of San Diego, will 888ume the same title at Torrey Pines. McMeana holds a BA from the University of California at Irvine and a law degree from USD's School of Law_,__She is a memberof the California Bar ABIIOCiation, the San Diego County Bar Association and the Financial Lawyer'sGroup/ --- t 1!1 II The Lenders by Jane E. Halsema LawBriefs >y P ulin R pard yesterday from Waehington, D.C., ThygeJBon said he hae yet to meet tbe top officers of ICA, the $8.6 billion illlltitution he will take con- trol of Sept. 16. "I don't start completely green in San Diego," said Thygerson, who hae visited San Diego at least once a year ae president of the Federal Home Loan Mortgage Co. and once served with Luce on President Reagan's Com.nll8111on on HoUBing. Thygerson said he had been ap- proached by other board chairmen during hie three year stint aa president of Freddie Mac, but had not serioUBly coneidered any previ- OUB offers. He said that Victor Goulet, tbe principal shareholder and chairman of ICA, had ap- proached him about a month ago and the two 'had had "extensive diecW1Sions" before he accepted the JOb. "It was a very, very cloee match," Thygerson said. "I have no trepidation in taking the job except Elsewhere- (Continued from Page lA) serving a,; assistant to the presi dent and director of special support serv ices. He is a former Secret Ser- vice agent and was e1ecutive director of the Californ ia State Police in 1969-75. ••• Mexicans worried over the conti nui ng devaluation of the country's currency shipped $1 .46 billion out of the country during J uly, the Mexico City News re- ported yesterday. However, the Mexico City News SBld that the capital flight began to subside after President Miguel de la Madrid took action by allowing the peso to float against the U.S. dollar, ending a Iucrati ve black market for dollars. ••• Composer Johnny Markll, who delighted generations of children with "Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer" and his other Christmas songs, died Tuesday at the age of 75 in New York Hospital after a long·· illnesa. " Rudolph the Red- Nosed Reindeer" was"f1rst recorded in 1949 by Gene Autry. Since then approximately 150 million records and over 8 million , sheet mUBic copies of the Christmas cl888ic have been sold.worldwide. I leave (Washington)," he said "There really are no ghosts in the cloeet here." Thygereon said Goulet would maintain a "hands-off' posture towards day-to-day operations at JCA's aubaidie.riee, Imperial Sav- ings and Loan Assoc~ San Diego, American Savings in Kan- 888 and Colorado and Imperial Mortgage Corp., a mortgage len- ding subsidiary. "Victor (Goulet\ is committed to making ICA a quality institution over the long term," said Thyger- son. "My particular objective is not growth per se and I know the CTCA) board supports me in the commit- ment to build a quality financial institution. The whole quality of growth and capital adequacy are very significant issues." Thygerson has authored numeroUB articles on " tax man- agement and other esoteric sub- jects" for academic and trade publicatione. The Chicago native said he iB looking forward to plac- ing his two sons in the La Jolla public school system. • • • First W eatern Bank of Pacific Beach, well into its second three months of a public stock offering, held its annual shareholders meet- ing last week but did not invite the _prees. First Western'e president, Joe Hlldreth, has decli ned to re- turn repeated phone calls to his of- fice , but his secretary said the shareholders meeting ha.d been held Aug. 29. No word still on the bank's second quarter earnings or the succees or failure of its stock of- fering . • • • Malin Burnham, chairman of First National Corp. and chair- man, acting president and chief executive officer of I ts principal subsidiary, First National Bank, says he is in no hurry to find a replacement for Ed Cunningham, the bank's founding president, who left in May to become president and chief executive officer of Great American Bank in Century City. ·"I have identified two potential candidates but haven't sat down to solicit either one," Burnham said this week.. "We have the luxury of We have a very competent staff at the bank and it's not a mat- ter of life or death to come up with IA Jolla, Cali!'. l&n DU8)Co) U\ ,l'Cl.U U • • • ttomcy .Judy E. H milton nd Mnnty A. McIntyre have m partn rs of the firm to be lhng. untie. • F r West Re- ••• A new law Journal focu mg on f. •dPr I court practice and analyz. m • current fi d r I rule begins puhhcat1on th, month. Called The Fedural Litigator, it will be published 10 times per yea r, accor- dmg to Prof Neil Levy of G1Jlden nt Umver 1ty m San Francisco who will co-pubh h the Journal along with JefTr y . Brand of the Univer ity of an Francisco. SEP 5 1985 •· Jlll£rt '• P. C. B F.. _-- • • • San Diego, CA (San Diego C~.l San Diego Union (Cir. o. 217 ,3241 (Cir. s. 339,7881 SEP 5 1985 )lll£n'• f ,r 1888 P. c. B San Diego group to travel to sister city in Spain The soo:1 ~n'?versary of Christo- a two-week tour and goodwill visit. Serra named San Diego for a friar summer ~es_idence of Queen Isabella. pher Columbus' first audience with During the trip, the group will who bad helped poor students at t~e The tnp IS open _to the pubhc and Queen Isabella will be commemorat- meet with Alcala's mayor, Don_ Ar- University of Alcala, Bourbon said. th~ $2,223 c~arge includes a ~ound- by a group planning to travel to semo Lope, and will present to him a tnp pl~ne _ticket and th~ pnce of San Diego' sister city, Alcala de silver box engraved with the seal of The University of San Diego is archi- rooms m f~rst-class Sparush hotels, Henares in Spain the city of San Diego, Bourbon said. tecturally modeled after the Univer- Bourbon ~d. . Later in the tour the San Diego sity of AlcaU, Bourbon said. Reservations close on Sept. 12, he ~lcala was th e site of th e explor- group will be receiv~ by the gover- Alcala is also the birthplace of the said. For more information, contact er s visit wi th th e _queen as well as nor of the island of Mallorca, the renowned writer Miguel Cervantes, the Chula Vista Travel Center, 297 K th e home of th e friar for ~horn San birthplace of Padre Junipero Serra, author of "Don Quixote," and the St., Chula Vista. Diego wa later named, said Alfonso f d f C l"f · , f" t · de Bourbon, the president of the San t~e oun e~ o a I orma s irs m!s· • Al 1~ s t c·t Society a s1on, San Diego de Alcala, at the site Diego- .ca " 15 er I Y . . • of modem-day San Diego. The tour non-profit, volunteer orgamzation. also will include visits to the cities of The San Diego group wlll fly to Madrid, Toledo, Segovia, Valencia Spain on Oct 14 for the beginning of and Barcelona. L..~-~~----~~---~---~--- •
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