News Scrapbook 1985

Son Diego, CA (Son Diego Co.I Son Diego Union (Cir. D. 217,3241 (Cir. S. 339,788) SEP 151985 .Jllkn'• P. C. B hr 1888 / Prelude party pushes Symphony Hall a bit closer By Janet utte~r.5 6 Palomar Winery; and Piconi Winery. picnics or reserve picnic baskets. taff Writ r ------------ . ' • t d ts d f lt t· ts Tickets are $30, or $15 for the tastmg Graduates u en an acu y ar 1s Spindrift alone. will play for the event from 5 to 7

The reality of Symphony Hall, and its gala opening, came a bit closer with th r nt prelude party. About 200 of the 500-plus donors who have giv n $1,000 were honored (The do- nors will g t a nam plaque placed on a .eat rn the hall - the former Fox Th ter nd an invitation to the Saa Diego ymphony gala Nov. 2.) Som of lb tars to be th r . Di- ahann Carroll, Joel Grey, Ben Ver n and Tom Tennille. Hal Lin- d n will be emcee. It' !ready been announc d that Jazz pianist Oscar Peterson will appear. Th prelude, given by Saks Fifth Avenu , became a sort of progres- tve drnner. The caterer's truck broke down, so the food and drink were relayed 1JI taxi to the Bnck- wood Estate in Rancho Santa Fe. The gu ls began arriving around 7 p.m., and ev ntually, the champagne cab came. L t to arrive was the food. Th ice ulptur were abandoned som wh re between La Jolla h party. But the gu ts had the good m c of teven Spencer's hand to ustain th m - h used to play for Lester Lanm Hi band will play for the gala, too. It was all outside on the t nn1S courts, and Saks' luxurious fox furs med right m the September cool. (Overh ard: "Are big shoulders in?" Reply "They never left.") Euro- pean and Amencan designer clothes were hown, the mod Is walking in a handsome tling d igned by Rich- ard Widn y, who will create the gala's decor Urns, atop gold mylar pillars, held gilded curly eucalyptus branches and giant commodore palms. an echo of what guests will mNovember. Now gala chairwoman Dorene Whitney has only s11 weeks to go be- fore thi intricate, big-scale event - the hall hold 2,000. The invitations are beginning to go out for three )ev- e of tickets: $1,000 for the plaque, the ymphony concert and dinner; $500 for the evening; or $250 for the reception and concert alone. Back and forth In a year of eye-catching invita-

p.m. For reservations, call the UCSD music department. Mingei lntemational Museum will have its Collectors' Market on Satur- day and Sunday at the museum in University Towne Centre, featuring a sale of ethnic handmade items - jewelry, wearing apparel, folk art, antiques and collectibles. Museum members will have a preview party and sale from 6 to 8 p.m. Friday. Regular market hours will be 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. John Browne, British member of parliament who was host to Soviet leader Gorbachev when he visited London, will be speaker Saturday for the English Speaking Union dinner meeting at the University Club. Nancy Wedrick is chairwoman; Edna (Mrs. William) Horlor is taking res- ervations. Attorney General Ed Meese will be a special guest at The San Diego Crime Commis io banquet Sept 27 at t e Hotel Intercontinental. Wil- liam S. Cowling II, Thomas W. Sefton and the late David 0. Huffman will be honored. Tickets are SHIO. Plan ahead: San Diego Chamber Orchestra Guild will have a western barbecue-auction Oct. 5 at Kentmere Farms, Rancho Santa Fe. Sprites' fall fashion show will be Oct. 5 at the East County Performing Arts Cen- ter. The Heritage Collections Charity Antique Show and Sale will be Oct. 11 through 13 at the Del Mar Fair- grounds. The Bishops' School show will be Oct. 18 on campus. /

Festival of furs Bullocks Wilshire is having a French festival all month in South- ern California, and part of it, "La Vie En Furs," a show of 60 French-de- signed furs, will be presented for The President's Club of Unive~ San Pkgo Thursday. Special guest will be Mme. enee Saint Laurent, presi- dent Federation Nationale de la Fourrure. Elsie Weston is chairwom- an. The jewels of Verney Joailliers, Paris, will be on display, too, at the champagne reception at 6:30 p.m. at Bullocks Wilshire in La Jolla. Pro- ceeds will go to the President's Club Scholarship Program. For reserva- tions, call Jim Sotiros, at the univer- sity. Spinoffs The Ladie&.of Charity, auxiliary of the St. Vincent de Panl Center, will have a membership tea from 11 a.m. to 2p.m. Tuesday in the Mission Hills home of Anne and Michael lbs Gon- uilez. For reservations, call Lillian (Mrs. William) Vogt, Patty (Mrs. George) Lewis or Genevieve (Mrs. Robert) Davison. Then, Committee of 100 will have its membership tea from 2 to 5 p.m. Friday in the gardens of the Walter G. Barrett estate. The Committee works for preservation of the Span- ish Colonial architecture in Balboa Park. Anyone interested in member- ship may enroll at the tea; Betty (Mrs. Carlton) Moore is taking reser- vations. Chairwomen are Mary Adams and Betsy Adams. Friends of Music at UCSD are say- ing "Farewell to Summer" Saturday with a picnic and concert on the green at the Rancho Santa Fe home of Torajiro and Marianne McDonald Mori - she is president of the organ- ization. Guests may bring their own

The San Diego Union/ J amce Gordon Gala chairwoman Dorene Whitney and Symphony presi- dent Det Merryman.

A model shows off a lux- urious fur at the Symphony Hall Gala prelude party.


lions, the San Diego Repertory The- ater's fold-out "Back to the Future" one should take a prize. Of course, the event sounds like a prize-winner too. It all begins Saturday with a cruise across the bay, begmning at the Kona Kai Club. In a flotilla of yachts, guest will sail to Coronado and the turret- ed Victorian "Baby Del" owned by Chris and Francie Mortenson. (The house itseli was barged across the bay a while back.) A double-decker bus will be the shuttle from bay to partv.

Sept. 17 in Balboa Park. "The Vin- tage Years" will be sampled, in be- half of the Starlight Bowl Redevelop- ment Fund, on the lawn at the inter- section of Presidents Way and El Prado. The scenario: wine tasting and ap- petizers from 5 to 7:30 p.m., viewing Starlight's "A Chorus Line" at 8 p.m., then an after-show party at Oscar Taylor's restaurant. Among the vintners offering the tastings: Deer Park Winery (based in Napa Valley, with tasting rooms in Escondido); San Pasqual Vineyards; Mesa Verde Vineyards; Menghini Winery; Callaway Vineyards; Hart Winery; Cilurzo Vineyard; Mount


A 0 1938 Rolls-Royce will be parked outside, where guests may have pho- tos taken as a memento of the occa- sion. The first course will be served on the front lawn, and there also will be a sushl bar (very Victorian), wine and special aperitifs. Af er a tour of the three-story house, guests will pick up their wine in the wine cellar, grab Victorian picnic baskets and ad- journ to the lawn for dinner, music and some theatrical surprises. Reservations are $125 and are fun. ited to 125. The Vintage Years They're going to pop a few corks

San Diego, CA (San Diego Co.) Evening Tribune (Cir. D. 127,454)

SEP 16 1985

Jllfen ', P. c. B v- USD students get assignment injuve)lile law Th~~'j(y of San Dji;go Law School is operating a new clinic, with students defending juveniles in crim- inal cases. "We've tried to get into Juvenile Court for years, and this year the court has asked us to come in," said Professor Rick Barron, who directs the clinic with Professor Laura Berend. Barron said they will advise the students throughout the legal pro- cesses and appear in court with them and their clients. Eight students are participating in the project. They expect to handle up to three dozen cases in the current semester. Supervising Judge Napoleon Jones of Juvenile Court, who approved the use of law students to defend juven- iles, said it will result in "quality rep- resentation for the juveniles." "The law school students are pre- pared well and will do a good job for their clients," he said. Jones, a USD law graduate took part in the law school's adult 'clinic when it was founded in 1971. Barron said students in the pro- gram have "unlimited time and re- sources" to devote to their clients. "It will expose them to a field of law sorely lacking in interested at- torneys,'' he said. 1 ,. , 888


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