Diocesan Pastoral Directory

Department for Financial and Parish Support Services The Department for Financial and Parish Support Services is overseen by Mark Brummer, Director and Finance Officer. OFFICE FOR FINANCIAL SERVICES Mark Brummer (Director and Finance Officer). Janelle Brown (Controller). Heather McMillen (AR/AP). Christina Maher (Parish Payroll and Reporting). Brad Schaffer (Staff Accountant). Sam Lutostanski (Staff Auditor). Diocese of Springfield in Illinois Deposit and Loan Fund : Bishop Thomas John Paprocki (Trustee). Contact persons: Rev. Msgr. David J. Hoefler, V.G., Mark Brummer. Diocese of Springfield in Illinois Deposit and Loan Fund Committee : James A. Bock, Jr., Mike Christie, Rev. Msgr. David J. Hoefler, V.G., J. Michael Houston, Patrick Ketchum, Mark Brummer. Deposit and Loan Investment Committee : Timothy Healy, J. Michael Houston Consultors: James A. Bock, Jr., Mike Christie, Mark Brummer. OFFICE FOR INSURANCE AND BENEFITS Patrick Ketchum (Director). Mike Kelly (Associate Director). Laurie Weakley (Financial Services Associate). Diocesan Health Insurance Program Committee : James A. Bock, Jr., Brandi Borries, Mark Brummer, Tony Calucchia, Mike Christie, Erin Danaher, Rev. Msgr. David J. Hoefler, V.G., Mike Kelly, Patrick Ketchum, Audra Schultz, Laurie Weakley. Lay Employees’ Pension Plan Administrative Committee : James A. Bock, Jr., Brandi Borries, Mark Brummer, Mike Christie, Erin Danaher, Rev. Msgr. David J. Hoefler, V.G., Mike Kelly, Patrick Ketchum, Laurie Weakley. Consultant: Jerald T. Barkmeier. Commission for Priests’ Benefits : Rev. Jeffrey A. Grant, Rev. Allen M. Kemme, Rev. Aaron Kuhn, Msgr. Michael R. Kuse, Rev. Joseph Molloy, Rev. Michal Rosa. Ex officio: Rev. Msgrs. David J. Hoefler, V.G., David L. Peters. OFFICE FOR INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY Spencer Mauch (IT Manager). Jacob McGrath (IT Technical Support Specialist).


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