WCA July 2008



High turbulence pickling system QED has announced its latest development in acid cleaning technology, the patented ‘High Turbulence’ multi-stage pickling system. Highly turbulent flow patterns are designed to break down the boundary layer pockets of spent acid that form next to the wire surface; this continuously supplies fresh acid to the strands, resulting in more effective pickling and higher wire speeds. The system is designed with two or more acid stages, depending on the wire speed, with each stage having a separate pump, turbulence tray and re-circulating loop.

Multiple stages allow for lower acid con- sumption by the efficient ‘stepping’ of acid concentration and temperature levels. Predicted advantages of the system include exceptional cleaning, as a result of full immersion in highly turbulent acid. The high turbulence action allows for a weaker acid solution, as low as 2%, so improving the overall efficiency of the pickling system as well as provid- ing environmental and cost advantages for the effluent treatment system.

QED’s patented ‘High Turbulence’ multi-stage pickling system ❍ ❍

The varied strength, multi-stage process offers a range of configuration options to the operator, as follows: When the acid needs replenishing the first section can be totally or partially dumped. The acid can then be • decanted opposite to the direction of wire travel, leaving the last section wholly or partially empty to receive the new acid. A metered amount of fresh acid can be pumped into the last section on a continual basis, this amount will overflow • back through all the sections to the first section and then overflow to the waste acid treatment plant. The strength of the acid in the last section can be monitored and fresh acid added when needed, again allowing • acid to overflow to the first section and then out to treatment. The second and third options have the advantage of not burdening the waste acid treatment system with large infrequent batches but rather with a steady small flow of low concentration spent acid.

QED Wire Lines Inc – Canada Fax : +1 450 458 0200 Email : sales@qedwire.com Website : www.qedwire.com Pickling for finish and long die life

With the acquisition of BEMA company, Welding Wire Machineries (WWM) is introducing hydrochloric acid electrolitic pickling lines for wire rod. This is in response to user demands for a better quality of finished wire and a longer life for drawing dies.

With a mechanical descaling, the wire rod is not sufficiently cleaned to guarantee a high quality of final product and the oxide remaining on the surface shortens the life of the dies. For this reason WWM has developed a new hydrochloric acid electrolitic pickling line. Completely enclosed and supplied with strict safety controls, the new line creates no environmental pollution.

The line guarantees a perfectly clean wire rod surface ready to be drawn. In comparison with mechanical descaling the wire finish obtained is said to be of higher quality and the consumption of all the materials in contact with the wire is lower since the wire rod is oxide-free.

Welding Wire Machineries Srl – Italy Fax : +039 049 9500682 Email : salesdept@wwmsrl.com Website : www.wwmsrl.com


Wire & Cable ASIA – July/August 2008

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