THSO Annual Report 2022-23



Letter from Artistic Director...................... Letter from Executive Director.................. Letter from Board President..................... Vision/Mission/History............................. Ticket Sales Metrics................................. Supper at the Symphony........................... Concert Conversations............................. THSO Presents!........................................ Community Impact Metrics....................... Adventure Concert Program..................... Community Engagement Programs.......... Financial Information................................ Partners & Contributors............................

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Tim Stephenson Principal Keyboard Dance Around the World November 5, 2022

2022/2023 Annual Impact Report



We’re Playing for YOU! Our 97th season was a most memorable season Celebrating the BRILLIANCE of our THSO musicians. In our opening September concert, I Love a Piano , we experienced multi talented singer/pianist/songwriter Tony DeSare as he brought down the house with his interpretations of the timeless music of piano legends such as Elton John, Ray Charles, Billy Joel, and John Lennon, culminating with Gershwin’s iconic Rhapsody in Blue . The THSO also went on the road, taking this fabulous program to Paris, Illinois the day following our performance in Terre Haute. This concert was recorded and then produced by Tony DeSare and is available on Tony’s YouTube channel. Dance Around the World in November featured Principal Keyboard Tim Stephenson as he brought to life Florence Price’s extraordinary Piano Concerto, filled with American dance rhythms. Czech dances and Hungarian dances rounded out the program before closing with Dvorak’s Symphony No. 8. Due to Bowden’s unavoidable family conflict, Dr. Roger Kalia stepped in to guest conduct the program and made an immediate positive connection with the musicians and audience. Our Joyful Holidays concert was a sell-out as local soprano Caroline Goodwin joined the THSO as we performed favorites of the season and introduced some exciting new holiday pieces. Principal Tuba Glen Dimick was the featured soloist for our Musical Treasures concert on April 1, 2023. It’s rare for the tuba to be featured, and Glen brought the tuba to life as he deftly played the demanding piece, Journey, by contemporary composer Brian Sadler. Principal orchestra members also performed beautifully in solos in works including Romanian Rhapsody No. 1, Fauré’s Sicilienne , and Rossini’s The Silken Ladder . Our season finale on April 29, 2023, Brahms & Tchaikovsky was spectacular, especially the Brahms Violin Concerto performed by THSO Concertmaster Elina Rubio . As reviewer Stephanie Salter wrote: When is the last time you saw a classical concert audience deliver a standing ovation after just the first movement of a work? Probably the answer is “zero”…..after a blisteringly beautiful cadenza , Rubio and the orchestra finished the 25-minute first movement of Brahms Violin Concerto. A near capacity audience responded with the ultra-rare display. But the THSO wasn’t done yet! Salter continues in her review: The evening also featured a gorgeous opening work by the Black British composer Samuel Coleridge-Taylor, and what one concert attendee accurately termed a “shattering” performance of Tchaikovsky’s 4th Symphony. Altogether, our 97th season was a huge success – a most memorable season of sharing the transformative power of music !

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Letter from Dr. David Bowden Artistic Director

Dr. David Bowden Artistic Director

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I am so pleased to share our 2022-2023 Annual Report with the Terre Haute and Wabash Valley community! The Terre Haute Symphony Orchestra (THSO) is very proud of the impact we made on our community during our 97th season as the oldest professional symphony orchestra in the state of Indiana . This season was particularly exciting for THSO musicians because we had the chance to feature concerto soloists and guest artists from our own orchestra . It is amazing to be reminded of the phenomenal talent we have right here in Terre Haute! I love creating music with my superb colleagues and performing for our community. I am incredibly proud that we continued several successful community engagement programs this season including our Tour of the Orchestra presentations through the Osher Lifelong Learning Institute at Indiana State , our Symphony Sundays chamber music series at Westminster Village , and our vital Adventure Concerts for area 4th graders. We are extremely grateful to foundations and sponsors who made these events possible and FREE to attend for our patrons and students. These programs have allowed us to provide additional performance opportunities for our musicians, continue educating our community, and encourage young students to pick up an instrument and make music. We also continue to share our Supper at the Symphony events and chamber music concerts through our THSO Presents! series with the help of corporate sponsors and individual gifts. Thank you! We truly cannot do what we do without YOU. To the best symphony fans in the world , thank you for attending our events, donating to our Symphony Fund, sponsoring our concerts, advertising in our program book, or simply spreading the word about the THSO. Terre Haute is incredibly lucky to have one of the best regional orchestras in the country, and it’s because of you. Thank you!

Letter from Dr. Samantha Johnson-Helms

I hope you enjoyed the 2022-2023 Season!

Executive Director & Principal Clarinet

Dr. Samantha Johnson-Helms Executive Director & Principal Clarinet

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The Terre Haute Symphony’s Board of Directors is very proud of its role in supporting a high-quality orchestra in our community that consistently provides performances that rival those of much larger cities . In the last three years, our community engagement has almost quadrupled . Members of the THSO have provided music in an expanded variety of venues that included Westminster Village, Hatfield Hall, Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College, Terre Haute Brewing Company, The LAB on Locust Street, and the Paris Center of Fine Arts in Paris, Illinois. In reviewing all that our orchestra is doing, we may need to modify our tagline to read, “Great Music! Close to Home… and Beyond !" Each year thousands of students travel to Tilson Auditorium where they are introduced to the instruments of the orchestra and to the joy of making music . Pre-concert, the students have in-school visits from some of the musicians and then virtual visits after the concert for questions and discussions. The pride and enthusiasm for our THSO has developed and grown because of the commitment of many individuals. We continue to be extremely grateful for the gifts and vision that our conductor and Artistic Director Dr. David Bowden brings to the symphony. Our Executive Director Dr. Samantha Johnson Helms is a master of the clarinet, but also at efficiency and creative thinking. Together the two of them are a powerhouse that would be the envy of ANY organization. Our board members have readily provided support, time, and encouragement. They, along with our patrons, sponsors, and partners recognize what an asset the THSO is to our region . Besides the obvious contribution to the arts, our symphony helps advance the economic vitality of our community . The THSO has become a cornerstone of cultural vitality , education , and community engagement , enhancing the fabric of our community.

Letter from Dr. Barbara Hagerman

Barbara Lee Hagerman President, Terre Haute Symphony Board of Directors

President Board of Directors

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Our vision is to attract a diverse regional audience with engaging, high quality programming that includes the great masterworks of the orchestral repertoire, excellent pops programming, outstanding guest artists, and music of our time, especially from our own country and region.

Glen Dimick Principal Tuba

Musical Treasures April 1, 2023

Great music! Close to Home.



Great Music! Close to Home. Presenting concerts of great music performed with passion and excellence in audience friendly formats. Offering educational opportunities to children and adults that are focused on the joy of making music. Providing musical education resources to all schools in the region. Advocating the importance of music to our community

Caroline Goodwin soprano Joyful Holidays December 3, 2022

Great music! Close to Home.


Oldest Professional Symphony Orchestra in Indiana


1926 - Will H. Bryant directed the first concert at the "new" (1922) Indiana Theatre. 1933 - Newly-formed Terre Haute Symphony Association establishes a concert series, enhancing the work and ensuring the future of the THSO. 1962 - Local businesses begin to contribute financially to the THSA. Guest artists, such as Isaac Stern (1962), become a part of the programming. 1962 - For the first time, all members of the THSO are paid; therefore, the orchestra becomes truly “professional." 1964 - Women’s Symphony Society (later Terre Haute Symphony League) is organized. 1997 - Dr. David Bowden becomes the Music Director. 2016 - The THSA grows to offer five subscription concerts, four “Family Time” concerts, and two free children’s concerts in the Wabash Valley. 2020 - The THSO became one of the few orchestras in the nation to continue performing during the COVID-19 pandemic. Some concerts were performed outdoors, while others provided live-streamed music to patrons using technology.

Elina Rubio Concertmaster

Brahms & Tchaikovsky April 29, 2023

Great music! Close to Home.



In 2022-2023, the THSO welcomed our highest number of season ticket holders yet! We also celebrated total ticket sales returning to pre pandemic levels.

Season Ticket Sales


Total Regular Season Ticket Sales (Individual & Season)


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Supper at the Symphony

OUR MISSION The THSO hosts up to 176 patrons for Supper at the Symphony prior to each concert at Tilson Auditorium in the Heritage Ballroom of Tirey Hall at Indiana State University. A cash bar along with an affordable three-course meal makes this experience a must for concert-goers. During 2022-2023 season, we served over 700 patrons during Supper at the Symphony events.

Attendance at Supper at the Symphony









I Love a Piano Dance Around the ​World

Joyful Holidays Musical Treasures

Brahms & ​Tchaikovsky


Great music! Close to Home.


Concert Conversations

OUR MISSION Concert ticket holders can join us in the Heritage Ballroom at 6:45pm prior to each concert at Tilson Auditorium for Concert Conversations . In these entertaining, spirited, and informative conversations, Artistic Director Dr. David Bowden and guest artists share their thoughts, ideas, insights, and anecdotes – a wonderful chance to become familiar with the performers and the great music played by the THSO. Concert Conversations is free to all concert ticket holders. During the 2022-2023 season, Dr. Bowden interviewed Drew Petersen , Timothy Stephenson , Caroline Goodwin , Glen Dimick , and Elina Rubio .

Drew Petersen, piano

Caroline Goodwin, soprano

Great music! Close to Home.


THSO Presents! Chamber Music Series


Hops & Haydn - February 2023

Our THSO Presents! offers concerts in unique, intimate settings in which community members can engage with the symphony close to home.

The 2022-2023 Season featured Hops & Haydn at the Terre Haute Brewing Company and Moonlight Serenades at Hatfield Hall on the campus of Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology. Hops & Haydn entertained 124 patrons and Moonlight Serenades welcomed over 300 partrons.

Moonlight Serenades - March 2023

Jonathon Piccolo Assistant Principal Double Bass

Great music! Close to Home.



"The energy radiating from the auditorium was palpable. Soloists were fantastic and the conductor was amazing!" "In love. It was arguably one of the best orchestral performances I've ever been to!" After each concert, the THSO asks patrons to fill out a concert survey to share feedback and suggestions for improving our events. We love seeing the impact our concerts are having on our community!

Elated and thrilled Energized Filled with joy! Magnificent performance! One of the best attended! Uplifting "I Left the Concert Feeling.....

13 13


The THSO keeps a full-contact database. As of September 2023, this

map represents all contacts, donations, ticket sales, and

sponsorships. Our community impact is much wider than the Wabash Valley!

This map was generated in Power BI Online Services



During the 2022-2023 season, we saw steady growth in our social media following and engagements.

Facebook Followers

Average Likes Per Post

# of Followers

Men: 32%



Women: 68%

Facebook Audience Demographics






























Instagram Followers

Average Reach per Day

# of Followers

Men: 32%



Women: 69%

Instagram Audience Demographics

























Facebook Demographics





Adventure Concert Program for Elementary Students


Tuning into Knowledge: Inspiring Youth Through Music Education During the 2022-2023 season, we experienced significant growth in the most important education program we offer the Wabash Valley. Due to overwhelming demand , the THSO added a third concert to our Adventure Concert program to support additional requests from regional schools to attend our free educational performances.

We believe making music changes lives.

Our Adventure Concerts for children have four fundamental purposes: 1. To encourage children to make music : to choose to participate in an instrumental or choral ensemble or to take private voice or instrument lessons 2. Augment, support, and collaborate with the school’s education programs and music teachers 3. Perform standard repertoire they should have a chance to hear and feel an association with – “I know that piece!” 4. Have FUN !

Great music! Close to Home.


Adventure Concert Program for Elementary Students

The THSO's Adventure Concert Program features three prongs.

Adventure Previews: In 2023, the THSO brought 6 musicians to 8 elementary schools in Vigo County to offer Adventure Preview concerts for 4th graders. The previews allow kids to see musicians and instruments up close before they attend the Adventure Concerts with the full orchestra. Adventure Concerts: Over 3,000 students from the Wabash Valley attended three 45 minute concerts at Tilson Auditorium featuring familiar pieces like Star Wars and instrument demonstrations. All 4th graders in Vigo County attend our 9:30am performance each year. Adventure Encores: After the concerts, 3-4 THSO musicians hop on a virtual call with VCSC 4th graders and answer questions about their instruments and careers in music.

I loved this concert!

I loved the conductor!


Adventure Concert Program for Elementary Students

THSO STRATEGY Expanding the Impact

3500 students registered!

Since 2020, THSO has increased the number of children served by 40% through our Adventure Concert program with increased promotion to regional public schools, homeschool communities, and private schools. In Fall 2021, only 500 students and chaperones were registered for our second Adventure Concert. In Fall 2022, we suddenly had 2,700 students and chaperones registered from across Western Indiana and Eastern Illinois. We were THRILLED! By February 2023, over 3,500 were registered for the concerts. With only 1,450 seats in Tilson Auditorium, we quickly worked to add a third concert which was made possible by the Wabash Valley Community Foundation . Our Adventure Concert program is made possible by the Indiana Chemical Trust and The Hometown Savings Bank . Thank you for helping us continue impacting our community!

Outgrew our Venue

Visited 8 Elementary Schools in Vigo County

Virtual Engagement

Adventure Concert Attendance Up 40%


Adventure Concert Program for Elementary Students

Preview Attendance

Adventure Concert Registration












Encore Attendance



Adventure Concert Program for Elementary Students

These initiatives serve as vibrant pathways for fostering a deep and lasting connection with music, enriching the lives of countless young individuals and communities alike.


Instrument Petting Zoo Blues at the Crossroads


The Symphony League proudly sponsored an instrument petting zoo during Blues at the Crossroads music festival in September 2022. THSO musicians showed young children (and even a few adults!) how to play string and percussion instruments.

Great music! Close to Home.


Osher Lifelong Learning Institute Tour of the Orchestra Presentations


OUR MISSION The THSO continued our partnership with OLLI at Indiana State University to share interesting presentations that included instrument demonstrations , discussions of upcoming concert repertoire , and various special musical topics. Attendees were encouraged to engage with the musicians by asking questions during the sessions.

During instrument demonstration sessions, professional symphony musicians offered a

comprehensive overview of their instruments, showcasing their historical significance , mechanics , and popular orchestral excerpts . Attendance ranged from 20-45 per presentation.

Great music! Close to Home.


Westminster Symphony Sundays Chamber Music Series


OUR MISSION The THSO also continued our partnership with Westminster Village and hosted our second season of our Symphony Sunday chamber series. The THSO programs 8 concerts per season and features chamber ensembles of THSO musicians. Each performance ranges from 45 to 60 minutes and is accessible to all members of the public. Each recital typically draws an audience of 80-90 patrons .

Symphony Sundays is made possible by several passionate Westminster residents who believe in the power of live music. Thank you!

Great music! Close to Home.


The LAB at Locust Street Ryves Neighborhood


OUR MISSION The THSO shared two free concerts at The LAB community center located on 19th and Locust Street in the underserved Ryves Neighborhood of Terre Haute. The THSO also partnered with Butta's Better BBQ to provide free dinner for concert attendees. Concerts included a variety of music styles including jazz, classical, Latin, and even music from Disney movies! Attendance ranged from 45-65 adults and children .

Impressaria Winds June 2023

THSO Brass Quintet - October 2022

Concerts at The LAB during the 2022 2023 season were made possible by a Stronger Neighborhoods Grant from the United Way of the Wabash Valley .

Great music! Close to Home.


Elina Rubio at The White Chapel Rose Hulman Institute of Technology


OUR MISSION THSO Concertmaster Elina Rubio shared an intimate solo violin recital with pianist Dominic Muzzi featuring inspiring music by Brahms, Debussy, Albeniz, Fauré, Granados, and Beethoven in October 2022 for an audience of approximately 100 patrons .

This free recital was presented by the RHIT Department of Humanities, Social Sciences, and the Arts in collaboration with the Terre Haute Symphony Orchestra.

Great music! Close to Home.


THSO Brass Quintet at Saint Mary-of-the-Woods


OUR MISSION The Terre Haute Symphony Orchestra Brass Quintet shared a free evening recital at Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College in March 2023 for students and symphony patrons.

The recital featured several styles of music including Latin , jazz , classical , and movie music , making it enjoyable for everyone in

the newly renovated Cecilian Auditorium .

Jay Ellsmore Principal Trumpet Eric Rodriguez Second Trumpet Brian Kilp Principal Horn Randy Mitchell Principal Trombone Glen Dimick Principal Tuba

Great music! Close to Home.


Financial Report Summary Revenue & Expenses

Year 21-22 Year 22-23







Program Services




Total Revenue

$565,347 $533,343




Salaries & Benefits



Other Expenses

Total Expenses

$486,804 $581,206

Revenue Less Expenses $78,543 $(47,863)* *Historically, revenue shows a consistent increase. Fiscal year 2022-2023 demonstrates a decrease in revenue less expenses which is due to expenses being charged in 2021 and paid in 2022-23 fiscal year.


Financial Report Summary Revenue & Expenses

Year 21-22 Year 22-23


$328,060 $331,026

Cash, Savings, & Investments



Accounts Receivable



Equipment (net)

Total Assets

$343,917 $344,407

Liabilities & Fund Balance



Accounts Payable & Other Liabilities



Deferred Revenue

Total Liabilities

$11,021 $59,374

Net Assets Without Restrictions $332,896 $285,033 Total Liabilities and Fund Balance $343,917 $344,407



Standing Ovation $25,000+


Indiana Chemical Trust

Founder's Circle $15,000

" The Oakley Foundation was formed to promote religious, educational and charitable purposes, primarily focused in the Wabash Valley of Indiana."

Bravo $10,000 - $14,999

Terry & Judy Hogan Morse Family Charitable Fund

Bob & Penny Schafer Bill & Nancy Shriner

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Ovation $5,000 - $9,999


David and Nancy Breitweiser Karen DeGrange Clara Fairbanks Foundation, Inc. Gregory L. Gibson Charitable Foundation, Inc. David and Barb Hagerman Bill Hughes Carolyn Steinbaugh

Gold Circle $2,500 - $4,999

Carl Bender and Barbara Brugnaux Bob Cowden Ron and Marsha Danielson Jack and Margo Fenoglio Dick and Betsy Frank Max and Jacqueline Gibson Foundation Richard Rowe In Memory of JoAnne S. Rowe Chris Schellenberg

Templeton Coal Company, Inc. Weston Wabash Foundation

31 31


Silver Circle $2,000 - $2,499

Walt Balcavage Dalvin and Jean Boone In Memory of Clement Mesavage, Jr. Dan and Cheri Bradley Ed and Lorna Brett James and Mary Anne Fox Laney Meis


Donald W. Scott Foundation Les and Anna Zimmerman

Virtuoso $1,000 - $1,999

Greg and Susan Bierly David and Donna Bowden In Honor of our children and grandchildren Crane Credit Union Sherry Dailey and Tom Tucker Bill Denton Bill and Maria Elliott Gene England Lou and Jan Harmening Judy Hatch Will and Betsy Hine ISU Federal Credit Union Jim and Cyndee Jenkins Kent and Brenda Littlejohn

Pat Minnis Emma Jean Neal Tom and Whitney Nesser John and Karen Perry Eileen Prose

David and Judy Rader John and Leah Ramer Cherrie Soper W.A. and Jacque Trinler Caroline Unger Marianne Vanevic In Honor of Henry & Anna Ozok


Allen and Gerri Varner David and Joan Zaun Josh and Paige Zuerner

Patron $750 - $999 Dan and Janet Clark

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Benefactor $500 - $749


Steve and Debbie Benefiel William Carper and Miren Beristain George and Susan Brattain Nancy Brentlinger Rob and Tammy Coons Jim and Bev Cristee Phil Ewoldsen and David Rose Frederick Benson Trust Fuson Automotive Larry and Sandra Gadberry Tim and Gail Hayes

Rod & Karen Heefner Mary Jensen In Honor of the Jensen family Randy and Susan Johnson In Memory of Louise Johnson Jean Kristeller Gayle McCullough James Owen Paul and Margy Roby Ken and Rita Senseman Dr. Swaim Swaim

Sustainer $250 - $499

Mary Ellen Adams Tonya and Brad Balch

Dierdre Llewellyn Jane Mangrum

Lloyd and Wieke Benjamin Rod and Jaquelyn Bradfield

Bruce and Connie McLaren Harold and Malinda Medsker Dr. Wanda Michaels Fred and Nancy Nation John Newton In Memory of David & Jerry Mitchell Ann Peterson In Honor of Emma Jean Neal Jeanne Rozel Thomas and Norma Schmitz Jack Sheehy In Honor of Keegan Sheehy Bryan and Cathy Sponsler Judy Stoffel Tom and Jenny Thomas Nancy Watkins Eula Webb Daniel and Barbara Weber Deborah Wight Charlie and Donna Williams Curt Winkle Bob Wise

Curt and Linda Brighton Kevin and Beth Christ Jane Conner Kathleen Culver Susan Dehler and Gary Daily Jack Diel Paul and Nancy Edgerton Daryl and Joy Emery In Honor of David Bowden Phil and Kay Farmer In Memory of Thomas Edward Templeton Connie Francis Judith Francis Bret Frost Pat and Marti Goodwin Mary Halsted Barry and Kelly Helms In Memory of Jessie Hays & Karin Dillman John and Cathy Kigin Don Layton In Honor of Martha Layton


33 33


Donor $100 - $249

Kyle Adams and Kirsten (Bowden) Adams In Memory of Marshall and Phyllis Bowden Barb Anderson and Phil Marone Margie Anshutz In Honor of Laney Meis Margie Anshutz In Memory of Carol Templeton Jim and Vicki Bailey Norma Beymer Darrell and Nancy Bratt David and Loren Chapman Russel , Kathleen, and Larina Coutinho Caroline Dando In Memory of Dr. Bill Dando Lois Danner Sharon Dierdroff Anne D'Orazio Don and Terry Edwards Fred and Judy Ellsmore Janice Fellows John Folse Rebecca Graves In Memory of Elton Graves Nancy Gumm Harsha Behavioral Center Bill Heinrich Cory Helms and Sammy Johnson-Helms Jerry and Nancy Hile Dale Hudson Gloria Jackson Sylvia Jurgonski In Memory of my beloved cat, Harvey Barbara Landini Jim and Lois Legg

William Malone In Memory of Carol Templeton James and Eileen Mann Sarabeth Marcinko Larry and Roberta Marietta Kay Martin Steven and Jamie Maynard Ryan and Andrea McCoy Bill and Meg Merrill Merrill and Merrill Insurance Eleanor Meurer Jane Mills


Andy and Jennifer Myers In Memory of Carol Ann Collins Templeton John and Jane Nichols In Memory of Carol and Tom Templeton

Tracy Pruitt Jon Romas Harry and Rosaline Secrest Barbara Schmitt

Tom and Mary Lynn Siefert In Honor of Robert Cowden Sigma Alpha Iota Terre Haute Alumnae Shirley Slutz Mark and Linda Spelbring In Memory of June Neumann James Stone Phil and Lynette Tofaute In Memory of Carol Templeton Ruth Tooloose

Milt and Suzanne VanReed Robert and Cheryl Wrigh t


Friend $50 - $99

Frank and Ruth Acker Frank and Marlene Bilyou Mike and Dorothy Chambers Kathy Erins Benjamin and Rose Anne Freed Beth Greeson In Memory of Carol Templeton Sally Johnson Mike and Nicole King Arthur Feinsod and Mary Kramer Cassandra Kroondyk In Memory of Dr. James W. Barnes

Kent Lamb In Memory of Donna Jean Roberts Susan Lannoo In Memory of Carol Templeton Jane Linville

Laura Savage In Memory of Joyce Wilson Gary and Judy Schomer Patty Toffolo Patrick and Grace Walker In Memory of Carol Templeton Nancy Watkins In Memory of Marilyn Billups Nancy Watkins In Memory of Phyllis Bowden

Mike and Joan Lunsford Ron and Judy Maxwell Brent and Kristy McPike In Memory of Don Arney Larry Rosenhein Laura Savage In Honor of Nancy Watkins

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THANK YOU to our Corporate Sponsors!

"Great Music! Close to Home"


THANK YOU to our Community Partners!

"Great Music! Close to Home"


THANK YOU to our Government and Foundation Supporters!

Indiana Chemical Trust

Weston Wabash Foundation

Benson Trust

"Great Music! Close to Home"


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