APS-Journal Jan 2017

J ournal of the A merican P omological S ociety


the graft union in coleus: A histological study . Bot.l Gaz. 141:401-412. Sundin, G.W. 2014. Managing fire blight: new lessons learned from the use of kasumin for blossom blight and apogee for shoot blight control. New York Fruit Quarterly 22:9-14.

Shimomura, T. and K. Fuzihara. 1977. Physiological study of graft union formation in cactus. II. Role of auxin on vascular connection between stock and scion . J. Japanese Soc. Hort. Sci. 45:397-406. Stoddard, F.L. and M.E. McCully. 1980. Effects of ex- cision of stock and scion organs on the formation of

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