News Scrapbook 1964-1967


Manner Calm, Quiet Student Rally Restrained Support Our Advertisers They Support Us By PATRICK MCCARTNEY ""saturdays. The library is

Campus Corner Group to Discuss Racial Problems

and went back to their lou nge. The speakers packed up the microphone and departl'd , Within 15 minutes the campus was back to normal. Only the enthusiasm remained All students find injustices and discover issues which arouse 1he1r idealistic intel, lects. It's a credit to USO that its stud e nts have the maturity to press their complaints with restraint and taste.

The University of San Diego 1s no Berkeley The students The requests and speeches proved this last week when were greeted with restrained they held a Students for Re- enthusiasm . The students sponsible Freedom rally clapped, but did not scream, More than 100 students and shout, or yell , and dispersed , lty ti d d th 'dd qu1cklv .. A w of the univers- clb ed on Sunday.

Ttie Associated Students un- d e r the leaders hip of Mother I re ne Lawrence and the Col- leii e for Women ociology de- p a rtment will hold an " Inter- a nd coordin- ator of the dia logue, )iothe r Lawrence explained that the group will rea lly be di s- cussing " inter-ethnic" prob- lems. Panel membe r., group lead e rs, and othe rs who attend will meet for a genera l discu s- s ion rn the Co ll ege fo r Wome n lounge at 2 p.m. Th e progr am wlll beg in with a pa nel dis- cu ssion, three "d ialogues" among panell sts. The first will be " Me x1ca n- Ame rica n F amily Life" with F red I. Clo,son, assis ta nt profes or of soci ol ogy at the Wome n's College and San Diego State, a nd Israel Cos co, di rec tor of th e Anti-Poverty P rojec t a t Olay. " eg r o-A m e r ica n Famil y Life" will be dJScu ssed by Or. William Lee. professor of ocial Work at Sa n Diego State, a nd Ca rroll Waymon, director of the Cit ize ns Inte r- racial Committe,·. Rab bi Joel S. Goor of Tem- ple Bet h lsraPl a nd Year! Schwartz. a si ·tant pro fessor of socio logy a t the wome n's coll ege, will talk on "J ew. ish-America n Family Life." The other partic ipa nts, who will include the ge ne r al pu b- l ic. Mo th e r Lawrence hop es, a well as college stud en ts, will be dh·ided i nto seve ral small grou ps. Dialogu e fac ili- tators for these groups will be Cmdr Dan Child, Dr . Dan Brown, Edgar Hays, Mrs. Esther Wa lker, Rueben Do- m ingu ez, Bill Salee bey Stud ents pa rticipat ing as r ecord ers will inc lude Mi ss Laurel Pugher.. trs. F ra nces Slavey, Miss Dorothy Tibus. Mrs F'lurence Down s. Miss racial Dialogue'' da~ • • ·ovember 26. Depa rt- ment cbairma

play in the doubleheader de- sp ile NCAA objections. The legal. but frowned on college teams performing with pro- NCAA had ruled the game

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speakers Dan McLinden, Tom LaPuzza, Eric Johnson , Cary Reid, and John Mackey. Ab- eruptions of the crowds that are so prevalent on other cam, puses and for a sound rea- son, too , Speaking into a microphone and obliviou s of the c ri sp wind. the speakers prese nted their vi ws with an m < Ilec- tual detachment that , aised the rally far above the IPvel of a demonstration. Calmly Urged Support Concerned with the l imita- tions of the new clothing r egu- lal10ns, the three leaders calmly urged student support of a p e tition for complete dress freedom. The petition was presented late r to the Student Advisory Council for considera"tion Recognizing the n eed of ad ministration coope ration, LaPuzza stressed the fact that the SRF sought c ha nges only through th e existing legal channel s. This stand is enough to merit the ir standing as a mature group . A Major Asset Radicalism is a wea kness of which USD p ossesses very little, Respons ibility 1s one of the ma jor a ssets of the stu- d ent body, Th e ca lm, qui e t manne r in which the students have expressed th e ir discon- te nt is a refl ection of the ir common sense a nd sober- mind edness. Other matters than the cloth- ing restrictions w re brought up at·the mt•t•trng, the most importapt being the Iibra'ry. hours complaint. Again , the stude nts we re urged to siipi a pe tition r equesting an ex- ten sion of library hours. The library now lim its the student, to libra ry work before 9 pm during the week, and 1 p.m. o· ~ent were the emotiona l

disa ppoint<•d, comecl the message. >Ul



The faculty membe rs pres ·t•nt t'a lked among themselves

------- --------- ------

PLANS DISCUSSED - Father I. Brent Eagen of the University of San Diego College for Men, left, and Father Patrick J. Keane, OSA, St. Augustine High School principal, are shown discussing plans for the College Information Panel to be held at St. Augustine's at 8 p.m. Tuesday, November 28.

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Nearly 600 high school seniors from San Di<'go and the Los Angeles a rea allended classes yesterday at the University of San Diego to get a taste of higher education. The s tudents sat In on coedu- cational classes at the College for Men and the College fo r Women, toured the campus and lunched at the College for Wom- en dining hall. A Folk Mass was presented in the Immaculata Chapel fo r those who wished to attend. A fi nancial aid counseling ses- sion also was on the agenda and the vibitors were addressed by ·sludent officers at a general assembl y in the College for Women theater. The students had their choice of attending classes m 20 sub- jects ra nging from anthropology and languages to Shakespeare and art .

Open hou

for high school

seniors will he held at the Uni- versity of San Diego Nov. 16, from 9 a.m . to 2:30 p.m. The seniors will be able to attend classes at the College for Men and the College for Women and tour the ca.mpus. Financial ald officers will be ,available to discuss scholar- ships, grants, ·Joans and work opportunities. A special folk Mass will be offered in the Immaculata at ,11:30 a.m.

.D. Catholics Plan Liturgical Parley for the c-onvenllon The floor ·

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Gain Gnni For Re earch

Schoof and Youth Notes

will be covered w th brick emb dded m sa art panels, me rin feet, m coral

· !Ta)lur, as- Arleen Wagner and Miss Mar. h garet Al bright. an On Dec;mbe•r I the College !en. has for w omen and College for 5,000 re• !\ten chemistry departments rr ri- will . ponsor their second lee- iet .p tro- ture. The speaker will be from Th San Diego State Colle e the l award~d to Richard carter of the San re" Diego Ballet Company will • it of Fund e • • •

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Dr. Pa tricia S. Traylor, assistant professor of chemistry at the Umversily of San Diego College for .'\1en, has received a research grant of $5,000 for a two-year individual research project The funds are provided by lhe American Chemical Society, Petroleum Research Fund. . . :\!rs. Traylor will have a senior honor student m chemistry assist her in a study of the effect of viscosity on ion-pair behavior. Part of the funds will be used toward estab1shment of an undergraduate resea rch program fo r advanced chemistry majors. She is the wife of Dr. T. G. Tray! r, associa te professor of chemi try at the University of California at San Diego, where she was a post-doctoral fe llow before joining the College for .'\!en. ln another research grant at the College for :\fen, Dr. Maurice Schiff, slaff member at Scripps Memorial Hospital, and Enach :-l. Rowland, doctoral candidate from UCLA, are research associates in a study of eslrogenic effects on enzymes in connective tissues in man. 1 A grant from San Diego Bio-Medical Research Institute is helping finance the study.

brown, will d1v1d from the re t of th ,fa gestion Are In edd1tion, th r wtll be an altar design d to conform w1 h lhe liturgical ugge ttons made by the Vatican Council. The convention w II be open lo all denominations. Its hr t tY.o days will nave special appeal for pr1e ls and llllnlS- ter . the la t two for rehgiou and laity In conJunction with the con- vention, th t:mv Jty of San llu~go 111 ho t a one-day ln• terreliglous onference on Thur day. It will deal with religious teaching matenal , according to the Mo t Rev. ~·ranc1 J. 1''urey, bi. hop of the San Diego Cathohc D10- ·e and chanc I or of the untver ity. Spon or~ Are Told The cooferenc w 111 be Jointly pon ored by th San D1 go office of the 'ational Conference of Chri tians and Jews and the San Diego chap- ter of the American Jewish Committee, in coaperation v. th the San Diego Bureau of Jewi h Education, Catholic Diocese of San Diego and San Diego County Council of Chur- ches. Purpo. e of the conference, a cordmg to B1 hop Furey, 1 to provide an opportunity for cl rgy, religious educators and lay people of \anou faiths to meet and d1scu the materials being u l'd in their r eligious schools. Jt will focus on three studies sponsored by the ,\merican Jewish Committee, which in- vestigated the nature of pre- i udice found in religious schools with a view tow rd eventually eliminating nega- tive referen c about • other religious groups.

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Franci: Carrlinal peJlP1an, left, is greeted by mt'.'m• r the clergy·on hi. arrival at Lo. Angele.· International Airport ester

1ilitarv Order of World War«. With him, from left, are Msgr. Donald F. Doxie, Bi~hop Francif' J. Fu1 ey and Rev. .Tame:

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F Cunningham of Chicago. Spellman Reaffirms GI Support in Viet By HKE RICH.'\fO'.\D

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ern California Pollllcal Ii ltment of an undergraduate Science Association at a din- re earcl1 pr, 1an tor the D b I The Assn I ist ner on ecem er . College adrnnced Y tcm ry ciation has ome 70 members major ray! \\1ll (ho~se representing 14 colleges and a c1i10r honor :tudent • n Jun ior colleges in the Sal) them1 n h 1. a I tan III Diego area. Thrc speakers the re. ear<·h proJect will discuss the topic, "Should 1 ra1lo1 r 1erl an \ e Political Science be a Policy 1n Biochem tr fron the Science•·• L'ni\er. it) oc C'aliornla. :\I. . • • • from the l;n11ersit, ol \\'is• The USO-State game. to be con~in and Ph.I) from Har- played in the Sports Arena \anl mver t . h \las a December 9 as part of a po. docto1al felloy, at the double-header wllh the Rock- Lnivenity ot Califorma at ets, has gained natio nal recog- an 0te!!o before j 1ming the nition for the school. In a UPI facult) of the College for story, Coach Ph il Woo lperl Men la t year. 1 ra:, lor'. hus- stated that the Toreros will band, Dr Tedd~ t;, Traylor, i an a ociate prof r of chemi,try at the Unfrersit. or California at an Diego.

'I 111.•11ly-ught the L niYcrsH,· of an Diego Co]le<'c Jor ~ten La i c been named o Who's Who \rnong tudcnts m ,\ merica n Un11 er itie and Colleges." tudents are nominated for meml>:!r :tip m the organiza- tion 1> rcprci;<:ntatil·es of the B<'Ult) and administra- tion • tudc1 t 1e,•eJvi11g nomina- tion ft oil\ I he l!JJiversity of San Di g 1ndude William E Hacltofner, lhirbert F. Daker, c:rellory BPtkncour1, Carl Blomquist, K'.lberl :11 ilro,1 er. Richard P. Cabrera. \\ 111iam A Dai ila. '1 imothy A. Dovle, Richard Duncanson, 1ed Field,, Patrick J. Gaff- . ne~, .Jo ep I A. Geist. William Gore, Stern Pacobacc1, Ever- ett P. Harr). Michael P. Humphre), 'orman E. John• son. ,John 1". Kenned~. John :\L :llcCo, .Joseph \Iallinger, 1imoth) O'Kee e, Edward R. Oster te)er, William She1i- dan. Dennis ·inclitito, Wil- l liam !iink, Dennis Vice..James P. Wilke and Hobert \\'oorls. om'n''" · are selected on lhl' IJas1~ ol , clwlar.~l1ir, lead- ership a11cl 1.:oopcration in ed• ucational and extracurricular acti\ it1e general citizensh ip and promi. e of future use- fulnes:; Student nominated to the organization are list- ed in the a nnual publica- tion ''Who's Who Among ~tudents in American Uni- versities and Colleges" along with a short biography of their activities and d escrip- tion of their institution. :,ludents a t

Nan1e 'Who' Book

posed of men who have held commissioned rank during wartime. The 47th annual con- vention opened at the U S. Grant Hotel Monday and ends today. Cardinal Spellman received a standing ovation from the au- dience al the conclusion of his speech. In presenting Cardinal the Distin- guished Service Award, For- tier, the retiring commander, called the prelate "a great churchman and great Ameri- can." whose visits each Christ mas to American serv- icemen '"illustrates his hu- mility and charity." Cardinal Spellman said his service as ;nilitary vicar to (Continued Next Page, Col. 3) Spellman with

EVENING TRIBUNE Slaff w,n.. Francis Cardinal. p llmah, Archbishop of the Roman Catholic Diocese of eW' Y rk and military vicar of the .S. Armed Forces, reaffirmed his support here yesterday of American fighting men in Vietnam. The prelate. who has visited American servicemen m trou- ble spots around the world each Christmas, addressed the annual convention banquet of the Military Order of World Wars. About 400 delegates and their wives attended. He received the organiza- t1on ·s Distinguished Service Award. Then. the 78-year-old cardinal pledged lo continue servmg and supporting Amer- ican servicemen "as long as life remains within me." Cardinal Spellman, who has served as military vicar lo the Armed Forces since 1939, has spoken out fearlessly in support of the war in Vietnam in the past. Hails GI Dedication Al last night's banquet, he said: "My relationship with mem- bers of the Armed Forces has been that of any parish priest to his people." He said he returned last year from his holiday visit to senicemen in Vietnam, im- pressed ''with their dedication of spirit and their· sacrifice.·• He added: ' 'Their dedication does not mean they want war. They are dedicated to bringing to their fe ll ow man the freedom necessary for a wholesome life." Founded in 1920 During the banquet, Lt. Col. Thomas S. Clayton. USA. rel . 'of the La Jolla Chapter of the ~IOWW, was installed as the new commander in chief of lhe national organization. He succeeds Brig. Gen. Louis J. Fortier. USA ret. J\IOWW was founded in 1920 a nd its membership is com-

'l\1 el\ c ~t udcnts at San Di- ego College for Women will be listed 111 this year's ''Who's \\·ho Among ·tuuents in Amencan Un·ivel'sities and Colle .C5. ' Students arc noni- inaied for membe rship in the organiz~t ,on b~ representa- th es of the fac ulty and ad• ministration. • amed this J ear from the College for Wome n are Jeff. ner \llen, Christine Brooks, h.athieen Brown, \ faQ Ellen Dennison, Deborah Duggan, Teres"a Grayes, Patricia Hughes, Patricia Kiernan, Karen McCaffrey, Mary J o Sandra N ardolillo, and Const a nee Salovilch. Students are judged for this dist\n clion on the ba is of thei r scholarship, leader• slup and participation in col- legi ate affairs, an active in- terest in community affairs. Their names will 1>e !isled in the ' Who's Who Among Stu- ,dent in \merican Unh ersi- ties and Colleges. 1987~8." A s hort bioeraphical sket ch of each student as well as an accou nt of the college attend- ed are also included . ,Ionka,

A research program in bio- log>· wa · began ear ier th 1 s year at the College with the appointment of Dr. ~laurice 'c hi ff. staff member at fhspital, and Enoch •. Rowland, Ph.D. candidate from GC.LI . as re- ;:,cripp '1emo 1a,

Youths Get Chance o Tour UC Ca1npus Twenty-five outsta ndi ng students a t :.lission Bay High. Cla1remont Se nior High, Poi nt Loma High . La ,Jolla Senior High, :.tadison High and Ke arny enior High tal Snyder, 1351 Beach Dr. Clairemont High participa nts : LarQ 3329 Fontana; Bob hart, 4604 Knapp St.;

. earch a ociates.

Dr. William Rusk, president of United Sta tes Jnternallonal Univer 1ty, will be the confer- ence chairman. · High Schoolers Offered A Day as D tudent

P acific

School Busch, Barn-

Elin Hansen, 3326 Cowl ey Way; Donna M1tsuura, 3210 Fon- tana Ave. Kearny High School par- ticipants : Carlos Penera , 4094 Holton St. ; Allen Lou , 9393 Angwin PL : Roy Hancock, ·ye St. ; Carolyn Lewis, 7471 Blix St.: and Patricia Dietz, 2920 Mu rray Ridge Rd. fat her Cadden Gets Parish in National City

schools wilJ attend a special "College Student fo r a Day" P,rogr~m al UCLA on Sunday, ov. a The students have been in• viled lo at tend the annual scholarsh ip op en house pro- gr am by the :\'orth Shor es- Kea rny Mesa district commi t- tee of the UCL.-\ Alumni Association. from 12 noon to 5 p.m. The stude nts may select "classes" in a broad varietv of s_u!Jjects, in clud ing e ng[. neennt!. fme arts medicine, lanet1~((es. dentistry. mathe- ma tics. cd 1ica tion, scie nces a nrl n urs' nt!. t'h a ncellor Frankli n Mu r- pn, will spPak to the stud- ent s, \\'ho will also ha ve an opnortu ni tv lo meet and ta lk v·ith fac utt · membe rs a nci Unive rsity per sonnel a bout courses _of study, housing. s~hnlar sh1p loans. r egistra- tion and oth er topics. Poin t Loma pa rticipants ar e Bar bara McNa bb. 4042 ~ma . Riviera Circle ; Paddy Mtlhkm. 827 Gage Drive· Mirian Pertsch. 458!' Tivoli St : Pn cilia Smith. 4505 Long Branch : Pat C Higgins, 3529 Addison St. ; Kate Lang- ham . 4255 Delmonte St. . and Jan Terp, 1637 Warner St. Pat Greenalch. 6521 Go,vle ' Way: Dough Smith, 5121 Caywood St. ; ancy WagnPr, 5172 ArlenP Ct. ; Robert Rice 5312 Cloud Wa1·. . Mission Bay ·High Sc hool participants. Scott Spicer. 838 S3n ,Juan Pl.: Bernard 1 'elson. :J951 Haines: Chrv . ,James Madison participants : High School

San Diego a rea high school seniors h ve been invited to spend n :i:t Thursday at the University of San Diego. The un1vers1y ~aid that for th first trmc, the high school students will be able to attend coedu allonal classes through a reciprocal course program established this year by the College for Men and the Col- lege for Women. The high schoolers will have an opportunity to experience a typical <"olleg day at the US campus. There IVlli be a folk Mas in Immaculat<1 Cliapel for those who I\ h lo attend at 11:30 a m. t the sam time, a lecture has been scheduled by th consul gene.m l of I rael. Financial coun cling has be n schedul d dunng the lunch hour. Participating stu- dents will be served lunch ln th dining halt and patio of th Coll g for Women The vi iting students mu t pre, eg1stcr for the USO s slon. Lectures and clas cs will b gin at 10 :.10 a m. A general a embly " Ill b held at I p .m n the College for Wom- en theater, sponsor d by stu- dent ofllcers o both colleges

and the Interfraternity Coun- cil. An exh1b1hon basketball game is scheduled for 2 p.m. in the gymnasium. At the same time unhersity students will present a panel discus- sion on community service, led by Mother Irene Lawrence. The high school students al o have been invited to swim in the university pool and play tennis and handball.

The Rev John P. Cadden who resigned as president of the University of San Diego College for Men in June to become a parish priest, is the new pastor of St. Mary's Church, National Cily. Father Cadden succeeds the Rt. Re':'· Msgr. Thomas Egan, \\'ho will de l'otc full time to his duties as head of the Dio. cesan Tribunal. . The tribuna l handles ques- tions of matrimony and annul- ment. At the university, Fa ther Cad_den was instrumental in a proiect whereby 100 men and wom~n are enroll ed in art mu.sic, drama, sociology, edu'. cation, oceanography, archaC,: o_logy, business administra- tion. economics and psycholo- gy courses in co-educational classes. His place at the university was taken by lhe Rev. John Baer.






I h CYO WORKSHOP LEADERS - Approximately 3DO teen club officers and committee ch_a1rmen rom t _rou~ · out the diocese joined in discussions on the organization and structure of the Cathoh~ Yout~ Orgamzat1~n at a diocesan CYD Teen Club workshop at University High School last Sunday, marking N~t1onal _Catholic Youth Week. The group also participated in a folk Mass. Shown at t~e event ~re, left to nght, 8111 Q~1rk, University of San Diego sophomore who was master of c~remomes; Sister Monique, SSS, _CYO supervisor; Father George Hardy, diocesan director of the CYO; Sister Colleen, _sss, CYO superv,s~r, and Fathe r Michael Higgins, CYO moderator at St. Didacus parish, who was the principal speaker at the dinner. h

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