News Scrapbook 1964-1967
post office box 3063 nnt • ano, c • llf, 92706 San iego, Cal.
University City SENTINEL
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Zellman po1nlPd out recenl aur.P.y hr> er!
University To Hot tud n Symposium
pacific clippings poat office box 3063 ,nnta • na, c • llf. 92706 Pacific Beach, Calif. SENTINEL,
C_LO_ 1m COOPERATIO. ·-Unher ity of Sau Diego officials pre. en! for the :P t. 1 gnmg of an agr.ecmcnt "'hich puts into errrct plans for reciprocal course. for ~-olleg_e for Men and College for \\"omen student. Friday are the lltost Re\. ranc.'s .J. f ure), chancellor, Mother ·ancy Morris, president of the College for "omen, and Re\. John Paul Cadden, pre,idenl of the College for llfen.
ABIDING PRESENCE Christmas An Act Of God's ove Editors Nole• This is another in a ser cs of CJ,,;strras mes- sages wr,Hen for The San Diego Un on by area rcl,g,ous leaders. By THE VERY REY. JOH. E. BAER Pre ident, t:niversity of San Diego, College for :\fen "O come all ye faithful. 3oyfull len were amazed at this, and and triumphant'" The e words, accepted it as a sign of Divine an exh ation In ong and intcrventfon, that "(he poor had f a I t h t adora•~---- the gospel preached to them." tlon of And herein Ii a sigmf1cant echo part of the mes age for us in world ou current tel bration. The ex- to ample of Jc us 1s a model a I well as an msp1ratlon In our uncertain times, the man who follows the teaching of Christ must find in the poor, the defenseless, and the outcast, his opportunity of witnessing to his _,..;.....,.:...;..J faith in the Redeemer, and of making his response to the love der the world has known. And of God for all men. St. Paul's the continuance of His prayer that we may !iv'! in pre ·ence ''I will be with you harmony with one another ac- all days •.." brings to each cording to the example of Christ Christmas more than a mere Jesus is a compelling goal in remembrance of a completed, our celebration historical event. Emmanuel, Without such an understand- God-with-us, is an abiding fact ing, the "faith, joy, and of His revelation triumph" of the Christmas The Incarna ion • an act of hvmn seem hollow and a mock- God's love; a ln human un- ery; with it, our hymn of derstanding, a s1gn1flcant part praise becomes a meaningful of the mystery is that the Son of witness to the abiding presence ~Ian then chose the poor, the of the Savior, and a sincere weak, the outcasts, as the spe-iprayer of adoration as we again cial audience for His message. celebrate His incarnation. . t he grea won- Rev. Baer
USO Plans Feed For Are,Prep,CollegeBoys 1 h~ nlversity of an Die- Huss • 1 orthcutt of Kearny go will hold its ~·ourth An- High School will accept the nual Basketball Banquet to- most valuable player award day at 7:30 p.m..m the cam• of the Western League. Other pus l.ark Cafeteria. outstanding players to be hon- rca prep and college bas- ored include Rick Evan , La kctball pla} ers of the 1966-67 Jolla Cou;0try Day; John eason will be honored at the TichoJ?I, Hilltop; Blaine Bun- dinner Oscar 1"oster of San dy, El Capitan, and O car Diego High School. player of Chavez, .'.\It. llliguel. the year in the CIF, wlll be An all-city freshman team presented with the most valu- a. well_ as an all-clty varsity able player of the year award team will be named from the in the Eastern League.
three local colleges, USD, Cal Western, and San Diego State. Phil Woolpert, director of athletics and basketball coach af USD, wlll be guest speaker. Robert Breitbard, own r of the San Diego professiona1 basketball team, and Jack :\Ic!lfahon, newly appointed coach of the team, will be lo attendance. A no-host cocktail hour will b~ held fro~ 6:30-7:30 p.m. with the dmner following. The public is invited. ,
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"'3.t., ,... ~1 Arthritis
Togethernes Introduced
I),>< tor Appoi11tcd 1~1 ofess(_)r D William B. Pincub. :\I. D .Sc., has been appointed b., the Department of s· I Y the University of Sa~ of I~go, profesS-Or of biol;s a~S-Oc1at~ dence. gy m res1- Pincus obtained bis B !\. Telllple University. his '\i at al ffahnemann '.IedicaJ ·c·~· lcge and his O.Sc t . 0 : ,·e,•sill f P . a the Lni- . 1 • 0 ennsyh·ania fie u1 erned at lbert E'. t . "ed·1cal C ms e111 · entre and·did 1 rl0ctor·aJ work. at tl1e " pos - S it f p vniver- y O enn~ylrania Dr p· · ·• incu., wa. a research associate at the Salk 7 f lute for Biological Stui1/ and is currently dire t s 1 1torator!es at the Sanc lli~g~: tute: r. cljcal Research Insti- le :incus' retearch at the col- th g '} 1 concerned with streu<:t c anli m of tissue de-- tor, d'II chronic inflama- • J! e such as h mato1 1111 h •t· r eu- rr r, is. fr e has isolated a material . om ~·Jute blood cells which I~ toxw for animals and hu- / rf College for Men
USD Takes Talk Honors
t University
••• ln an att mpt to hrnaden the udents' exposure to the pos.uble answers to th questio , membPrs of the biology, ycbology, nthro, pology, sociology, politic I science. ec-0nomies and hls- tor;\' departments ronduct the class on Ionda and Wednesday of eYery other w k. • •
s1an tissu~s. Ile current] has '?0.000 m grant disposals foi this work. Pincus will di- rect a c:roup of select stu- de"nt~ at _ll1r college in assist- !11._. 111 h,1 resrarch . . rrnc,!s ~pu,1int111,.11t In !hr f°JJr •e .\ h1olog~• department pa_ tor a contmuing expan s1011 of thr rr P~rr-h pro· r • o_f the department Dr ~,faaum rice S 1 ·rr · " · , . c 11 • surgeon at S~ripps Memorial Hospital 101ne~ the staff as a research associate earlier this year.
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