News Scrapbook 1964-1967







bounded them The performance wasn't that bad, but it was the turnovers. "Well, some cames a hke that. You have to forget that one. You make that free throw and you win. You don't, you lose." Aztec Larry !eek, who fouled out with 3:51 rcmmamg in the second extra period, topped all scorers with 29 points. He also had 12 rebounds. Bickerstaff, who had 17 in the first half, led hi team with 25 points, most of them corning on 25- t jump shol!l. Williams had 19, A ford p and Alan Fay 15 Shawcroft was second for 1he Aztecs with 17 points, and Catlin had the most rebounds, 14. The win left Woolpcrt's team with an 11·6 record, while State is 8-5.

led, 48-37, at one point midway in the second half, and, after trailing, 70-66, with 1:08 left, they look a 71-70 lead into the final 40 seconds. A free throw with -37 remaining by Lymond Williams etched a deadlock at 71 and regulation play ended at that score after Aztec Craig Nettles missed a free throw \I ith :04 left. The first overtime ended in a 79-79 stalemate, Aztec Jack Sbawcroft's basket with 13 seconds to go tying it. Two free throws each by Clifford Ashford and Bernie Bicker- staff and a basket by Ashford put USO in front again in the second overtime, and State couldn't catch up. "There's the ball game," said State coach George Ziegen- fuss, pointing to the iist of floor errors by his club. ' We turned the ball over 25 times. We ouL~h them and we outre-

of Pomona, which beat Los Angeles State last night, 84-79. USO visits Peppcrdtnc "Any win is good," fdid Torero coach Phil Woolpert. "Under the c,rcumstances, with it as tough and tight as it was, it w11s especially gratifying. '·That's the kind of ball game it was. An inch either way and you lose I never thought we had lost it, but I thought we had it won a couple limes. We weren't penetrating their middle a:l the time. We weren't looking for the hoop." , t:SD ~quandered sev_eral leads during regulation play and m the first extra sess10n. However, the Toreros jumped off to an 85--81 advantage in the second overtime and held off an ztec charge which cut their lead to 87-85 with 52 seconds left. State mi ed several ri;iportunitles al o. The Montezumans


FEBRUARY 4, 1965 Lecture Scheduled By Fr. McNamara I will b giv n by 1'

JANUARY 21, 1965 College Sets New Courses Spring courses, beginning February 2, In In-service edu- cation were announced by the 'university of San Diego's Coll<>ge for Men. The classes are designed to aid individuals who are cur- rently teaching or ar<> inter- ested In quallfylni:- for the Call!ornla Standard Teach- ing Credential, according to William A. Salesses, head of the Education Department. Evening and Saturday morning class wlll be of• fered Jn historical and philo- sophical foundations of edu- cation, educational psychol- ogy and elementary or sec- ondary methods and curricu- lum Ac-ademlc courses to ful- flll the requirements for a teaching major or minor also may be arranged, Salesses said, All courses may be taken for elther graduat or und rgraduat credit. IMuirles regarding the. in- service prq m may be di reeled to' esses, at the College for' fen, 296-6108.

th r William McNamara,

r nJ director of th Spiritual Lite Institute Qt at p.m Saturday, 1''ebruary 13. In More Ha.II on or San Diego c mpus. n will be • •rv J aft t a di cusslon of the tails d Fre •dom." t "Th Art of

OCD, f u

• • • eJltor of Spiritual Lite maga- zine. Mr nJ Mrs. Lawrence Olher and Dr. and Mrs. W1l- llam Doyle re ponsoring the lecture. Included on the gu t list are Mrs. Bob Hop , Mr. and Mra. Charles Far- rell, tr Frank Scully, Mr nd Mr Irving Sus man, of Palm Spring: Laura Huxley r,nd G rry Day or Hollywood In charge of the reception ar fme John Brazil. Man- uel Cama, J oh n Lauriano Charles .Marciel, Erne t Sil- va, Manuel Onselmo Sliva, and Joe Alllota.


r,--;.,~.w~l~ll'...-.,~-"-..~...,._--~~----::--~ " ! - Bernie Bickerstaff y ball) and Cliff Ashford of

is coming o aid of San Diego State teammate. It dicln t do any good as battr "' 'J'oreros turned back Aztecs in do ble-o\ertime basketball thriller.

right, ~----------~--~~--




'1<.'l'k, but Larr. Willi,:

College Sets Five Courses Five courses, all of which may be taken for graduate credit, are being offered in the evening and on Saturdays during the second semester of the current school year at University of San Diego's College for Men, Wllllam E. Salesses, head of the Educa- tion Department, announced. The evening courses are English 134, Twentieth Cen- tury .American Literature, Tuesdays, 7-9:40 p.m.; His- tory 201, seminar in Twen- tieth Century United States, Tuesdays, 6-8:40 p.m., and F.ducation 103, principles and curriculum of secondary edu- cation, Thursday, 7-9:40 p.m. All evening courses begin this week and registrations will be accepted in the class through the second meeting next tveek. Saturday classes begin this week. They Include Education 110, educational psychology, and Education 103, philoso- phy of education, Times for both are 9 a.m. to 11 :40 a.m. and registration wlll be at the first meeting. Further information may be obtained by callJng the Education Department at USO College for Men, Alcala Park, 296-6108.

JANUARY 28, 1965

e ted uxiliary Head

, FEBRUARY 4, 1965

USD Au iliary Plans Luncheon

Mr seated as president of the Uni- ty o( S n Diego Auxiliary at a recent installation lunch-

A Valentine luncheon wel- coming all new members will be held by the University of San Diego Auxlliary Thurs- day, February 11, In the Dra- gon Room of Shelter Island Inn. The social hour will 'start a 11.80 a.m., with the lunch- eon et for 12:30 p.m. lrs. Ernest P. Tovani, chatrnun-i, said the donation ls $2.50 a person. Reserva- tions may be made by calling Mrs. Tovani, 277-8532; Nell Hlldreth, 281-4500, or Sylvia Ghio, 223-0156

nu vice president; O'Brien, treasurer · rl s R!z.zo, corres: etary, and Mr.1. ..t:U1.na1ty, r C<>rding ~cc-

Members of the Board of Directors who are committee chairmen include Mrs. John Blackie, membership .Mrs William Bickley, tel~phonei Mrs. Reme Downs, nomina- ting: Mrs. H. C. Fenton, scholarship fund; Mrs. Emil Ghio, social: Mrs. Neil Mac- Intyre, collector of dues; Mrs. S. Falck Niel•en, pub- licity; Mrs. Richard Phillips, newsletter and yearbook. Mrs. Thomas Manley, li- brary maintenance fund; Mrs. John Murphy, Yokohama friendship; :Mrs. John Wil- helm, historian; Mrs. John Waters, telephone; Mr. faurice Turner hospitality rid Mr,, A .J r. For horse show and bazaar In the Fall.

Bishop Furey . Gives Invocation Most Rev. Francis J. Fu- rey, Apostolic Administrator of the Diocese of San Diego, gave the in v o cat, on last Tuesday at the luncheon for • the San Diego SymphOny As- -l -sociat,on In El Cortez Hotel. Bishop F1.>rey is a member of the association's board of directors.


Sev ral La Joi/ans to Attend Medical Auxiliary Style Sho

By GERTRUDE GILPIN EVENING TRIBUNE Slaff w,;rer :\.1embers of Scripps Mem- orial Hospital Doctors' Unit of the San Diego County :"vledical Society Aux'liary have taken everal tables for the lunch- eon and fashion show that the auxiliary. i · spon oring tornor- ,row at the . S. Grant Hotel. The La Jollans, several of w~o1'.1 ha\e invited guests, will mclude Mmes. Keith Jef- fery. John Blankenship. Fred Brass, Rtchard Tullis, Ernest Pund, Cha I s Campbell, Rob- ert Bough n, John S. Trorn- bold. David Cann1chacl. Ed- ward 1 chell. Robert Voth Rob_ert Lynch, Robert K'. Bench, Alexarider Bellanca John 'J, Wells, Hunter Cutting and lax Hauser ---~------..

apartment. They stopped in San Carlos to see their former Philadelphia friends, Dr. and Mrs. Mervin Mathias. Tl:e Stolbergs' son, Irving, now is studying for his doctorate at Boston University. and Mrs. Max V. :\lcKee, parents of Mrs. John E. Grout, will leave this week for their home in Grosse Point. Mich. They came t La Jolla before Christrna . Mr. and Mrs. William R. Jackson were hosts at a buf- •fet supper in their home Wednesday to honor Mrs. Ameilius Jarvis. of Toronto, who is spending a month in La Jolla. Col. and Mrs. Neil R. Mac n yre have retijrned from San Franclsco where they visited their son, •·eil Jr., a pre-med student aL the Univer_1ty of San Francisco. '.\ rs. facin yre's aunt. Mrs. Wade '.\fartin of Woodstock,. Vt.. now is visiting tr.em. Mrs. Albert F'. Pyle returned from Mexico last week. She and her son, Forbes, who resides in San Miguel de Allende and had been visiting here during the holidays, Mr.

toured Yucatan, Cocumel Is- land and other places of his• torical interest. Mrs. Jl1hn J. Wells, 11cw ,president of the Unirersily of an Diego Auxiliary• .enter- tained the 21 members f her board at luncheoQ Thursday in her home. The general membersI:ip meeting is set for 11:30 a.m. Thursday at Shelter Island Inn. Mr. and Mrs. Willis '.\fcrtz Allen have returned from Honolulu where he partici- pated in the California-Hawaii polo games.




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