News Scrapbook 1964-1967


Bishop Notes Ordin tion Anniversary

INCJCII to Th • San Olqg Union FULLERTON - University or San Diego pitcher Pat Barry s!8rted and lost two games to 1' ullerton state here yesterday- , but he deserved a better fate. Fullerton won the opener, 2- I, as Barry gave up six hits anned five and walked one and pve up but one earned run. In he second game Barry lasted ti! the sixth where he was rehev!!1 by Tom Stephenson af- ter ~ving up one earned run, f~nmng six and walking three. tullerton won the nightcap, 5. U D got three hits in the fir game and three m the second . In_ the latter, Ron Cady got a triple and single and one RBI ~o . Fullerton J: f: ==~ l t rrB

IN .K.EHEARSAI-Three principal.~ are shown In reh~ for "The Betrayal." which will he -rtaged by the :"1["8quel'8 this Friday, ~aturday and Sunday, April 2, S and 4, In :ttore Ha.U on the Unlnrslty of San Dleg-o ca.mpu . They are, left to right, Hugh Fontaine R8 Caiaphas, Kathleen Zawol'8kl 88 Claudia, and Philip Bolle;_,i;;..;.88..:....P_U_a._te_.______~ - • .. .. 1--

Masquers T·o Present 'Betrayal'

The Alcala Masquers of the College for Men will pro- duce "The Betrayal" at 8:30 p.m. this Friday, Saturday and Sunday, April 2, 3 and 4, in More Hall on the Uni· verslty of San Diego campu~ 'The Betrayal" was auth- ored by an English priest, Father Geoffrey Dowsett. Includes Philip Bolles, Hu be rt Fontaine, James Molkenbuhr, Kathleen ZawJrski Victor Perl, Harry Ridge. J~seph Picone, Mary Williams. Denn Is Gorslch, Virginia Conway, John ME- gow, John Few, Ronald Kay. ton, Richard Paulson. John Begley, Richard Gray, Rob- ert Brunner. Thomas Wanl. Robert M c M a h o n, Harry Hartup, Thomas Malowney and Michael Strada. production are Father John H. Cloonan, chairman of the Speech and Dramatic Arts Department; Dona.Id Ernst, chairman of the English Department, and senior Dennis Gol'l!ich, who is a.Jso In charge or set build- ing and lighting, The donation is u. The cast Directing the



IN HEHEARSAL-SaJly S1>r<>n.,..n and Robert Hol:r.mlller reh..,.,.,_., theJr duet of "Tonight" and "Marta," t-0 be per- formed at "Opening Nlg'ht," a r..vlew of the American Broadwa,· ·mu-.lcal theater. It will bt- p...__nt<"d by the rnlver- ~lt,· of s·an Diego at 8:15 p.m. April 1 In the theater of the Cohege for Women. . . . . . . Musical Review Slated at College The lJniversity of San Diego will present "Opening Night," a re,iew of the American Broadway musical theater, at 8:15 pm. Thursday, April l, in the College for Women theater. Centering around a general theme of "Lovet the

production "'ill feature a new and so m e what different theatrical approach. A con- tinuous progression of both chorus and solo presentations of songs will produce the effect of a "film technique," where the blending of melo- diep and scenic devices re• place dialogue or narration. T h e story of "Open! ng Night" will be told by the songs themselves, as both the mood and the drama of the Broadway theater progre!<.s from the light and satirical love tunes -of the 1920s and "30s to those of the postwar period. The cast is composed of students from the College for Women and the College for Men. The production is under the musical direction of Clay- ton Fox. staged by Kathleen Featured numbers include "If I Loved You," sung by Carla Castagneto and Ken "They Call The Wind Maria," sung by Miss Horobetz, "People," perform- ed by Judy Banks, and a duet by Sally Sorensen and Rob- ert Holzmiller of "Tonight" and "Maria." Others include Carole Cata- lane singing "Little G i r 1 Blue," Sharon O'Neill in "Ribbons Down My Back," Nelda Nelson doing "I Loves You Porgy." and Catherine Schetter, Brophy, and Lynn Horobetz.

Ivers and John Few In a duet version of ·•sweethearts." The cast is completed by Mamie Normington, Kathy Gonsalves, J o h n M e g o, Maureen O'Brien, Nancy Cain, Diana deMers, Ca.thy Marino, and Diane Alkire. The choruses are compo ed of members of the College for Men and the College for Women. Choreography for "Open- ing Night" iS under the di- rection or Jody Berke and Terri Wilson, who also per- form with the Starlight Op.era. They will be featured as a dance team. Admission will be ;1 for adults and 50 cents for stu- dents. Children under 12 are "The Betrayal," Univer- sity of San Diego College for Men's annual passion play, is in rehearsal and will be presented April 2 through 4 in More Hall on the Alcala Park campus, Rev. John H. Cloonan, chairman of the speech and dramatic arts de- partment, announced, Curtain time is 8:30 each of the three nights. Tickets are $1 each. The play, which will be presented in arena format, is being directed by Father Cloonan, assisted by Donald Ernst, chairman of the Col- lege for Men Eng-lish De- partment. • Pl ass1on I R h n ay I e ea rSa p

produced by 1-----


A fat:Jlty loun e donated to the l ni- ity of an Diego's College for Men b.y ::\Iurray Good ic- \ • ded,ic ted y tc ay in a c emc.ny attended by



11-S ar Soccer Game lated t USO May 2 D1~go County Socter League May 2. starting at 2 p.m. the Pal!Jflt Soccer League lu !he b , l.) n a ~ansqm Jr., pres- w1U oppo e ,a mular umt from This was announced yesterday n a' tdr ' am fr t It an Una er I of San Diego Stadmm

I THE SAN DIEGO UNION un.. April 18, 1965 SAN DIEGO, CAL!!£.'!NIA G I I Toreros To LJS f T • WICe ~1g~lha_naer Pat ~arry scored . .

nt th 1es, the 11rst s a starter and the s,:cond in Pacific Soccer League relief, at ~le a_ College yester- the Long Beach Pico day as Umvers1ty of San Diego Rivera and Orange Cou~ty ar- swept a. baseball doubleheader eas, The mayor of Pico Rivera from Umvers1ty of San Francis- and Patricia Kingsburg, queen co, 10-5 and 3-2. 'lof the league, are expected to Barry spun a five-hitter in the six-learn San Diego t\rn. pilchrng v1ct cover

f(rst game. In the second, he ar-

1 attend the game here.

1 !he San Diego all-star team is rived m th

fifth inning ½ ith

selected Roger the Toreros trailing, 2-1, and the was rewarded by sixth-inning San Diego Portu- home runs by Fred Carbone by


DeFranca, manager of


gues('. Each of !he six teams ha, and Ron Cady. nominated four players. De- Franca must name at least one in the first game. player from each team. F1Rsr GAME Proceeds of the game will go ~tb lo !he San Diego Count~ Soccer ~n~~•i 0 .111~~~ff~R< 2 b:'s" 0 1 0 Le~gue, Inc., a non-profit corpo- sECONo GAME ralion formed for the purpose of :~~b promo mg S-Occer football in this I . I _ ,oo

Slef DeSales homered for 0SD

m 3d: t=i: l l :'~J;r, 1, 8 ~7/.

LOl"NGE OPEXED-Mr. and MNi. Murray D. Goodrich ~nlp ribbon marking the opening laM Satunlay of the, new faculty lounge Goodrich donated to the Unlvel'!llty of San Dlego1'g College for Men. :\lost Rt'v. Francis J. Furey, Apostolic

Admlnl•trator and USD ohancPllor, left, and Very lwv. John Paul Cadden, College for Men pr.,.ldent, M•l•t. More than 200 gu t.l att.;nd!'d the ceremony and a reception afterward honoring the local business and civic leader.

•-J ••

ooo 010 0-2 4

002 F•ld 15 0, Green (JJ ano !leaslev, steo @n.,on, Barry (S) ond Reilley HR-C.Jr• ~h~•nJ~;~~• 6th, none ""' Cady cusoi.



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