News Scrapbook 1964-1967

Horse Show Planned By U.S.D. A uxiliary By KAY JARVIS The equine is not on the de- being accepted by M~s. George clme if the interest in prepara- W. Wolfe, patrons charrman, for tions for the first annual Inter- the house events, with other national Horse Show and Ba- seating to be by general admis- zaar is any indication. sion. Nearly 10,000 are _expected to S!)cial ~ven_ts will lncl~de a attend the show which will fea- lavish mv1tallonal cocktail buf- ture prize animals from fet supper at Town and Country throughout the San Diego area. Hotel following events of the It will be held Sept. 24-26 at first evening. Valley Lane Farms adjacent lo The bazaar will open at 10 Westgate Park under the spon- a.m. Saturday and Sunday with sorship of the University of San a chuckwagon barbecue dinner Diego Women's Auxiliary. to be featured Saturday even- Whether or not you know a ing. An English Hunt breakfast ga,t from a gate or a stake will be s~rved Sunday morning. from a steak the horses in all Reservations for both may be their silky splendor and their made with auxiliary 1~c!Dbers. owners in proper riding habit Mrs. Ernest P. Tovam 1s food will present a colorful montage and beverage chairman. durmg the six sessions of the Benefilting from the two days competition, which will begin at will be the University of San 7:30 p.m. on Sept. 24. Diego's College for Men, Col- For those not in tire horsey lege for Women and School of set, an international festival of Law. art, antiques, boutique and col- Stakes and trophies are being lectors items and gourmet foods donated by numerous local pa- from throughout the world will trons for the competitions. Mrs. be arrayed along a tree shaded A. J. C. Forsyth of Coronado is arch adjacent to the show area. general chairman and Mrs. J. Individual facades, resem- L. Smelley of La Jcjla and hling a movie set and represent- Houston, Tex., is hone show ing JO countries are being com- chairman. Mrs. Mat rice P. pleted and will involve a walk- Turner is bazaar c.oairman, ing mile. Auxiliary members with large committee~ working will wear costumes appropriate toward the success of what is to each country. hoped will become an an nual

AY, AUGUST 26, 1965


9//1 12 Tu



., .July 20, 19 5 SAN OIIGO, CALIFORNIA 1-------- l11vil ro1 ljJJ 13< dclrc cl

T. R. Pearson Named to Coll ege Post R. Prar on, 4fi, haq hP n :ip1w>1ntpd dirrctor or studPnt en I e at the Un V<'r ity ol San Di<'go Collrgc !or \kn Pear on. a • v commnndcr, retired from active duty August 1. lie ls rt'S!M>ns1hlr for slu tralnin urut, and as isled In pn•pa rnt on nf hip modernization hu

-soo 01000 Uo;on Slott Pholo

A spinning wheel, one o{ antiques lo he sl10u n during tlte Sept. 24 26 how ond International Bazaar, is admired h,·, from left. Mmes. ]. lfor~e





E. Bennett, H. ego \Vomen's

lephen King nncl Ross T arr,. T lP l • nfoPrsil\' o



oonsor of tht> Prent.

ii.inn, is

Box seat reservation, are now event.



U of S.D. Feb. 11, 1

c urut

's fi




) began ad-

College for Worn


dents. This fall,


proJections materialize, lllbe 1,360. Registration will be Wednes- day and Thursday at the Col- lege of Men. Friday will be the first day of class for en e II- mated 350 tudents, up from 318 a )ear sgo. dr. Thomas Pearson, rel , fo mer executive o and associate professor f r a aval Reserve Officer Training Corps umt at Purdue Univ l- Y, 1s the college's new dir~tor f student services. The college for the first lime 1 will offer a master of arts in leaching degree for prospective junior and senior high school teachers Se\ en hundred are expected to register Sept. 14 at the Col- lege for Women for classes startmg S pt. 15. The number · a ut e same as last year bu there will be more Juruors and se o • Th college will begin gradu- at co rses in mathematics and French· for candidates for sec- I o dary teaching credentials. A program Is being developed for teacher working with emotion- ally and physically handicapped t children I Registration will be Tuesday for an estimated 310 students at the cbool of Law. Students will begm classes Sept. 13. Last ! fall's i:nrollment was 239 Of th! year's students, 125 - are exp Cfed to enter for the • first tirn 125 are returnees and 60 are fa t for evening clas- there

len president; ('laud., C. Bla kemorP. First Nasional r>resl- dent; Grant Taylor First Na tiona l a ssil-1a11t vice pro1ide11t, .md Rev. Virwcnt ,J, Walters, con troller and executive '"s stant to tlJP prcsidl'nt of the College for Me11. . .

College Library Slates Exhibit The Library College Jor .\!1•11, presents in September an exhibit ol the work of Mr . Virginia Olson or La Ml' n Mr 015011 a member of the Foothlll Art Associa- t,on ol La M was In• trucled in the rudiments of o l painting by her fri<'nd Mrs Dori. Floyd :l.1rs 01- on pr sentcd a joint exhibit with ::\fr . f·Joyd and Mrs Frank M rrow in ebruary, 1961 at the llhrnry The curt nt exhibit openJ< on • eptembcr 3 and closes on SPpt •mbN 30. --------

Endowment Fund Established by USO A perpetual fund !or the University of San Diego's College for Men ras been established with the First Na- tional Bank or San Diego, Most Rev. Francis J. Furey, apostolic administrator, announced. A trust agreement with the bank was signed by the

Bishop and Claude C. Blake- more, bank president, in a brief ceremony last Friday in Bishop Furey's office at Alcala Park. Money donated to the fund will he held in trust b_v the First National Bank of San Diego, said Bishop Furey, who is also president and chancellor of the university. "The USD College for Men endowment," as it will be known officially, is being established to receive and preserve funds contributed by donors to the college. It will be operated exclusively for charitable, scientific, literary, or educational pur- poses within the United States, Bishop Furey said. The Bishop said no part

of t.he principal of thP fund may be used. But income from the fund shall be used by the College for providing scholarships for worthy stu- dents, increasing and im- proving facilities and equip- ment, increasing faculty sa. laries, and establishing new departments and chairs. In addition to Bishop Fu- rey and Blakemore, signers of the agreement included Father John P. Cadden, president of the Men's Col- lege, Grant Taylor. assist- ·ant vice-president of the First National Bank, and Father Vincent J. Walters, controller and executive as- sistant to the college presi- dent.

--..---.--~.....----~------.-:~,;....._______ Auxiliary ShoWi Entries T·op 1,000 Lists have closed with more and Justin Evenson. than 1,000 entries in the Uni- Drs. and Mrs. John :vr. Mur- vers1 ty of San Diego Auxil- phy, James E. Sandell, Ar- iar s benefit horse show, lo thur L. Barr, Roy Ouer, Harry be held Sept. 24 through 26 at A. Collins, J. J. Wells and Valley Lane Farms, Mission Charles T. Franklin. Valley. Bazaar is Planned

Fr. Brugman's Brother Dies Re, Bernard E Brug. man, 51, was buried after a Solemn Pontifical Re- quiem :\,lass at Sacred Heart Cathedral, 'Daven. port, Iowa Saturday, Aug. ust 28. Burial was in the priests' section of• Calvary C!'metery. He is the bro- ther or Rev Leonard J. Brugman, chaplain, College fol' !en, L'niversity of San Diego. Dea th followed a heart attack August 14. At the time of his de~th he was pastor of Assump- tion ch u r ch, Charlotte, Iowa. Shortly after his or- dina lion September 18, 194.1, he was assignl•d to St. Am. brnsc College, Davenport, Iowa, where he served as Dean of Men until his ap- pointment as chaplain at the Iowa State Penitentiary Fort Madison, 1951. He was active on the board of American Penal and Correctional Chaplains' Association. serving a term .. n.s pre ident; on the board of the administrators of the Ameriean PC'nal and Cor. rect10nal Association, serv. Ing a term on the board, and the Association of Cath- olic Penal and Correctional Institution Chaplains, hav. ing sPrved as president for a term He received the Saint Dis- mas Award at the 1964 an- nual mPP!ing of the Ameri- can Pi'nal and Correctional Association. He was ap- pointed to parish work in Septemhpr 1963 Survivors besides Father Brugman inclurle his moth- er. Mr·s. Ma, It• R. ~rugman, Davenpo11; James R. Brug. man, Snfford, Ar"IZ., and Cathnin,, Brugman. Rock I land, Ill. His father, John L Brugman, and a brother, Frnncl. preced!'tl him in t!C>ath.

Post Office To Be Feature Th.-. UniYPr~it~~ of Sa'1 Di- ego Auxiliarv. an organiza- tion ~harlered to suppor·( the act1Yille~ of thP univer~ity. j,- sponaorinll,' • ho1·~e show and international bszaar on Sept 24. 25, and 26 at Valley Lan• F.-.rm~ and \\•~~tg·att> Park rn San DiPgo. The event will ben~f1t th@ l;nh·pr:;;itv ot ~an Die,..,o. The hAzaar will !eaturP. Among olh r l\ttractions. a post Mfic• and to make it " .E:llC(ei'-~ pii.cka_g;es are needed from homt" and abroad. r1·i1'""' r~nge fo1 thP paekages ~houl•i be r.-om 50 tent, to ~2. There Is a code to fac1litat~ lh• handlmr, ur the pac·kag», Ou he rn1[~ide \\.'rapJ,ing , u~ , · Jue or the gift i. • m 1 k•!d a..i; \tll H!" for whe,m it i:c.: n• tPrn1 11 m n, wom n ,,r 4 hi1d A packag-e w01th 50 rent, Int nd~cl for a •·hlld \\'ii _be cu< ,-,J, 50 · C. or one ,..,·01 th 1ntPndeo for· a \o,.·t"i nan dll lifl- <'oderl 2 .. \V, Rccordinz- to .\!rs. ~·,·ank ,T. O'Conno1·, c··man of mailing Package.o:.. onP- or m;:11:y, mav b"' mail•d lo M1·s. O'Con- nor: International B:za,1, 4648 Milton St.. San ni•;::-o, C•litornia 92110.

Judging will be by Thomas S. Mi:Cray, Columbus, Ohio; Mr . Sara Cavanagh Steall, s an , "· ., ~ d James Stephenson, Glend- S L I I d -.· y os , ong

Martin S. Soriano, Irvin J. Kahn, Fred Simpson, R. H. Reuben Fleet, Mmes. Dorothy McGann, Emory 0. Peterson, Frances Harpst, Frank Ben- ders, Cliff Cramer, Anne P. appan, Joseph G. Werner, John F. Blackie and Wing Cdr. and Mrs. Patrick R. Pa- Breen, Hugh M. Briggs,


Social events for the three


planned T




around the hol'Se show. There will be a pre-show chuckwag- on barbecue dinner Saturday evening and an English hunt breakfast Sunday morning, served under the trees at Va-



Plans are also being com- pleted for the bazaar, which

conjunction show. Ten


will operate

Jey Lane Farms.

the horse

A no-host cocktail buffet with feting horse show exhibitors, patrons and sponsors will be held at !he Town and Country Hotel Saturday evening after foods,

countries will be r epresented by booths selling art, anti- ques, boutique items, gourmet toys, straw hats and bags, dishes, homemade jams, copper and brass items, ga- mes and religious obi·ects. jellies and salad dressings, Chairmen include h-hi1es. Jr. ving W. Martin, Charles J. Paul A. Vesco, Remo Downs, James Rock, Frances C. Mar- Thomas M. Manley, Nielsen, tin, Richard P. Phillips, Rizzo, Frank J. O'Connor, Times Are Set

I\Iarilyn Puzo,


21, the Univer. it,v of San Diego, smile: after she 1vas cho- sen queen of the :,-eventh annual bantH'CUc anrl f<>s- 1ival of the Knight,; of Columbus, San Diego- Imperial Valley c-hapter. The festival will be held Sunday on the Uni\·ersity campus. a librarian at

the last event.

Donors Are Listed


d T

SI k

rop Y donors to

a e an


include Messrs.





George P. Soares, Charles H. Brown, A. L. Jacobs, Emory 0. Peterson, S. FaTck l",ielsen,


J. Muzzy,


• Tharp, John A. Waters, A. J.





Wayne J. Wilkinson, Willis M.




Julian Tavares,

Emil Ghio,


Charles A. Ragcn and John



E. Handley. -----~--..::.___-,-_

.F'rank Bettencourt, Murray


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