News Scrapbook 1964-1967

Bishop Fure Off For Rome Session World Poverty Is Key Problem For Ecumenical Council, He Says

Frat Takes Two 'Awards Alpha Delta Gamma, a national fratrmlly which is represented at the Unlver- slty of San Diego College for Men by Omicron chapter, has been named the No. 1 national fraternity In the Vnlted S'tates. At the fraternity's recent convention i n Loulsv!Jle, Ky., Omicron was given the FaJher A. J. Kelly Scho lasl!c Award for having the highest grade point average of all the chapters in the fraternity. Omicron a 1 so won the Travelling Award, being represented by eight students. Om)cron also sponsored the national sweetheart, Margie Mars!ello, who at• tends the College for Wom- en.

Coronado Journal

350 expe I lo enroll al USD Increased enrollment, additional faculty, new courses and a new degree program mark t'he begin- ning of classes for the fall se- mester at USD's College for Men, according to Very Rev. John Paul Cadden, presiclent. The anticipated enrollment is 350 with more than double the number of freshmen over last year. New faculty members include eight Ph. D.'s in English, history, biology, physics and political science. for Men ·has a graduate program leading to the Mastf.!r of Arts in Teaching de- gree, along with a Secondary Teaching Internship pnder the di- rection of W'illiam E. Salesses. Applications are invited from candidates in the fields of history, political science, English and the natural sl'iences. The College

Courses Listed For Fall Term ' Courses leading to a Master of Arts in Teaching degree or the Standard Teaching Credential with a Specialization In Secondary Teaching wl!l be offered during the Fall sPmester at the University of San Diego College for Men, it was announced by William E Salesses, chairman of the Department of Education. R e g I s t r a t i o n for Fall dasses will be held Sep- tember 8 and 9. Course of- ferings include Principles and Curriculum of Second- ary Education, Educational Psychology, Measurement an;d Evaluation, Philosophy of Education, Research De- sign and Methodology, Cur- riculum D<,s!gn and Devel- opment, Counseling and Guidance, as well as gradu- ate seminars in history and English. Courses wlll be off e re d afternoons, eve- nings and Saturdays. Teachers and others in- terested in the MAT or the credential programs may contact the Education Of- fice at the university for further information.

son 01e;r:,Union s gff P"t01o

Prcparill/t, Dr. he/elm I )u1m 1 son a sLtant profc or of Engli li: 'Mrs. Tlwmas R PParson, wi}P of ( ~Jr Pew 011 , l .,. 1 rr.l., director of student . emices, and I )r. Trl.\in<' 1\1. ( 11111 dr,r,on. clrnirnwn of the r yclwlogy deror ~i>nt. =-=----~-- the diruwr Jun((• qil'r?/1

Two Colleges Ready to Greet 1,050 (Continued from Page I) to takr a course in prepa- ration for marriage. This is the first lime a college has l'equired such a course in the> state of California. All students wi!l be re- quired to take a course in Marriage and the Family, which will be given by Wil- liam R. Flrock!ey, head of the conciliation court in San Diego. The course will deal with personality and other factors in achieving marital happiness and en- riching family living. New faculty members in- clude eight Ph.D's. in Eng- lish, history, biology, phy- sics, and political science. The College for Men also has initiated a graduate program leading to the Master of Arts in Teaching degree, along with a Sec- ondary Teaching Internship under the direction of Wil• liam E. Salesses. Applica- tions are invited from can- didates in the fields of his- tory, political science, Eng- lish and lpe natural sci- ences. USD Student Joins Project Alex Araiza, a senior at USD's College for Men and vice president of the Psy- chology Ch;b, h a s been selected as one of the psy- chological observers for Sea Lab II now being held off the La Jolla coast. The 21- year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Araiza of 3035 Plaza Blvd., National City, is a 1962 graduate of Calex- ico Union High Schoot Araiza will work with one other student and a senior psychological observer a to- tal of six hours a day dur- ing the entire project. They will observe the aquanauts through two closed circuit television cameras, tape all of their conversations and transcribe the results of their performance tests in order to determ inc how et- fectively man can l!ve under the sea. The psychological obsel'- vers also wll! maintain a general log .of th<' rntir<' project, sine<' they wi II be• able to observe' the aqua nauts both inside and out- side the capsule through the> closed circuit television ca- meras. This will ,mablc thPm to d<'termine work and social ordPr of th(' aqua - nauts. Future plans of Araiza include a teaching carC'Pl' in psychology and in his mi- nor. biology-. He also will h<.> qualified to act as a student counselor, according tn thr chairman of the College for Men's Psychology Depa, 1 ment, Dr. :l-1axin<> Murphy Gunderson. · 1

1 p1v Plans Told Two Colleges Set To Welcome 1,050 The San Diego College tor Women will begin its 14 h academic year next week with Dn anticipated enrollme t of nearly 700 students in day , extended day, evening, and Saturday classes. Registration is Tuesday, September 14. Among new developments, the extension of the pro- gram for Secondary School '!>-- teachers is prominent and ments: Recent Art Move- the fields of mathematics ments, radiation biology, and French will be added to advanced met a physics, the programs for Spanish, study of the Old Testament. English, history, biology, Reorganization of the Span- chemistry, and social sci- ish ,Department has broad- ences. For the first time ened the offerings in that there w i 11 be graduate field.

ELECTED - Dadd E. Cox of 3627 ).It Acomita A\e. has been elected pr . ident of the Alumni A. ociation of the Uni- wrsity of San Diego Col- 1ege for :\kn. He v.ill be in tailed July 24. David E. Cox Elected USD Alumni President David Cox of 3627 Acomit" Ave , ha been elected pre 1dcn of 1 htc lJniversitv of San Dlegr Colicge for Men·Alumni Assoc at1on Other officers are Brian D Ford, vice president: Conrad G. Waker. secretary, and Tim(lth;: J. WIibur, treasurer.

olt PCinti gs. Through


MISSION SAN DIEGO PE ALCALA 1100s Fr or1 Rd. Open " o.m. to s ,.m. dallr. STEPHANIA HOW.RO: C ~l!mPOrorv

rtlls110u"s 1ublech,

T rou;h Oct. 15, THACKERAY GALLERY 1231 Fourth Ave, 0,an: , a.m. lhroush Salurdav. cro.aed: Sundar. ELVY kAL&P: Exhibit of artistry In

la 5:30 p,m, Mondoy

liather. Throuah

Sept. 30. NORTH PARK PUBLIC LIBRARY l7'S list St. OPtn1 1 fa t ,.m. Monday throu1h Thursdar, 10 a.m. to , P,m. Friday and $Qlurdar. Clastd1 Sunday. LENORE SI--IERMAN: Exhibit of floral POintlnas. Through t, JO,

courses in mathematics and French as well as in history, Engl!sh, education, and Spanish. A program is being devel- oped in the training of teachers in special educa- tion with such courses as Psychology of the Emotion- a!ly Disturbed Child, and Counselling of the Handi- capped and Their Parents. Several courses in this field wi!I be offered each se- mester. New courses have been developed in several depart- • . .

Increased enrollment, ad- ditional faculty members, new courses and a new de- gree program mark the be- ginning of classes for the fall semester at USD's Col- lege for Men, according to Very Rev. John Paul Cad- den, president. The antici- pated enrollment is 350 with more than double the num- ber of freshmen over last year. A major development at the College for Men is that all students will be required ( Continued on Page S) ,;, • *




PROGRA:ll DISCUSSED-:llost Rev, Francis J. Furey, Farraher, president of the College for Women, and Very apostolic a.dmlnlstrator, center, is shown discussing plans Rev. John Paul Cadden, president of the College (or Men. for the oponing of the new school year with Mother Anne The two collegesi will gr£,et 1,050 students next week.

«Ou. PLJ·,f I Sunday to wi'

\fsgr. ,John :t,•. Purcell, vicar general; Rt. Rev. Msgr. ,Janu,, P. O'Shea, editor of The Southern Cross; Very Rev. U",:-r. Donald I". Doxie. Bishop'" . ecretary; Rev. Daniel O'Donoghue, pastor o( Si. !Uary )lagdalene parish, and Rt. Re,. )1 ,.r. GN>rgp M. Rice, rector of St. Joseph'. Cathe- .t•al. •

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