News Scrapbook 1964-1967



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San Di go, Ca lif., Monday, Scptemb r 6, 1965

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r USO Me

College 1st in State To Require Class

Chief of Conciliation Court Will Direct Study This Fall

The University or San Diego's College for !en thts fal' w ll become the r1rst eay· Problem En Route to ' .\ of the problems we see here e1 ery day m the Con- c11iation Court will be covered ·, Brockley aid. Churchs key weapon m com- ''llere at the college we'll be bating world poverty ..acco~ding reaching mo. t of that age I~ the :'.lo I Rev. F ranc1s J. brncht," he said. r urcy, apostolic admm1. trator Bro<"kley :ild the cour,e will of the Roman Calbohc Dioce e emp ize what couples ·hould or San Diego. do lo pre1 cnt "a marriage Irom Just how this moral pres ·ure break1n into pieces and no one can be t be applied \\Ill be d1 • knoi 11 tat happene~ " cussed at the fourth scssJOn of ,. .Ink lo Prartiral the Ecumenical Council of the ~ty focus will be to develop Roman Catholic Church in \'ab- br dge between concept, theo- can City which Bishop Furey ry and re rarth and ,ome of will attend the practical bread-and-butter . · . problems," he aid. Bishop . Furey will erve on The Very Rev. John Paul the admm1strallve In unal of Caddeu, college president, said the co_uncil It 1· a comnn ee or the College for ten will be the 11 which _rules on any que lions first in~t1t I ion in the state to of law raised by the council require uch a course for all • 'uclear war and birth control tudents. also are on the agenda. Fat r dd n said that when During the consideration of cla b a n xt ~londay, the th poverty problem, the 2.300 college I have about 350 stu- delegate will hear from a corn- d nt . re hman enrollment mittee 11h1ch ha studied 1e o 100 be double that of Ja:;t economic ystems of the world - capilali m, socialism and wGraduate Program commum rr.. Chan m the cu,r~1cu1um m- The council can •lJd} com . w gr du~ program munLSm because Pope Pms XH leading a mjlster of arts m 20 years ago di'ferrntiated be- leachmg and an intern hip tween communism as an pro ram leading to a secondarv •conomic S) stem and a Godless teaching credenllal · helief tixil · Prepa ry Members or Shovv A Roman foun :i American soft drmk will not be themselves as Vatican Talks lk said that in California, one out of every three marrianes end, in divorce. The divo;ce rate i three to four times high- er among 15 to 19-year-olds, Mora! pressure is the ~athollc Brockley aid.


Linda, a

prized trophy.

HOPEFUL - Linda Ouer, 13, eyes trophy she hopes to win in the Uni- versity of San Diego Auxiliary benefit horse show. Mrs. Johnnie L. mclley

rider, sits astride Bermuda Belle. The show will be Friday through Sunday at Valley Lane Farms, Mis~ion Val-

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EVENING TRIBUNE A22 SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA • Friday, Sept. 24, 1965 )· Law School Res lution Honors Jurist Late Judge's Aid To University Is Remembered The faculty of the School of Law of the University of San Diego _has adopted a special Resolution of Tribute to Judge deWitt H. 1'1erriam, one of the founders of the school. who died recently after a long illness. Joseph A. Sinclitico Jr., dean of !he school, said the resolution expresses the sorrow of the fac- ulty and students for the death of J~d~e Merriam and their ap- prec1ahon of his long-time volunteer service as a faculty member and guider of the school. The resolution. adopted at a special meeting, has been entered on the minutes and rec- ords of the School of Law. Sinclitico said the facullv also c~p:essed s~mpathy and ap re- c1allon to Judge Merriam's wid- ow, Portia, enclosing irr a letter announcing the resolution a Spiritual Bouquet of 10 Masses to be offert!d up for Judge Mer. namby the faculty. Committal servic or Judge ~lerriam, 76, were held Sept. 10 m Forest Lawn Memorial Park Glendale. imultaneously, Iu'. neral seniees were held at st: James•b)"'tf11>-Sea Episcopal Church, La Jolla. Judge Merri- am, of 72 H Carrizo Drive La Jolla, ser-ved 22 years on' the federal ?~.. ch in Michigan be-, fore retm11g. He was instru- mental in helping the USD ~chool of Law obtain accrcdita- llo~ f:om the Xational Bar As, sociation.

olleges Hre

To Get Disc Of Churchill


Fo_ur San Diego colleges will ; receive recordings or Sir Win-j s_ton C h u r c h i 11 speech~s de- f hvered durmg his 60 years as sta,t~sman and member O the Bnhsh Parliament. t II ill be donated lo he colleges by the ~an Diego .branch of the Eng- hs~ Speaking U n i o n of the United States, said its presi- dent, Charles C. Leigh. Leigh said the albums will be prese~ted to the college repre- ~entatives at a dinner meeting m the Bahia Restaurant at 7 p.m. Friday. _Scheduled to accept the gifts will be Dr. John Galbraith c_hancellor, and Melvin Voight'. I hbr_an~n, of the University of California at San D:ego; Robert S. Dunn. vice president for de- velppment of California Western U:mv~rsity; Dr. Donald Watson, vi~e president for academic af. fa1rs;~ and Dr. Louis Kenney, librarian, of San Diego State Col!Pge, and Father Matley, li- brana_n, of the University of San Diego. Leigh said Frank Waters Deputy British Consul Generai m Los.Angeles, will address the gathermg and read a eulogy for the late liir Winston Churchill died Jan.· 24 this year at the age of 90. The 12-record albums

pouting as husbands who referred to


the leas of the mte ' balanced precariously flavored o cnngs w 1ch will be on ladders to string lights, hang presented today at the 10 a.m. an lers on the "Dry Gulch opening of the ,Iot~rnational Ba- Saloon," and drape hangings on urar and Horse ho,w. the artistically designed Valley Lane Farms, adjacent facades. Auxiliary members to Westgate Park, •ill be the were packaging c-andies, putting setting r the tw ay event, finishing touches on 150 costu- which is being spon. ored t>y the mes which will be worn to University of San Diego ,Worn- denote each country rep- en's Auxiliary. resented at the bazaar, and set- Finishing touches we~ beinglting up displays. added yesterday to the exotic Meanwhile, sleek steeds, facades which have been built which will be among 250 entries at a cost of ,00 to house an in the horse show, grazed hap- I as ortment of wares ranging pily in surrounding pastures. from pots and" pinalas to im- . Proceeds of tbe show and ba- rted !mens and homemade zaar, which ends tomorrow fishing flies. ' night, will go to the USD School The tree-shaded area was of Law, College for Men and bubbling with activity yesterday College for Women. ' ---~--. · nally- lrelper

--=-..:a=---- s n Diego Auxiliary Horse Show la.t night. ll will continue today and to• morrow. n international baza'ar will also f featured.- taff Photo


Charity Horse Show Draws 200 Entries The tirst university of 311 Diego Women's &.uxiliary Char• ty Hor c Show closed yesterday in . 11 10n Valley after drawing more than 200 entries from throughout Southern California. The competition, at Valley Lane Farms n ar Westgate Park, began friday evening and ran through- the weekend Proceeds will be divided be- 111 een the University or San Di- ego College for Men and the College for Women.

Alcal_a Guild, University of San Diego College for :'.\,fen, will present its sixth annual style show Oct. 9 in the Grant Hotel. "Fashion Portraits" will be sta ged as models make their entrance,; through three large gold_ p1cftire frame . Mr William H Murphy is chair- man. .\frs.. Ernest P. .ovani is decorahons chairman fo r the show Which will be m the Palm_Room at 12 :30 p.m. Ass1stmg !\:!rs. Tovani will be Mr5: Harold Dermody and Mrs. Wilber Hildreth, cochair- men of hostesses. Other com- mittee women are 1'lmes. H. P. B1lbray, Elliott ;\f. Brown ~o L. Cooper, Eugene H. D~ Falco, Alban L. Giesing, Paul R. Gardner, \'inc nt F. Gon- ·owski. .\Imes. Ralph Q. Heintz Mary C. Jones, Kenneth B'.

Kayton, Limpus John P. McDermott Albert 1/ N?lloli, Philip N: Macozy. William E. Salesses Andr ' L S. ' ew · eim. Jerome S. Sherry Jo eph H. Sinclitico, Harold N. Stoflcl, A. Paul Theil and Phil D. Woolperl. .\.fm~s. John L. Wilper, D_omm1c DePietri, Eric R. Woods. Paul J. Majkut John _F. O'Donnell, Paul A. 'vesco and Frank J. O'Connor. M_rs. Joseph J. lliel , is chairman of the patroness commitlee. A partial list of P,atrons includes Bishop Charles F. Buddy, Bishop Fra~c,_s J. Furey, :,postolic admm1stralor of the diocese of San Diego; and the Very Rev. John Paul Cadd(•n. pres- ' ident of lhe College for fen. j Preceded by a SO\:I I hour at 11:30 am. the' f· hion event will benefit thr scholar• ship fund of the coll1 ge. John R.

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