News Scrapbook 1964-1967

USO Cagers Sia e Jaunt To ontana Lmver 1ty of S;in Diego opens its ba

be tin th Toreros' history. Left. r1 y vorsk ,, Bernie Bi~cr ;taff, Phil Pr1 Cliff Ashford and Dick \ crla kY·----~

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D Cagers Could Be chool's 'Best Ever'

season, ha according improved greatly, to Woo\pert "I think he has the confidence to do a consi tent b," the coach said Woolpcrt has en Im• pre ed with ophom re Bill Sheridan, a ix-foot guard, and tra fer Bill RuUe e. who i the malle t member at 5-10 •·shend n has tw brothers who were fine play r at St Mary's and I think e ha the ab1hty to be a good on too," Wollpert aid "He's a b ady player and mov s well. He i poised and a model for other players. I'd ay be remlnds me of K C. Jon .'' Jon , currently playing v,ith the Boston Celtics, was a member of Woolperl's , ·c A championship teams al the Universlly of n Francis- co. ' Rull dge can help us," \ oolpert appraised. "He's a good oole • 1s quick and has been impres i ve." Woolperl said he has plenty of depth for the first time. "It used to b r er embarrass• ing lookmg down the bench In past year ," he said. In the second USD unit are Ted Field (6-2), Dick Ca• brera 16-Z , Dan Wightman t6-5l, Dick Verla ky (6-0J and BID Ferree (6-0). It may be a bit early but that Woolpert lirrtetable may be pushed ahead for even big• "I ger thing by the 1966-67 and J 1967·68 campaign~ with stron- ' ger oppo ition. He has an ex- cellent crop of freshmen, loo. But, the 49-year old mentor prefers to concentrate on one sea on at a time and he's eager to get tarted.

San Diego Daily Journal-Establishrd 1944


THANKS FROM 1,000 Card Burners Stir Protest in ar,n • CONTINU O FAOM PA E I

FILIPINO SfUDENTS ~~i~~Pe~fo~fina Ro Zandi left Womens Col- Leyte, d Bonifacio Marceda Jr.

p~ students are part of !h ., mber college dance troupe m~ormed last night in Civic Thea1,

le~~a~~iated 'Stud;nt preside~t ~t and Ernie Borunda, rig '

president, greet

College AS of Holy

UMSD: end s t stu ens

Infant College~,_ ...!peE.~:::,::::..:;:,:._-~ -

COLID'.111,'JST'S CAROUSEL: The Old Globe's handsome Robert Teuscher, who received the adula- tion ot the teenage set during last summer's Shake- speare Fe i al, is currently playing to an even younger audience. He's the Santa Claus for May Company's Wilshire Blvd. store in Los Angeles, equipped with a personal Santa Make-up Kit and a et, "How To BE A REAL Santa." ... Bob Janes 'What's an empty hotel?", and answers: a . . . Mother Anne Farraher, the thr University of San Diego College for Women, receives mail occasionally ad- dressed to "Mr. Alcala Park." ... Pra£tical non- sense found in a local Navy questionnaire: "Give the na of your wife-. Address--. (Omit if de- cea )." ..• B er Predrag Mitrovich and retailer George Scott e profiled in a State Dept. of Educa- tion brochure being mailed-nationwide to brief col- lege students on career opportunities. B Hilton. ,.hn ming president of

ARTICL}; OF FA.ITH-, arine Robert L. Bingman receive a" tate- ment of Appreciation," fro Gnhcr- sity of San Diego senior Paul Ca,·e, 24. Cave authored the tatem nt

which was signed· by nearly 1,000 stu- dents expressing their thanks to U.S. servicemen in Viet Nam. Bingman i;; bC'ing treated at Naval Hospital after being woW1ded in Viet Nam.

THANKS FROM 1,000 Card Burners Stir rotest in Marine By G. L. SCIWLTZ EVENING TRIBUNE Staff Writer The first lime SSgt. Robert L. Bingman and his , arme buddies heard about draft card burnings in the United Slates they laughed. They thought of the card burners and other persons pro- testing U.S. policy in Viet Nam as "a bunch of attention seekers." "We classified them as idiots," Bingman said. "We all figured we would like to have them over there on a hill for a couple of hours-from then on they would be confirmed believer~." Those vere 'the first impressions Bingman and his pals had. Since then, Bingman has had more time to think about the situation. The time was made available by a Viet Cong mine which destroyed a bridge as Bingman and three others in a truck passed. . 'ow Bingman says he would not want a card burner fight• ing beside him. He mentioned this yesterday before he ac• cepted a statement of appreciation, signed by nearly 1,000 students and faculty members al the University of San Diego. He accepted the statement for all the wounded veterans of the Viet Nam conflict who are now at Naval Hospital. ,The statement was the brainchild of Paul Cave, 24, a USO senior tudying philosophy. Cave wrote the statement after reading an account i11 the Evening Tribune relating some of lhe reactions woUT1dcd veterans had about various Viet Nam protest movements. "I had been concerned aoout these protests since t hey started and afler I read the article I decided to try to do something to show our fighting men they were appreciated,'' Cave said. He said the signatures on the statement represent (Continued ~ext Page, Col. 7)

'-UU.U. '-'VWU. VJJUULcl Like USD? Watch Hoopsters on Tube University of San Diego C . its baskeball season in styf~~~\ i~ch Phil Woolpert's team morrow, going before the televi-/sii b 15-11 hrecord last sea- sion cameras m a I • es m sc ool h1slorv, and ence game at Los°o~c;:g:t f verhalf veterans, led by ·6-foot State. ,. es ·mc orward Clifford Ashford' Those in San 0 . h have returned. • . iego w o re- A hf ce1ve Channel 13 on their pie• s ord scored 494 points last lure box should tune in at 8 year and IS the third highest p.m.. The Ton!ros won't be oniscorer rn Torero history. He'll lelev1s10n Saturday night b t be complemented in the starting they'll stay over for az{oth!/lineup by forward Alan Fay no~nference commitment atcenter Ph~Jip Price and _guardi 7 with Long Beach Slate Berilie Bickerstaff and Bill - --~- · ISheMdan. Vereran Mark Yavorsky ll CUW.)' VJ.

Th do tors e t mate

part time sta:ter .at guard 'fo~ ./ two years, will miss at least the , fir st two games, said Woolpert, · beca~se of a slow-mending · spranred ankle. I USO ~ever has beaten Los · Angeles m four tries. It dropped . 1 a 78 ·? 3 deci ion last season to the D1 bl9 . T e Tor~ open their home , 5 aSQSn De<:. J6 against San Die- / g tate Co\l,ege.

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