News Scrapbook 1964-1967
(i) Fri., D c. 17. 1965 IAN DIIGO, CALIFORNIA
a 8-74
Son Oleuo Union SloH Photo by Don Tlchonchuk clay Tournament at Golden Cym, Hc:11ching for ball is visitors' Wilson Wa1kins (21). USD's Phil Pde!' (34) wal<'hes action. Toreros won, 64-6:t
Uniwrsity of San Diego's Cliff Ash- f rd m · down with a I ebound in la t night'. game agains1 Eastern cw Mexico in th!' Cal Western I Ioli-
-Son Olego Umon Stnff Pr,oto hy Bt:ih Redd nq is Cliff A s h f o rd v bile San Diego State's Al Skalech.--y (55) is elbowed out of the play. USD won its fourth straight game, 54-47.
PHIBPAC, PT. MUGU BOW Western, USO Win ourney Openers By JOH.', Y McDONALD Home clubs Cal We. te, n with 12 minutes to go in the a 21-poinl lead and had fir t half and were never hang on to nip
Sa Diego State'. Will mith e...mes down with ,1 rebound but is tied up by U. D's Dan Wightman in the first half la t night in the Toreros' gym. At left
ops Az- ecs, 54-4 7 the second half, 29-27, on a pair another Jong one lo at of drives by Rip Barrett but ahead. 46-45, and it was never ·end USO
e roed
the Grey-
b11ls and USD went on top with 16 55 to headed again
times by taking long failing t protect the
and Fruvcrs1ty of San Diego last n I g h 1 adl'anecd to the cllamp1onship semifinals with opening ro11nd victories in the sixth annual Holida) Basket- ball Tournament at Gr,ldcn Gym. The Westerners. paced by ace Lem Lemon ' 21 points, dow d Cal Slate of Hayward, 61-57. whil t ,e Toreros out- lasted Eastern New Mexico, 64-63. t:al We tern ill oppose l-:a,1crn Wa~hington. a 79-57 vicfor over PhiPac. tonight at 9. In the other semifinal USD will face Arizona State of Flagstaff at 7 The Lumbcr- Jack~- had an easy time with Point Mugu, 97-75, in the first game of the tourney. In the consolation bracket, Point Mugu mrels Eastern New :'\lexico at 1 p.m. PhibPac dashes with Hav- ward at 3. The tourney will be concluded tomorrow with four
headed la ·t rnght However, Hayward clo USO. made 1t a clean sweep p!a 1 and expanded its adv-ant- ard . Accurate free throw e,hoot- mg in a one-and-one foul si!u- alion was the big weapon for New Mexico in the final eight minutes. Wilson Walkins con- neded on six from the charily circle and added a pair of field goals to bring his learn within reach of a victory. So effective were the New toptpeld the 1e pre- ,n fhres5h3m,e6n The core tied at 3-all age to 41-37 five minutes later. when, ifts The Aztec , however, were r ·nary ' v.a only U~IO with 8:45 to go still not through. They picked ~~ OREROS CONTINUE TOUR Montana's B Of -Form ..., · • sos (4>1 M 1er G F P T 7 0 2 -' A O 8 5 2 0 ,2 2 3 < 7 2 2 5 6 r••> l 8 l i ? f \' T, 2 1 J s 2 o • , 2 1 3 5 s 2 o 12 20 6 12 46 sos 3 1 t 7 i,. , c,om r."!~~y J "_Barrell hot and \''1'11 Sm1"th 2 0 0 w, ' t l g 11 1· . al'lS Sher don ~~~;•ky ,, temporary mg a Jump _s the half This Sm lh ID free capitalize on to able cush on was provided by two of smkmg a dnve. To10" ,." , 1• 47 Total, 22 10 11 " Ha fl•m• scoroc USD 25, sos ,l. sos FRosH rs that point and throws from managed to t d h d 45 a ea , The Az ecs move tne key by Phil 43, with 5:25 and_ appeared on Ande,-son F: \' the verge of pulltng an upset. Briskey - uso FROSH 1 i Yavorsky's di~tant shots and a a little Mexico cagers that they out- scored USO, 14-2, in the final build ;i;, F cmerv tw ~ter from cushion Pr ·1~ •· Sti:I 1 1 o J Coleman o 2 e wa11hers I 6 Brawn • J 1 1s or 1e, sco •· vso F os1> , 2 2 19 15 P 5J Totals I d h . f, ve minutes. Lemons connected on six f Crowford S 1 2 11 V ra S en an go avors Y d y • k ree wa1san a th Aztecs' zone defense But B1 forced the Torero mto repeat- t row · h free quail~• b g d oa· With five s"cond ing, the Greytiounds session under nine goal· and field ag e w • an throv.s but he was important on the boards. The clever senior forward pickE>d off 14 of the Point Lomans' 44 rebounds. Havward was able to gather in only 29. Besides Lemons, AI Razutis and Tim Cunningham finished in double figures with Jl and d "'' as and State manage tandoff at ln- ed error to gain a 25-all the Torer s' baskel but a -
rm1 s1on Th Azt in pulled ahead s a inals ATEN, 60-55 the New 10 pomts, respectively. Drake Mexicans used only six play- was high for t_he vif,itors with ers. 19 while Foster and Langen- USO managed to overcome heim contributed with 16 and an early New Mexico lead 11 points. and finally solved a pres,-ing The Toreros fritten;d away man-for-man 111 !he first half =_..::=:::.__::=- s-=---==-.... ---------...:....---,(when three Price's Phil 4 Sun.. Dec. 19, 1965 SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA straight field goals sent it on top, .19-16. The Torero. hit 54 1 per cent in the initial stanza and clos_ed with a 44 game average. I e ft with a 38 - 25 the second half, Cliff Ashford finally came lo life and scored 11 of the Toreros' 13 markers in the first eight minutes to send USD into a commanding 50-29 advantage. But wasted pas,('s and forced shots helped turn the tide and USD's string of victo- ries almost came to an end. PriGe led Toreros scorers wilh 14 markers while Ash- ford and Mark Yavorsky con- nected for 13 and 12 points, respectively. The taller Arizona Slaters had an easy time with Point Mugu in the opener. Seven Lumberjacks hit in double figures with Bob Pence, a 6-7 forward, and 6-2 guard Willie Nash leading the way with 17 points each. The Arizonans Jed at the half, 50- 32. Stoney Burke and Willie Do- nald led the losers with 21 and 18 markers. · Eastern Washington was the other victor in the afternoon portion with the shorle~-t member. Ron Drayton at 5-10, collecting 20 points. John State. a 6-8 senior from Spok- last year's tourney but a consola- tion combatant this time, was paced by Fred Mims and player-coach Ron Batson with 17 and 12 points. They halfltme advantage In ane, was next with 14. PhibPac, runnerup in c:.:.:__________..::_ THE SAN DIEGO UNIQ.N fEPPERDINE BOWS, 71-59 Rips Waves S or 5th Straight man with 22. The ~crappy Wave sparkplug fouled u t The Toreros, tuning up for eir e em·,e m t e San Diego week, were never ~headed· m 15 con es · epper ine's only showing was a 3-3 standoff and a late first_ half surge which brought its deficit to th · d f Holiday · h Tourname;1t next th· t t p d· O came up with three quick per- By JOHNNY McDONALD Unbeaten University of San Diego ran its string to five straight victories last night by downing Pepperdine College 71-59, in the Toreros• gym ' The Toreros, who fired 47 per cent from the floor, had a varied attack and proved that reserve strength can be a mo t important factor. This was proven when reg- ulars Cliff Ashford, Bern i e Bickerstaff and Phil Price . sonals each. Ashford, Bickers.taff and with three minutes to go. Alan Fay headed the Torero scoring. Ashford, s1ill playing elow par, collected 11 points to match playmaker Bicker- staff for home honors. Fay b o owed with 10. However, Pepperdine's springy Tandr Holmes, a who has averaged 12.5 points chunky 19-year-old forward f II 30 27 · - USD, still gelling away with g~h-1::P:: 0 i~?:.:t·- pffensive mistakes, moved out lo an 11-point advantage, 23- 12, before Holmes rallied the Waves single-handedly with a tip, two jump shots and a free throw. Finally, Ron White- house and Bill Satterfield gave Holmes wme support tn move !he Waves within three points of USO with 1:50 remaining. The Toreros. who have aver- aged close to 64 points a game, hit the intermission with a 36-27 lead. Bickerstaff, a 6 - foot 175- pound Junior, and sophomores Ted Fields and Rick Cabrera sparked the second-half attack for the Toreros. Able to substitute freely, coach Phil Woolpert was able to find fresh forces to wear down the WaveE,. These new- comers sent the Toreros to a 17-point advantage 51-34 with 12: 30 remaining. ' ' From this point, Pepperdine the 1 t quicker rebounding San Di- gans although il did shave off five points about four min- 5 utcs later. 1 The Toreros had the re- bound edge, .51-40. e This wa~ Pcppcrdine's fifth straiaht setback USD (71) PEPPERDINE (St) I Y Ashford G5F1 PJ 11 EbPY Gl Fl~ 1 0 ~~c:-rst'ff g ! n f i 2~ , s Price 3 0 ' 6 Whilth'!.e ... ' 111 • ShPr1don 3 0 2 I, Sott'rf'ld 2 0 0 A 0 ~~~h!~ 0 an f ! Eg1~g~;!I 8 J g J r i~:, 0 i~ky i J ? g J ~ii~~s i 1 & D(>U<-1 2 1 4 5 FPrrPt-t 0 0 1 Q I I Totals 28 15 21 71 Totals 22 15 17 s, Ho ffimfl' ,;core: USO 36, Pepperdine- 27. ' PEPPERDINE (S4J USO FROSH (67) GFPT GFPTl Voci 3 2 1 8 Crow'd . 7 1 J 1sj 1 Brod " ,4 s 11 Wllt~on 2 o 1 ,4 ~,' ~~~;r" · t t ; r~~\~." · I g 1i T Hamey 6 7 5 19 Briskt'Y 3 2 4 8 Minus o 4 J " Hano .. l 4 5 , Youm'! o I o 1 Tl'IOm'n 2 Oo , Doil 6 1 2 13/Sl o 1 Totals 17 20 20 54 Totals 21 11 24 ., 2 Halftime, uorp· USO .;J, Pepp,prdlne p P 26. I --- '''-~------~---- ' d d y was unable to th· I T oreros Rout -:--:====-':::c:==-.:..:.=__,,;;;';;,s_-:.:..:•e::;a::::so:'.'.n.'..'.,_'.'w'..'.'.a'.:.s-.'..'.h 1 '.!:!· -64, I ·Carroll, For 10th Win
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