News Scrapbook 1964-1967

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Italy for his

Boy cout of Haly nurmg World War 11 81 hop Ruddy• wa; vicar drlcgate or lh Southwe t milltary ,1rca. incl 1dmg tbe Archdiocese of th Los Angeles, the D10 e of San Diego and the states of Anzona and ·ew :\Texico. He s11perv1 d Catholic cl ·- ervmg as mihtary ovember, 1963, Pope Paul VI conferred on Bishop Buddy the honor -0! A 1stant t th PonWical Throne The b" hop i the author of books, magazine arllclrs and new paper columns. The fir l hook. titled "Dlocesan tatu " 1 ,, crmmentary of anon Law to fit local need. • Thoughts of Hts Heart" in- cl de many of h1 sermons, wnti,g and addressc ··Send Forth Thy Spirit," a book of pray r ha been tran lated into Spanish and Italian a, d now 1s m its eighth cd1tion. • For "hem ,\I o," a 1csurne of catholic fundamentals, ran 1,3 O(JO cop s for distribution 1 'the Uruted States, England, Ir I nd, ( 1 Afrl and outh men . Tlic ftflh and 1 t book writt n hy Bishop Buddy IS titled • G g, Trcrc- for , Teach." yrnrn ch plams. In

For 30 Eventful Ye rs

-San Diego Union Photo bv Chuck Bovd ians. It was 1he beginning of a series of ceremonies in mourning for the 78- year-old bishop, who died_Su:1day in Banning. The body now Iles m state privately in a small chapel.

The casket containing the remains of the Most Rev. Charles Francis Buddy, first bi ·hop of San Diego, was carried into the Chancery office in Alcala Park yesterday by seminar-

atholic Leaders Will Join In Final Rites For Bisho Calholtc church leaders _from! The former. auxili~ry bishop All ~an hes in the_ diocese, many parts of the nation Will of the San Diego Diocese, the wh1_ch mclude~ San Diego, Im• part1c1pale m fmal rite for the Most Rev. Richard H. ;Acker- penal, R1vers1de and San Ber- \,lost Rev Charles Fraoci. Bud- man, now bishop of Covmgton, nardmo counties, have been dv ""nhich contiruc until the fu- Ky., will come to San Diego for ask~d to schedule three Mas. es ner-J1 Friday the final rite . d~rmg th_e \\ee . ~ach r1sh '!"1e ranking prelate td from injur1e~ of th e_diocese At 7 am., 7:30 a.m , 8·30 . He 1 · th e _Rt. Rev. · 1 gr. John a.m. and 9 am., Holy :'\fa es \u elcs. g b h 1 J r° h ~h f suffered Feb 26 when he was

Bishop's Remain Retur ed To USD Taken To Chapel Near His Quarters; Body Blessed By Successor Furey By JOE STONE The remains or the Most Rev. Charles Francis Buddy, first pishop of the San Diego Catholic Diocese, were return~d yester- day to the University of San Diego campus, where he resided the last 10 years of his life. The body of Bishop Buddy was taken to the Chapel of the Holy Spirit on the second floor of the Chancery offic~ on the car:npus. The chapel is near the living quarters last occupied by the bishop.

First Son Diego Catholic Diocese Leader Was 78; Noted For Accomplishments

Page b-16

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The body will lie m stale pri- vately there until 4 p.m. tomot- row when it will be taken to the '1mmaculata Chapel on the campus in Alcala Park. It will lie in state publicly there. f - BANNING 'Bishop Buddy died Sunday in Bannmg. He had gone there lo condu t a series of religious cerem nies at the beginning of a t that would have taken him to other parishes in the diocese, which includes San Di- ego, Riverside, San Bernardino and Imperial counties. Death, which occurred in a room at an inn in Banning where the 78-year-old bi s h op had stayed Saturday night. ap- parently was due to a heart attack. There was no autopsy. The body was returned quiet- ly to Benbough Mortuary in San Diego late Sunday. Yesterday eight pall bearers took the casket containing the remains from a hearse whirh came slowly to a side door of the Chancery building. Preceded by a cross bearer and two acolytes bearing light- ed candies, the pall bearers took the casket to the chapel. 26 SEMINARIANS ' The pail bearers, the cross bearer and the acolytes are se- inarians at Immaculate Heart Seminary at the University of an Diego. They are members -0f a group of 26 seminarians who will be in attendance at the eremonies until entombment Friday. Other seminarians are in the, i choir which will sing the Mas- 1 ses during the three days preceding entombment. After the body was placed in . the little chapel the Most Rev. Francis J. Furey, who succeed- ed Bishop Buddy, blessed the remains. Present for the blessing were Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Redmond Sr. of San Diego, Daniel Redmond Jr. of San Diego and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Redmond

e of the soul of in the Chapel of

t. for the re

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K. Cartwright,


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:\1atthew's Cathedral in Wa h- Bishop Budd

beaten ~ nd

the Holy Spmt in the Chancery



Archbishop i'.llcGucken has de- mgton, D.C.

1gnated the 11!~st Re~. lerlm Bishop Buddy, foundmg bt h- in Alcala Park, where the re- Gutifll) le, aux1hary b1 hop of op of the San Diego D10cese. mains lie m state privately. an Franci co. as h!S repre en- died Sunday m Bannmg, appar- At 9 a.m., in st Joseph's

Cathedral, Memorial High Mass by and for students of the Ca- thedral Girls High School and SL Jo eph's Grammar School. t 12,07 p.m., in St. Joseph's thedra:, Memorial High :'\lass .or downtown workers and lriend of all parishes and all faith . ~t 4 p.m. in lcala Park the remams of Bishop Buddy will be removed from the Chapel of the Holy Spirit and taken across the street to the Immaculata Chapel where they will lie in tate ublicly. The Most Rev. Francis J. Furey, now bishop of San Diego, will preside. I At 5·15 p.m m St. Joseph's Cathedral, Memorial High Mass o for parishioner , parents, L llors and friends. a At 8 p.m. in the Imma ulata F Chapel in Alcala Park, recita- tion of the Ro ary by the Rt. Rev. :'\lsgr. Joseph V. Clarkin.

ently of a heart a tack.

tal!ve at the funeral \lass.

. Leaders Extol Bishop, ell Sorrow



hop Buddy Led Diocese 30 Eventful Years cralion as a bishop took place what is now Presidio Park. Page a 3


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The mission was later moved its present location, five this miles east in Mission Valley.. As Mission San Diego de to it continued, during Bishop Buddy's 30 year tenure here, to serve parishioners. During Bishop Buddy's ten- ure the San Diego diocese in- creased from 67 to 224 par- ishes. Hospitals, schools clin- recreation centers' and day nurseries have been built, all in pace with the tremen- dous population expansion of the southwestern area of the. Uni d States and in comple- ment lo the architectural pat- tern of the communities served. construction program wa~ climaxed following World War II with the start of the University of San Diego, built on 156 acres acquir during ics, UNIVERSITY STARTED The Fr. Brugman's Mother Dies Ir.. \lane R. Brugman, mother of' Father Leonard J Rrul(man, chaplain al the Uni- versity or San Diego College for Men, died last Saturday in Davenport, Iowa A Solemn Requiem \lass was offered in Holy Family church, Davenport, last Tues• day. Burial was in St. Mary's CemNcry, Nichols, Iowa. l\Trs llrugman was born in :'11u. cat,ne, Iowa, July. I, 1884. She w11s married to ,iohn L. Brugman September I. 1908 1n St. l\lari,'s church, }1;1chols. Mr Brugman died February 22, 1960. Besides Father irug- an, she 1, survivied by a ilaughter, Catherine, of Rock sland, Ill and another son, ot Stafford, Ariz. the years 1940-1948. (Continued on a-6, e bish- ol. I)

in St. J~-eph's Cathedral in city, Dec. 21, 1936. v~nerable cath 7 dral both the bishop and his In installed as bishop f Cathedral in San Diego, Feb. 3, 1937. On that day the 62 priests of the infant diocese '>rofe scd their obedience to he new bishop. Today more t'l'lan 400 priests serve in the of the diocese in St. Jo~eph's Pre~ . laity h,ni d the new bishop as Ser- r ' succes or. Father Serra w had been for two years superior or a band of 15 Franet cans carry- In on m1. ion work among Ind an m the Californias, ar- rived m an Diego Jul} 1, 1769. He e labli hed the fir t of 21 mis 100 1n California in clergy •and St. Joseph, \lo , his native lie wa diocese. FIRST \USSIO'.11


• Rev.



e purple. for mournmg, munities of sisters in the dio- of.La Mesa. The w ite, crocheted lace alb cese will be celebrated in the BISHOP'S KIN was made for the bishop by his Immacuiata.


Fran B;i dy who died yes- rday In Da~n n , was the t C'.athoi c bi hop of San fl

Mrs. Redmond Sr. is the sis-

At 2 p.m. Thursday, the re• !er of Bishop Buddy, the youn- mains will be transferred from gest member of their family of

mother for his ordination as a priest more than 50 years ago.

father had Alcala

the spmtual

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200 years of 1 ·erved a altar boys.

h r to near church hlsto

Four tir.1es two boys and five girls and the times hmorrow in the Chapel of CathPdral. There they will he 10 only one surviving. Bishop Bud-,· the Holy Spirit there will be sta te public_ly. . dy was the second-youngest. offerings of Holy Masses for the At. 11 a.m. Fri day a . Solemn Daniel Redmond Jr. and repo~e of the soul of Bishop Pon!l~teal M~ss of Reqmem will Charles Redmond are nephews Buddy. At 8 tonight there will be he sa1~ by Bi~hop Furey. James of the bishop. a recitation of the Rosary. Francis Ca rd mal McIntyre, a_r- Two nieces will come from St. At 9 a.m. Thursdav Bishop chb~hop of Los Angeles, will Louis, Mo., for the services. · : ! preside. , Furey :,v1ll offer Ponttf1cal Low 'fi.:ntombment will be in Holy They are Ann Elizabeth Dandu- lllass m the Immaculata for Cross Mausoleum. rant and Mrs. Albert Repetto. students, faculty and others at --·=---="'-'=-====-1 Another niece, Mrs. James the university of San Diego's Davis of South Haven, Mich., College for Men, College for and a nephew , Edward O'Con- Women and School of Law. neli Buddy of Dodge City, Kan., After the body is taken to the will be un9ble to attend. Other Immacuiata tomorrpw there relatives from Kansas City, \\-ill be a recitation of the Ro- Mo., and Akron, Ohio, will at- ~ary at 8 p.m. tend. At 11 am. Thursday, a Sol- A bouquet of white orchids emn High Mass of Requiern and two of white chrysanlhe- • * • today and four the Immaculala to Sl. ~oseph_'s


It was m 1769 that Father Jumpcro Serra e tablished the fir t Catholic mis ion in Cali- forn1a, in San Diego. Bi hop Buddy came 167 years later ever to mmi ter to Catholics a the high t rankmg prelate




mums and stock are the only flowers in the little Chapel of the Holy Spirit. The body of the bishop lies in (Continued on a-14, Col. 1)

Group Voices Re ret Over Cleric's Death A resolution expressing "sym- atby ana regret". over the death of Bishop Charles F. Bud- dy was adopted unanimously yesterday by the Republican County Central Committee. · The author was the Rev. )Fr11nk Lowe, a Protestant min- i~ler, who said Bishop Buddy's "civic leadership goes beyond the religious." 1 Lowe said the bishop was a registered Republican who 1 showed favor to former Vice < President Richard Nixon's pres- , idential candidacy and "helped r those of us who ran for office."

Alcala Guild Arranges Tour

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