News Scrapbook 1964-1967

Co-ed Univ r~ity The Univ rstty of San Di- egn I one or 12 dioce n colle s a n d universities throu •hout the n 11 n, The Most Reverend Fran cis J, Furey, po tohc d min, trutor 'Of the Dioce e sa

ear San Dieg Bay Mino may be elected in these f eltl and in econom- ics, German, Italian, and physics. Pre-professional programs lead to studies in medical technology, la~. and medi- cine. The college rs empowered by the Cal,tornra State Board of Education to rec- chapel, 1000-seat theatre, a library designed to house 250,000 volumes, and a resi- dence area. The college for men, con- ducted by the Diocese of San Diego, offers programs lt-adzng to the degree of bachlor of arts, bachelor of science, and master of arts in teaching. open to all students. Fresh- men are allowed to pledge one of th three fraternities approved b..Y the college in the econd semester of the first year. There is an ac- itve intramural and intercol- legiate athletic program, qulrements for admission- a baccalaureate degree from an approved college or uni- versity and a satisfactory score in the law achoo! ad• mission test. The school offers a three- yar full-time day program and a four-year part-time program (evening sC'hool), both I admg to the degree Students may major in bi- ology, business admmlstra- --:--------,-~--------.------- The school of law is coed- ucational and open to stu- dents of all faiths and races, who meet the scholastic re- of doctor of laws.

-=e architecture, is located high on a hill commanding a view of San Diego harbor, Mission bay, and the Pa- cific ocean. The university is close to business, cultural, and recre- ational areas of San Diego, the birthplace of California. Proximity to Mexico affords l he student acquaintance with a foreign culture.

The university offe the following degrees bachelor of arts, bachelor of science, master of arts, master of arts in teach , and doctor of laws. It zs composed of five units-the Colege for Wom- en. the College for Men, the School of Law, the School of Theology, and St. .Francis College located in El Cajon. The colleges are accred- ited by the Westel'll Associa- tion of Schools and,. ollege and the School of Law is accredited by the State Bars of California and Ne York and approved by t eri- can Bar Association The college for women , the first unit of the univer- sity est ab Ii shed, rs con- ducted by the Religious of the Sacred Heart and offers majors I n t h e following fields leading to the bache- lor of arts degree: art, biol- ogy, chemistry, French, Eng- lish, history, mat atics, music, philosophy, political science, psychology, sociol- ogy, Spanish, peech and theatre arts.

of San Diego, is the chan- cellor and president of the university, which 1s lluated on a 221 acre campus in the ml'tropohtan community of San n,e •o, a city of half a mllhon people.

t1on, chemistry, economics, English, history, mathemat , ics, philosophy, .physics, po- litical .science and psychol-


Toreros Whip ! Loyola T wic a doublehcadc~ 1 from Loy la of Los Angeles, 9-6 • and 5-4, at ,\lesa College field to pull its a on record up to the t 500 mark I 14-14. Bob Ahern went the distanc fn Uie opener which featured a f1 L~run outburst by USO m th U trd inning. Tom Thompson hil In pie, double and ingle fot lhe Toreros in four tnps to th plate. Dure! Carpentrr got the sec- ond g.11n victory 11hen Haul Martinez drove m t" o run· with a single rn the bottom of the J1'tb Lnivcr ity of Sun Diego vcs- 1 terd.1y swept


Open House At College The Unt\'ersity of an Diego College for Men writ hold n open house and reception for parents and student from' 2 to 4 p.m., Sunday, April 24, according to Rev I. Brent Eagen, director of school relations. Refreshments will be serv d 10 the foyer of the College for Men by the Alcala Guild. Tours , of the campu will be conduct ed by College for Men students. Faculty members of the fol, lowing departments will be available for counseling: accounting, biology, business administration, chemistry, economics, English, foreign language , history, math mat- ics, philosophy, physics, po. litzcal science, psychology, speech, sociology, and the- ology, On Saturday, April 30, Thom- as R. Pearson, director of financial aid, will be avail- I able to parents and students, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the College for Men, He will provide information on schol- arship , loans and work opportunitie .

re pre-

cta111on, mere


profo s onal in medicmt> de11ti t!)' and law. C'our e leading to the Cal, fornia land· rd credential With a pec1altzat1on in sec- ondary educa11on are of- fered. programs

esides class room and laboratory fac11t 1es, buildings include a en rv

UNIVERSITY OF SAN DIEGO • , • Tw Ive buildings of Spanish Rena·u nee architecture. - II

• In general, fee hmen fol- low acad m c courses based on a broad foundation of human, tic t dies, as a firm basis for Inter spcciali7atio Provi I n rs made for hot ru- d MIC nd pPrstmal coun seltn ordin • to the de- dents. eds of the tu A guidance and coun el ing center I a\a1'abli> to all tud nts Freshmt:n ure en- couraged fo make usp of this fac1l11v from the outset of lheir college career All stud nts uncler 21 who are not hvin.i: "'1th parents or relauves live on campus m the colleg 's apartment facilities and tal

THE SAN DIEGO UNION Ion., April 18, l96ti SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNfA 85 ..... .,__,

• rm:fodTl'lg- an I "m zze swimming pool, is



the University of San Diego Wh1tt1er College are shown with their coach, Prof. Fred Sanders, chairman of the Department of Speech Arts. They are, left to right,

- Memb11rt

b te and for ns,cs team which won first place th 44 colle e~ and universities Iron, Calilorn,a Denms Sinchtzco, Wilham rec nt sprina champ,onsh1p tournament at Anthony Sinciitico, who also competed, is not pictured.

armond, Ray Sherman, and Bill Sink.

1n compet,!lon and Aro~ona n th

USDWins In Debate Tournament The University of San Diego College for !11en debate and forensics team recently won top honors in the Pacific Southwest Collegiate Foren- sic Association's spring cham. pionship tournament at Whit- tier College. USO ranked first among 44 competing colleges and universities from Cali- fornia and Arizona, according to Very Rev. John Paul Cad- den, president. First in Four comprised the forensics portion of the tournament, with USO win• ning a first in all four classes. Freshman Ray Sherman was a double awardee with ratings of superior and first place in impromptu and in extempe. William Harmond, also a freshman, won superior and first place awards in per- suasion. Brothers Anthony and Dennis Sinclitico, sophomore and junior students respec- tively, also contributed to the victory. Anthony Sinclitico won superior and first place ~atds in lnterp, while Den- 1oclitico helped team- II Sink to a 4-1 record men's debate division f t urnament. USD's debate squad won the fir t three of their debates. Four divisjons



,,...,n.... ~ar Col ege Costs $5,000

A urning 4 per cent inte_r• I e t (it i~ high~r than that California savings and Joan reached at age 18 by pu ting away 20 55 a month when a a sociations) ;;,ooo <.'lint . be

uranc Co., at lea t 100,000 young Americ ns fail to enter

year because

college e they lack

e money.

un·ey f th

A Ford :Foundation

ho11 child is ~ged 3; or $34.25 a parents. whose children \lere month when a child is 8; or not yet m college had no plan 7610 a month 11hen a child is to provide for college expen- 13 _· s. mong parents m high- r 'CREA 'E PLA:'\. -ED income brackets, the survey The Ford survey - quoted hawed 58 per cent had sav- 'llith unsurprising appro\·al by ngs plans averaging 670 a the insurance firm - sho~,·ed year. parents preferr_ed . a vmgs Only 38 per cent of those in plans based on life insurance average income brackets are for fut:ds to pay for a college aving for college - al about education. . . 100 a )ear. Among an Diego m,htu- The ur. cv found the aver- , !ions e,timating attendance age family -i;11h one child was c? ts 15_ years fro~ no:v, the vlng 140 a year for col- University of San _Diego s Col- lege; \\ith two children, l~0; lege fo~ :\fen attributed much and \\'ith three or more • ul- of its mcrea e to a plan to d 180 double faculty alar1e:;. . have government bonds, ac• 1 hopes to bring tbe,e to $'20,0 cording to the F'ord Founda- by raising tuition, currently tion. oo a year, to 1,600 by 1981. Under a regular bond-a- UP TO STUDE. TS month purcba e plan, th! At the low-co·t end ol the monthly inve ment of $18. 7~ scale the tax- upported :\le ·a ( or a $25 bond1 can amount College i. typical of area to 461 after 15 years. A juoior colle"e Jn the amount monthly mve lment of $37.50 ' of financiai"burden that is up {for 1 50 bond) brmgs back I th t d t 5,378 in 10 years, or 2.428 in ° PC: \~;; t~r there is a five yea · 7.50 student body fee and a that 60 per. cent o . e ren, Salarie~ at this non-pub 1cly upported college now are a BO. D • PUR H 'ED bout ~1r per cent of high as , 10,000 Jor familie aving for college teaching staff. The colleg

• • •


S.D. Universities Voryi g Charges mp mg four year at I! y ars n the • ot .M m 1Hutlo1 for 1981 • Current lsflmQtt, ••ttm • t t It ttn,n1 In IH1

Stiu[~ at tbc Univcrsit~ of San Diego . situatt'd on a 221 acre campus owrlookrng Mission Bay and the Pacific Ocean. The colleges, accredited by the Western Association of Schools and Colleges, pro\·ide a strong foundation rn lfum,m1ties to stimulate 111div1dual moral and intellectual growth The un1vers1ty is ideally close to business, cultural. and rec·;eational facil1tic of llfornra 's birthplace and now third largest city

Colle2e for Women S1.aHed by Rehg1ou, of the sacred Jitart College for Men Staffed •r Dloceun Priests School of law Staff~ by Scho arly laymen

ifj SD·


About 11 per cen of parents Jn the Ford Foundation ur-

• parking fee. College offi- cials e. limate co ts of books



they are college fund, rn

vey said


·20, lunches



setting avmgs

~.872 • s,-t-08•



a 1d


tran. portahon


For information, wr-te to Office of Admissions, University of San Diego, Alcala Park, San Diego, California 921 JO


mphaSJzing the latter two figures are purely arbi- trary. ~--~--~ that

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