News Scrapbook 1964-1967

Law School Will Host Parley Here The University of San Diego School of La~ vr host the American I!l nt Asso- ciation's ninth C ttuit Con- ference this Saturday, April 2. Delegates from law schools throughout California and Ari- zona will attend enes of business meetin e dele- gates will conside lb role of law schools m the community's legal a1 nd defender pro- gram. After a banquet Saturday at the King's Inn, delegates, law students, ~ocal attorneys, and frie nds ot the law school will attend a forum at 8 p.m. in the Co llege for Women Theater on the USD campus. The topic for the first an- nual Spring Forum will be "Legal Needs of Indigents; Whose Responsibility?" Th panel of speakers will include U.S. District Court Judge James M. Carter, Alec L. Cory, president of the San Diego County Bar Association; C. Hugh Friedman, president of the San Diego Legal Aid So.. ciety, and W1lham James, as- sistant attorney general for the State of California. Moderated by Professor Frank Engfelt, the panel will concentrate on ascertaining the legal needs of low income families, what is being done and what needs to be done to fulfill these legal needs, and the possibility of instituting law student participation in the legal defender program system. The public is invited to at- tend the forum. -·='-'"'=-.,- - ---,--- Deha ers r a ~e Top Hono's The lJnhersity of San Di- ego College for :llen Debate and Forensics team recently received top honors in the Pa- cific Southwest Collegiate Forensic Association's Sp1ing Tournament at Whittier Col• lege. Ra) ::.herman of 4332 ~It. Davis St. was a, mers Tony and Dennis m ·th.:o, sophomore and junior ents, respectively, on ributed to the vie• torv. Tonv Sinclitico won SU• penor .md first place awards in Interpretation, while Den• nis Sinclitico helped team- mate Bill Sink to a 4-1 record in the men's debate division of the tournament USD's debate squad v.on the fir,t three of their de• bates before losing to the- University of Southern Cali- fornia in the semi-finals. De• ba e and forensics at the Col- lege for !en are c~ached b~· Fred Sander chairman o! department of speech .arts. o t Rev. Furey t Testimonial Associated Student Bodv officers of the University of S~n D' ego College for Men will ho t the ;\fost Rei· Fran- cis .J. Furey. -\postolic Ad. numstrator of the D10cese of San D1e~o and chancellor o the rnhersit,·. at a testinion ial dinner Wecine dav at ;.: p.m . 111 1he :"llarrnc J'l°oom at l,;i .Jolla Beach ?nd Tepn,s Club The offices of admin- is ~t10n a! the C'ollc~e for 'II and \"ery Rev. Mon.,;ig. nor Donald F. Doxie. vice chancrllor and ecretan·. v.ill also he present to welcome the Bishop after his recent return from the Vatican Council, according to Ernest Borunda, student oody presi dent Since the ·opening of the I council, the Bishop has an. nually spent the months of Sept~mber through Decem. ber i~ Rome. Besides taking part rn t~e genernl meetings and workmgs of the Council Bi~hop Furey served on th~ .\dmim

Cal We tern Tips UD, 5-3 Frank Chamblls and Bob Peairs cracked two-run doubles in the fourth and fifth innings, respectively yesterday enablin Cal We tern to defeat USD, 5-3. on the Westerners diamond. Peairs' double in the fifth helped overcome a 3-2 USO lead after the Toreros had scored three times in the top of the inning on four singles and a walk. Jim Allen truck out eight as the We tcrners were winning their 15th me against 7 losses and one tie. C'al Western hosts Pa adcna College tom rrow af- ternoon.

Local Debater Tops Collegiate Field At Whittier Ray Sherman, 18, freshman political science major at the University of San Diego Col• Jege for Men, recently won top honors for USD at the Pa- cific Southwest Collegiate Forensic Assocla.tion·s Spring Championship at \\<"bittier College. He Is a member of the USD ! Debate and Forensics Team coached by Fred Sanders, speech instructor at the un i• ,·ersltr. Sherman received superior place awards in both ex-tempe and impromptu com- petition at the Whittier Col- ie"Q tournament. He also was a,;arded a superior rating in ; the Extempe division of a I I tournament held at UCLA , mates Bill Harmond, Tony ' Sinclltico. Dennis Sinclitico, 1 and Blll Sink won awards in e,·ery e\'ent entered and I tnade u D the highest ranked college among 44 other col• d · Jeges and unhersitles from , IJ st month 3 Sher.nan · · and his team-

Fr. Brugman Dies Of rt Attack

• • • Frank Rhoades . • . lbt Jui JitJo lnio1 Sun., :May %2, 1966 A17 ~AN DIEOO, CALIFORNI~ Fur y Off rs Mass Today At USD Rite The M t Rev. Francis J. Furey, bishop of the Catholic Dioce e of San Diego, will cel- ebrate baccalaureate mass this morning for 78 graduaUng seni- ors al the Umver ·ity of San Diego Coll e for ~en. The baccalaurca.:~ service will be at 10 a.m. In St. Joseph's Cathedral, 1535 Third Ave. Delivering the address will be the Very Rev. Msgr. Donald F. Doxie, vice chancellor o( the diocese. MME, 'CEME: ;'I' SET Commencement services are • edul d by the College for ri at 2 p.m. Friday in the 1, ')Of Alcala Theater on cam- pu. with Bi hop Furey presid- ing. The commencement address will be delivered by the Rt. R v. 11sgr. Louis J. Ri ha, bishop of the Maronlte Rite, Ph0adelphia. Bishop Ri ha _and John S. Alessio of San Diego have been cho en ro receive honorary degrees. Th Universitv of San Diego College for Wonien will have its baccalaureate service al 10:30 a m. May 28 in the college chapel. CO. 'CELEBRATED SS The coll e•s first concel- ebr baccalaureate 1ass will be eel brated by the Rev. I B. Eagrn, tor of school relall s, USD; e ev. Ter- rence V Or hoven and the Rev. Th mas Gillespie. Rev. Eagen, will give the bac- calaureate a dress. Comm ment exerci~es for the College for Women will be held at 2 p.m. that day in the college theater. Bishop Furey will deliver the commencement addr s. ishop Furey Honored by USO Al mni The lost Reverend Francis J Furey wa · honored at the third annual reception of the Alumni Association of lJni- ver,1ty of San Diego, College for Men. Saturday evening, January 22, at the liniversity Clul> The reception followed a ~finner for Bi hop Furey ·ho is chancellor of the Uni • ver 1tv Among those present were f'lltllt·r 1,~onard J . Brugman, chaplain of the College for Men , Ttioma, R. Pearson di· rector of tudent services. Irv, W Parker, dean of ad m1 tons and Father I. Brent Ea en, director of s~bool •rc ,1 10n Daniel Donahue of \n e es. who do,ate I the hJ Room at the Knights mbus Library on the c Park campus. also dcd Former ~1useun1 Dir ctor amed To UDFaculty Dr. aymond S. Brandes, ~. former director of the Jumpcro Serra .\luseum, will Jorn tli !acuity of the Uni- verSJI) or :San Diego. College for .\!en he ery Rev. John Paul Cad resident, an- t tle!!."''!f~i ant profes, , will start

Bishop Furey_ to speakatUSD . The University of San Diego College for Men's Speakers F~r- um and Cultural Series Commit- tee will present the Most _Rev- erend Francis J . Furey, Bishop of San Diego and Chant:ellor of thc University of San Diego, to- night at 7:30 in the theater of the College for Women on the Bishop Furey will speak on the Aknla Park campus. l Second Vatican Council. ~in 7 e thP of thc Council m I September, 1962, Bishop Furey has annually spent th months of September through December at the Council in Rome. --"..---•

Jame <:nn hi, uhdeacon ~·other Higney preached the eulogy, S1•mrnar1ans were in ch 1r •e of the music of the

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Ull. 8) all over California and Ari• I· zona at the tournament. Ray Compute Grant Is the son of Mr. and Mrs. n Ray herman of 433'.! Mt. A National Science Foyn. 1 Dads. -·- dation grant f .r matcbmg --- funds to purchase an in t c- " tional electronic digital com. Priest Pians puter has been requested by the niversity o! San Diei;o,

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Mexico Tour Rev. John .'Vlyhan, OP, ht tor; professor at the Colkg for Men, University of S n Jliego, will conduct an Ea t, r e k tour of Mexico City nd ,urrounding points of in terest, April 6 12. The 'roup of approx1matc'y 25 l :SD students, ac!'om panied by Father Myhan and Frank Ponce, rnstructor In Spanish and English, \\lll leave San Diego International Airport April 6 and fly to 111ex,co City. Father Myhan and Ponce will call on their n•spective backgrounds of history and Spanish culture to supple ment the tour of hi ·torical and cultural sit s. Mexico City will be th(• pnn c,ple attraction during the seven day trip. The famed cities of Cuernavaca, om•e a resort town for Mexico's rul ers, and Taxco, known for its silver jewelry, are also on the itinerary.

College for l\1en, according to the Very Rev. John Paul Cad- den, president of the college. The division of economics and business. headed by Dr. Robert E.. liller, and the di- vision of natural sciences and mathematics, headed bv Dr. .John P•• lcDe!'llWtt, will use the computer for student and faculty projects and research. Dr. lil'ller will be the director of the anticipated computer installa ·on and will girn a cours entitled Electron- i C puter Problem, and App 1 ons, scheduled for e 1 6-67 academic year. Th computer will also be avail bl for other course work n business, ~cience and athematics. Total amount requested for the instruction. al equipment i 28,400. latching funds of 14 200 j \Hll be sought by the niver- sify of ~an Diego, College for Men. in order to obtam the ·ational Science Foundation grant. 1~=---------~---1 USO Joins Symposium

Law Review sLegal View

EVENING TRIBUNE A16 SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA • Tuesday, !\lay 17, 1966 40 May Get 2nd Chance At Draft Test '!'he 40 youths who missed the draft defermenl exams al the University of San Diego last Saturday because the exams weroo 't there may get another chance this Saturday. It depends on whether the tests arrive on time, according , to Father I. B. Eagen. director of school relations at the uni- versity. Draft exam officials at the Science Research Corp. in Chi- cago took full blame for the foul-up tha I left the 40 young draft eligibles cooling their heels at the university Saturday for a test that never appeared. 1,200 Take Exam About 1.200 other young men took the test at San Diego Slate. the U'liversit,· of California at San Diego and Southwestern College near Chula Vista. Ronald Bowker. test director of the Chicago firm under con- tract with federal draft officials to prepare and grade the tests, told new r en that San Diego liniversity officials had in- formed his company that they would not be able to administer the test last Saturday, but the word came too late to relay the word to the youths directed to appear for the test. 40 Tests Mailed Father Eagen said he has bee!! told the 40 tests scheduled for last Saturday have been mailed to he unh·ersity. If the tests arrive in time, he said, the 40 youths will be able to take the test this Saturday along with about 400 already sched- uled for testing this Saturday. Another testing date, here as well as across the nation, is June 3, te t officials said. Those who nuss the tests originally offered can reregister for a "make-up" test scheduled for June 24, officials said. Number Missed Examination in Mixup at USD

Funds Sought For Computer A • ational Science Foun dation grant for matchrng funds to purchase an instruc- tional electronic digital cQm puter has been requested by the College for Men, Univers• ity of San Diego according to the Very Rev. John Paul Cad den, president of the college. The Division of Economics and Business, headed by Dr Robert E. r.rnler, and the Division of Natural Sciences and Mathematics, headed by Dr. John P.• McDermott, will use the computer for student and faculty projects and re• search.

The University of San Diego will participate with 40 other Catholic colleges and uni versit1es m a symposium on higher education in San Fran- cisco at St. Vincent de Paul parish auditorium January 29 and 30. The general theme of the program will be "The Posi llve Values of Catholic College and University Education." USO will be represented by Rev. I. Brent Eagen, direc- tor of school relations who will participate in a pan~! dis- cussion on "The Professional Values of Catholic College and University Education," and Mr. Thomas R. Pearson , direc- tor of student and educational services, who will lead a panel discussion on "The Cost of Catholic Higher Education and the Basic Requirements for Entrance." ehate Tourney llractcd ,1a11y Count) SchooJt-J f'ourteeu high ~cbuols from San D1egu city ·and county re1,;entl} competed in the 'Cni,·ersit1· of San Diego College for :.1-Ien's First .\n· nual Debate and Forensics Tournament. Some 197 students partici- ~ated in bo~ and g1rJ divi-

/\l'eekly By The Diocese of San Diego, California


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Bhiho.p. Furey

VATICAN _cou~CIL DOCU~ENT - Most Rev. Francis J. Furey shows Ernest Borunda, student body president of the Umvers1ty of San Diego College for Men, a papal document presented to him during the final session of the Second Vatican Council. A display of the official documents and mementoes from the Second Vati- can Council acquired by Bishop Fure~ are on display in the College for Men library. The display will be open to the public through the month ol ay.

Sink was debate chairman. I freshman Fran!· Trombley,• ori~!nrJ oratory chairman and Ralph :lla.:well, imr>romp- tu USD faculty and students judgcf tne tournament. USDto Hear Ronald Reaga~ Ronald Reagan , candidate for the Republican nomin- ation for governor, will speak at the University of San Diego at 3 p.m. Fri!!ay, May 6, · Reagan 's appearance is being sponsored jointly by the Associated Students of the College for Men and the Alumni Association. Reagan will be introduced by Dave Cox, alumni president Invitations have been sent to all other gubernatorial candidates. The public is in- vited.

- -~•·------~, Exhibit Due Of Council Mementoes Copies of official documents and mementoes from the Sec- ond Vatican Council will be displayed during May in the K11ghls of Columbus Library of the University of San Diego's College for Men. The documents and memento- es were brought back to San Diego by the Most Rev Francis J._ Furey, bishop of the San Diego Roman Ca tholic Diocese. The display will be open to t~e public during the regular library hours. The library is open from 9 a.m. to 5·30 p.m. and 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. Monday' through Thursday; 9 a m. to 51 p. m. on Friday ; and 10 a.m. to/ 2 p.m. on Saturdays. rt is closed Sundays.

USD Seniors Earn Awards

. Very Rev. John Paul Cad• 1 den, president of tho Univer- r sity of San Diego College for Men, announced today that three senior accounting ma- jors at the University have 1 been awarded the first San Diego Chamber of Commerce ; Research Scholarship. ; Winners are John Haegen, I • 22, of 902 • orth Worth, Sulli- 1 van, Til.; Stanley Glenn, 23, 1 of 2640 K Ave., National City . and Raimundo Arnaiz, 22, of i 108 . Ferreira St., Tijuana, · Mexico. j The three students will re- ' ceive a 100 award for pre- ! paring a brochure on "How ; to do Business in Baja Cali- . fornia." Research anci person- ! al contacts with San Diego · I Tijuana and Ensenada busi- 1 ne,smen will comprise the ·1 basis for the brochure. Alt of the students are enrollcrl ! in USD's Division of Business Administration, headed bv Dr. Robert E. Miller. •

USD Joins New Loop_ In Spring Univeni.w ol San Di.ego annoulllCed plans this week to join the Southern Ca.Jj:fo.rm.i.a Athletic Conference, becom- ittlg the fifth team in the oow league, The Toreros will ''"''"n Coq>efilion flhi, ~'."'6' other SCAC teams will in• elude Oha'P'lllan Colllege, Loy- ola Umversity, Pe:ppe:rdme · College and UC ruvenide. A three-round b.iseb;;U sched- ule wa:J. start in and one or t\lo"O more sport. will be added in 1967.

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