News Scrapbook 1964-1967

USD Offeri "Law for Laymen," an ad• ult education course spon• orod by the San Diego Coun- «ociation, will begin 11t lie 'University of San Di- ego Law School.

Free 8-Lecture Law Course

a ociation who want to know more about




'J'hC're is no charge for the


law, particularly as





con erns of property, drawing of wlll , tax matters, trusts and es• tales. the purcha51!

pa t }ear , Cory •aid, ourse primarily is de- to assist young mar- couples and other adults

will mcE't at 7 30 p.m. e Weilnesday through ov.

hol(js Lar,1e Jum Over '65 Uni erslty of an Diego, one of 12 Diocesan univer i- ties in the United States. has opened clas es with 1.550 students and 150 facultv members. There are 20 ne; · faculty members with PhD's. The enrollmeµt compared to last Fall has increased by 338 students, according to Rev. I. Brent E~gen, Director of School Relations and Pub- ·lic Information. :'-l'ew _courses are being of- fered m archeology, O<'ean- ography, . radiation b1ology and chemistry, team teaching and theology. '

1· th,• 1!165 Montere, th·al 1'111 he f'eatur

perfon11 rs 1n the l niver~il of' San lliego's n1g-ht of jaz~ Ol'to!Jt•r I al tlw Collel-(c f'o \ten ·ymnasium. Jimmy Lyons, 1-:eneral managn of the \Ion lC'rc•y .Jun · F stival, will modt>ratp the prog-ram. An c-xtens1vc varil•ty of jazz, both mvctern and folk, will b, offered Scheduled to perform arr th, John Handy Quintet, Bola Sele and His Brazilian Trio, and J can Hoffman Featured ,Jazz critic haH! 1·nllt•d the John Handy QuintC'l th• first Jl

BOO DRIVE The fund dnve lo expand the library at the Univer- tnbu- llon this week with a $2,500 check from a Los Angeles foundation. Shown with the check and the 250 law books it will buy ar•, left to right, Joseph A. Sinchllco Jr., dean of the law school, Miss n Millar, hbranan and assistant professor, and Mrs. Judy Gree • as- sistant librarian. Directars of the drive are seeking 250, to enlarge the library's collection to 60,000 volumes. It now c 3.4,000 volumes. sity of San Diego law school received its first major c

CHECK PRESENTED - Rev. 1. Brent Eagen, director of student acti- vities at the. University or San Diego College for Men, is presented a check by Mrs. John M. Murphy, president of the University of Sa Diego Auxihary. The check represents the first returns from Ille "Party That Never Was," organized by the Auxiliary as a party-less fund raising event to covl\l' the Auxiliary's annval contribution to the college's t.ational Uefense Loan Scholarship 'rJ!nd. !',Ir=;. Harold F. Tebbetts, right, was chairman of the recent H ecoming_1.uncheon sponsored by the Auxiliary at th~ Hanalei Hotel'ifi:l,IU/sion Valley.




Auxlliary Luncheon Announced t:niHr&ity of San Diego AUX!,lia y \\ill meet at 11:30 a.m. Thntsday at the Empire Room of the Hanalei Hotel ~1ission \ alley. Chairmen Co~ the lunch~n are h:s. Harold F. Tebbetts and l\lrs. S. Falck Nielsen. The announcemen was made by Mrs. John ll-I. Murphy, president. Dual purpos s served during th The auxiliary 1 home ~he Rev. I. B,tmt Ea- gen, director. o student re- lations at tl1e e for Men and \\ill \\ elcome all members to the fll'bt meet- ing of the autumn season.

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Auxiliary Will Open Club Year

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A special e\ ent.

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, A 100 per cent increase in the size. of the freshma!) class! marked thP opening of school Tuesda., at the University of San Diego, Co.liege for Men. Some 450 applications for admission were received I from which the admissions committee selected 200 men. '. They arc the most promis- ing class ner enrolled here " said Rev. 1 Brent Eagen, di- rector of . chool relation . 'l'he ,tuclent liody 11 ill num. ber about .iOO, including 41 in St. }'rand: College, a sem inary formerly in Cajon, but now housed in the School of Theology at USD. 'T'wo new courses of study I\ are listPd in the catalog this ~ear. Oceanography \\ ill be taught by Dr. John S Brad- shaw, formerly with Scripps Institution of Oceanography, La ,Jolla. Archaeology will hp taught by Dr. Ra:,, BrandP.s, formerly with the erra :1,1u- eum. A new ~eries of lectures on ecumenism \\ ill be given dur ing the yep by Dr. I.A-land H Carlson Q{ the Claremont School of 'J'hMlogy, a leading Protestant institution. Four lectures will en during I the school




to , 1ence Jtudents and pro- pr cs ors

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announced by \• omen·

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P<'rform Today ThP _Bishops Compan:i: prnfessJonal traye-ling rep-~r- t?r.\'. ,:roup, will P,resent Chns_lophC'r F'l)''s "A .SleeP. _of Pnsoncn •. today al 8 P rn 1n t,he llnilcrsity of San ·l)i: egos College for Wornen au- d1tonum. The Akala P.arlc Players of the College, for Wom~n anc! the , Iasqu~s o( fhe College for Jlfrn ·ill he featured in the product, n. The .Sunday evt'ning per• formam·e w.ill mark th,o thirrt c~nsec~tiH ,vrar Iha( the Bishop i: C'ompanv has pPr- formed ~,I the College fo~ Women. I he Burbank thratrn grnup presPnted ''Cry fhe r:e'. lovec! CoLrntr last war and ''An Enemy p{ thr ·reo'. plp" 111 J 9,64.

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men! at L 1ner:>ity of San Dr. John Diego College for \\ omen Curt W. Spams, Dr. Donald mobile rad101sotope lab- Peterson. Dr. Patricia Traylor ar oratory, provided by Oak aud , !rs. Gail Cohen ill fol- - Riage ssociated niversi- low the course. Dr . rence tie . or the tom c li:nergy Selman, lother



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