News Scrapbook 1964-1967
TELEPHONE 234-7 11 1
Nuns 'Hobby' Of Order's New Superior "Nuns are my hobby," says the Rev. Mother Beth Nolhomb, new mother vicar of an order of nuns stationed here. She was recently named Su- perior Vicar for the F'ar West of the Society of th<• Sacred Heart. She m re idence at the San Di College r Wnmen, Al• cala Park, San i~go. As superior vicar she is the major suptrior of six West Coa I houses o! nuns and local superror of tile San Diego Col- lege for Women Convent of the Religious of the Sacred Heart of JesuJ. Mother Nothomb uccc ds the Rev. qtber Leonor Mejia, who recently retired and now 1s liv· ing In St. Loui . "The position means a great deal of responsibility," says Mother Nothornb with a twinkle in her eye. NEBRASKA NATIVE Responsibility is not new to her. She comes to San Diego from San Francisco, where she was mother superior at the San Franci5cO Convent of the Sacred Heart. She served there from 1963 through last Septem- ber. Before that she was director 'of teacher educalion al the San Francisco College for Women from 1957 to 1963. She also hll's served as super- visor of studies at the Convent of the Sacred Heart in San Franci o. In addition, :vrother Nothomb was a secondary and elemen ry teacher in schools of the onvents of the Sacred Hear San Francisco and Oma She and co Omaha. The new superior vicar s graduat d with a degree in Ed- ucation from Duchesne CoUege, Omaha She received her mas- ter' and doctorate degrees from the University of Califor- nia at Berkeley. Mother Nothomb, who has lived in California most of her religiou5 life, feels like a true Ca Ii forni a. "I became a San Franciscan by 'adoption' and maybe will become a San Die~ n by the same token," she says. HONORARY PRESIDENT
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'ALHORN, 1917': German oficers leave their zeppelin in this oil from the Worl William Noonan. It is 38 by 28 inches,
a nd the Red Baron
'CONTACT': British and
German aviators circle each other
By DR A Ml KIETZMANN The San D, go Union's Art Writer
warily 1n this 2 y 32-inch
'VOSS': One of Germany
ar I aces
is the subject of thi.s Noonan casein an masonite, 22 by 18 inches.
ARTIST AND ART: Painter William Noonan poses ~ith five of his World War I aviation works included in the current Public Library shaw.
USO Torero~ Open Season With Wins
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