News Scrapbook 1964-1967


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College Gets ew Teacher Education Setup

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-ext NCAA Tourne The University of San Di- Fi Id .,.

How To E University \Vil\ Be Revealed

Debatin~ Team " / Shares Second I, In Tournament 1i1e Jntercollcg1alt D bate Te:un of the Un\ er ity of ~an Diego College Jor Men !Jed for a second place in the Pacific RegionaJ •:rourna- merit held reccnllv at the, University of Oregon, led- for , Ore. fifty-seven t'Dl• leg s a!1d universilJe. partici- pated m the tourn~rnent. l SD \1as one of three Cal- ifornia Colleges that rcrnhed R'l Ill\ ita ion to the tourna• men!; '11.te Un ivers,.ty of the Pacific and Stanfo 1 d Univer- sity al o r ceived bid . o was awarded a three-,1ay tie for second with Stanford and the nlver It~ ,or \\'aslung• ton. ,Junior, W11I1am Sink and freshman, i,, crctt Harry' rep- ented 'SD. 'fhe latter \\as eetwater High hool' fo OutstardJng n ·bater for 1006. f FTf nd s, chal!'ma11 e e ch Depart. ent at the College for Ten an_nounced that u. D ].la n'. ved an Invitation to at t nd a tournament at the lll\Cr• ity of Portland since t I r cond-place showing at Or • gon. The College for Men clo- bate sq~ad will tra1•el O th Unh-ers1ty of California at , nta Barbara for a debate ~vember J8 and 19. Com f"- llt1on at Pasadena Colle e P De~ember < and 10 and tfi~ Uni'.ers1tv of Southeru Cal forn1a January , and 7 1 11 complete t'SD's first seme er 1 tournament scheclul<.>.

s were off-and-on start-


ego Toreros last year's NCAA

' !egion_al r~presentative, are ~~!r~n ~;t r~ar's squad._ Ca- eri an an~ Fields , tice preparing for thei/se;. ~re ~~nrors and Fa_y is a sen- son opener at u D G m De io_r. immy Allen_, Jumor, and • 1 against the Bronco~ ~f c~i Bi~ tFerree, semor, are sec- Poly, Pomona. on . earn lettermen from last Six t . year. re urning lettermen U , •lead the squad of 16. Return- P from the Fro h squad mg lettermen Rick Cabrera are 6-? Phil Hand and 6-6 and A)an Fay were starters Jim Wilke, \l'~o are vieing for and Bill Sheridan and Ted center pos1hon on Coach Woolpert's squad, and 6-2 Bob -'IcCloskey and 6-5 ,John Gleave, who are forwards. m their second week of ra _ . , .

of San

A 10-

an l'nivcr i

11quad will




for Ana- two-day

leave by plane tQi:la conda, Mont., anq a

ll'h gets underway


tomorrow 1ght. Head cooch Phil Woolpert and frosh t'oach John Cunningham will accomµany the team Be- sides the wurney, the club will meet Montana, Jan. 2; Carroll College, Jan, 3, and r:astern Montana. J~n. 4, in other con- tests in the cold country. Making the trip will be Rick Cabrera, T1•d Fields, Bill Sh- eridan, Allan Fay, Gus Magee, ~urel Carpenter, Gr g Long, Jim Allen, Bill Ferree and Jim Wilke, Woolpert said he had not been advised who his nin~ op- ponent would t m row. Tourney teams include , ., on- lana, Carroll and Southern Colo- rado. Woolpe said hr intends to make some offensive adjust- ments for the ltjp, admitting · that the club has ,been ' st.agna- lmg" a bit. "I think WC hould be a better shooting team now and wP won't have lo rely on JU t one man," he said. Other 1. c, lie said he was pleased with the team's progress, ' •

Three transfer students fig- U:e to be tough in the run- ning for tarting positions also. Gus lagee, 6-7, 215 lbs: and Greg Long, 6-8, 200 lbs., are both after the center po- sition left empty by the loss of Phil Price and Dan Wight- m1P1. "There's no reason in the world why we can't return to th~ NCAA Playoffs again !,his year," said Woolpert. We have four starters back from last year's squad and any of our three transfers could win a starting role. Also, there's the height that the Frosh has given us." The Toreros have added no new teams to their schedule but the teams on the sched'. ule generally boost high num- bers of returning lettermen and good eeords. USO meets the San Di~go tat ztecs at State on Dec 1.3 and pla Cal We. ern tw1c1 in Febru ary,

Origin Prints For al


Support Our Advertisers - They Support Us Dr. Schanes Named Dean at College Dr Steven E. Schanes, 42, was appointed academic dean of the University of San Diego College for Men, effective December 1, according to Very Rev. John Paul Cadden, president of the college. Dr. Schane succeeds Rev. James L Birkley, who re- igned because of 111 health Dr. Schanes, a nativi, of Newark, N.J., received his extending the federal Social Security Law to public employees. Schanes is the author of



bachelor of arts degree cum laude m 1943 from the State Teacher's College in Mont- clair, N.J. He was awarded the President White Fellow- ship at Cornell Umversity where he received his Ph.D in 1948. Prt!vious teachmg as,,!:1rn1ents mclude Rutgers University, Boston University and Seton Hall University. Schanes brings to his posi- tion of academic dean a wide- range of administrative exper- ience. He is vice-president of Martin E. Segal Co . - Ac- tuaries and Consultants. He was director of ·ew Jersey State Division of Pensions from 195258, and m 1957 he was elected president of the National Conference of Social Security Administrators. He assisted in draftin"g the laws governing the retirement systems for the states of Hawaii , Kansas, New Jersey, and Oklahoma. On the national level SchanPs participated in

"International Cooperation in Civil Aviation" and "Benefits of Major Public Employee Retirement Systems". 1emberships of Dr. Schanes include American Political Science Association, Govern- mental Research Association, 1unicipal Finance Officers Association, American Pen- sion Conference, National Association of State Retire- ment Administrators, and American Society for Public Administration Dr. Schanes is listed in Who's Who in the East, Amer- ican Men of Science, Who's Who in Education and Leaders in American Science. Schanes. who holds the aca- demic rank of professor of political. science at USD. resides at 4884 San . Joquin Drive with his wife Christine and their five children.


USD Grabs 71-67 Win In Montana SPecial to The San Ditto Union MISSOULA, Mont. - The ho . shooting University of San Die- go last night handed the Mon; tana Grizzlies a 71-67 setba b_efore 2,000 disappointed p llsans. Alan Fay, Ted Fields an Rick Cabrera paced the Torero as they downed 52 per cent from the field and overcame a late Montana bid. Fay, playing one of his best games of the season, hil seven for 10 from the floor and bagged 17 points, ":1elds and Cabrera, who sank six of 10, added 15 and 14 points, respectively. The Californians were ahead,. 35-29, at the half and moved to an 11-point lead at 41-30 three minutes into the second half. But the Grizzlies chipped away and caught the Toreros at 50-all with 10 minutes left. A pair ?f shots by guard Bill Sheridan m the last three min- utes . provided the important margm. The Toreros sank 26 of 50 field shots while Montan had 26 of 61. For the Grizzlies, high scorin was by Gregg Hansen with 18 points and Dennis Biletnikoff formerly of Southwestern Col: lege, with 15. USD, which has a 6-5 record meets Carroll College tonight at 7 o'clock (PST) and Eastern Montana tomorrow night. USO (71) MONTANA (67) Sh.rldon G, ~G F p TG F p T Cabrera 6 2 2 1" Brown 2 3 3 7 Flttd's 6 3 1 15 Hanson a 2 , 18 , Magee O 2 s 2 JOhnston .( o .( a Fov 1 3 .1 17 Conrod o o 1 o, Wilke I O 1 2 Bll'tn'k'f 6 J J ls Cari:,tnter 1 6 ' 8 Durgin o , 2 -4 : Allrn O 2 O 2 Clark. 5 2 3 12 j ForrP~ 1 0 1 2. Por-.ons 1 l 5 • Totals 26 19 20 71 Totals 26 15 2S 67 Halftime score: ~5, 29 ,

. ·,

• I

f reros Bow To Montana five, 61-55 S11ec:lal to The San Diego Union BILLINGS, :\font. - . Three free throws each by Ernie Fort- ney and Don Russell last night. enabled Eastern Montana to gain a 61-55 basketball victory over invading University of San Diego. The free throws came within the last two mmutcs after the Toreros had battled b a c k to near-even terms. This was USD's fourth loss on a five- game road trip through Mon- tana. Charles Kelly, who defeated USD with a I ale basket in the recent Anaconda tournament, shared scoring honors with Jim Soft Ior the Montana quintet. Each collected 16 points. The Toreros, who have a 6-7 season mark, were in foul trou- Jile early and lost center Dural Carpenter shortly after the sec- ond half began and forward Alan Fay in the final period. Three members of the Toreros hit in double figures. Rick Cabrera collected 14 11oints, Jim Wilke had 12 and Bill Sheridan 11. USO returns home and will play host to Loyola t:nivcrsily Saturday night. • USD cm E. MONT 1) GFPT Ti Sheridon • J 3 11 Babcock s \ ~fc-b~;'°a • 3 1• K<:IIV 16 Mogu 1 11 ! o , 3 1 ~~rke ; j 12 ~~~t;ev 2 f l~ ~~~;enter g i Soft 5 6 2 I Total, 21 13 26 5S Totals• 20 21 18 61 HolfllmP ~core: E Mor.Iona 31, USO 28. F

USD Toreros Open Season With Wins

LE;,,/A, Mont..- niversity San Diego ran into a hot Carroll College team which shot : 60 er cent from the field here night and lhe Toreros 1 ped a 102-72 basketball de- ' 1 ~d by Tony Sapil and Arnie I ,Andersen, both 6-7 and 225 i pound , Carroll hit on its first i ix attempts at the basket for a ' quick lead and never trailed in Iii inn:ng its seventh game again- 1 t ~ix defeat·. USO is now 6-6. Carroll which owned a 47-34 I edge at intermission, had only ' two fouls cal'.ed against it in the ! 1r~t half, the second one at the ,ha flime buzzer. USO wound up 111th a 20-11 edge in fouls for the r night. t Rick Cabrera scored 24 points E as high man for the Toreros e With Ted Fields adding 22. USO In ends its road trip against I Eastern Montana tonight at Bil- g lings and returns home to face I ti Loyola of Los Angeles Satur- n 1~ CARROLL (1112) USO cm C GFPT ci ion.

USD sy Win Over Peps LOS A, ·GEtES-University of San Diego's outside-shooting To ero pul ed out to a big lead and coasted to an 84-70 basket- ball victory over Pepperdine College on the loser's floor la t mght. Tius the Toreros' third beating the Wave Frosh, tra1ght tn11mph. 86-76, in the preliminary as 1''our L "D performers hit in Jeff Filzmger tabulated 26 double figure with guards · ts Ted Fields and Bill Sheridan 111 • leading the way with 22 and The Toreros will go after 19 potnls, re peclively. Alan ·o 4 tonight at Fr no State Fay had 12 while Rick Ca- against the Bulldogs from the brera, the club"s usual high C l1hrnia Colle 1 te Athletic corer, adding only IO. c;, nee. Tipoff is set for 8. With fields and Sheridan . triking from outside, USO o ts

With victories in their first two games, the University of San Diego Toreros will in- vade the Pepperdine campus this Friday night, December 9 then travel to Fresno State for a Saturday, December 10, encounter. The Toreros could tie the series standing with Pepper- dine at four games each with a victory Friday night. Cap. Steve Ebey will lead the Pep- perdine starters. He scored 13.4 points a game last year and had one of the top field goal percentages in the West Coast Athletic Conference. Other starters for the Waves are expected to be Hal Grant (6-9) at center, Tandy Holmes (6-1) at forward and Ron White- house and Gary Dinnel at the guard positions. Pepperdine lost its opener to the Univer- sity of Utah, 115-64, and Jost to Weber State (Utah) last Saturday in overtime, 104-96. After pulling out a 59-58 win in their opener here against Cal Poly, Pomona, the Toreros traveled to Cal State, Los Angeles, where they pulled out an 86-83 • overtime win over the Dia bias after forward Rick Cabrera ha d made a 17 . foo t jumper to knot the count

as the buzzer sounded. Cabrera, who is averaging 20 pomts per game, will st t at forward and will be joined by Alan Fay. Ted Fields (16.0) and Bill Sheridan will draw the starting guard positions After his performance against Cal State, Gus Magee. (17 re- bounds and 17 points may draw the starting bid a( center over Dure! Carpente:-. ' Fresno State, which claimed a rebuilding season this year, seems to be stronger than expected. The Bulldogs won their opener over University of California, Santa Barbara, Saturday night, 79-59. The Bulldogs will start Ron Reigel (6-7) or Wes Russell (6-7) at center, Russell, Bob Lee (6-3) or Jack Kennedy (6-4) at forwards and Harry Maloney (6-0) or Lee and Jim Waldron at guard. Waldron is F resno's only veteran starter. Coach John Cunningham's USD frosh team exploded in their first two games this season, smothering Cal Poly of Pomona JV squad, 73-49, Thursday, and coming back to smash the frosh of Cal State, Los Angeles, 90-61, Saturday in Los Angeles.

mounted a 20-point halftime lead. In the second half, the 'aves whittled the score to a 10-po t deficit but couldn't t e invaders' accurate


1 1 J ol ll ~J~~'w ~4 j C 1 0 0 1' 3 .. " 10 1 0 0 J (' 1 1 1 J

7 3 1 17 Sheridan 1 3 1 7 Cobrero 5 2 3 12 Fields 1 21 '4M00tt 2 O1 Fov 12 2 2 26 Wilke 11 A 2 26 C'rc'nter 0 2 0 2 Allen 1 0 0

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